

With a saddened face and a worried heart Mel held her belly, Wuxin had left her a week ago in a panic. Promising to be back right away after he saves his mother and sister he vanished. Mel knew about his background after guessing it and figuring it out herself.

The clothes she saw him wear the first day she met him and the way his body was injured told her he wasn't a normal person. He didn't tell her but she figured it out, his aura was one of a trained killer filled with malice and evil one would only get after killing a bunch of people.

Wuxin had asked her if she was scared of him, but she told him she wasn't even though his body leaked a strong scary aura. She was used to dead bodies and scary people, she knew how to defend herself and was quick to fight to protect those she loved.

Mel felt an ache in her belly before her water broke and she sat down in pain. After an hour of painful labor by herself, Mel held her child in her hand. A healthy and strong female girl slept in her arm, before Mel got to relaxed she felt another contraction.

This time it took her two hours before a weak baby boy ended up in her arm. Looking at the weird alien looking babies Mel cried they were so adorable to her.

Having no time to rest Mel cleaned up after herself and the babies, both of her children didn't cry and it kind of made Mel worried.

Tired and sleepy Mel forced herself to stay awake as she forced herself to read the journal in her hand. Just as she thought, inside the Diary laid four jade bookmarks each label as Mel, Wuxin,

Baby 1, and Baby 2.

Holding her urges to name them right then and there she forced herself to wait for Wuxin. Reading the information inside the diary she found out that the color the jades turn to correspondence to their physical condition.

Baby 1, the girl, was clean shade of green while Mel was a pale shade of yellow. Meaning that the baby was healthy and Mel's body was stressed. Baby 2's Jade was a strong yellow with streaks of orange, the baby health wasn't so well.

There were four colors written down starting from green, yellow, orange to red, each was worse than the one before. Also purple stood for poison and black stood for cursed. Mel held Wuxin's jade tightly as it turned red slowly.

There were streaks of black on it and red started to surround it. Extremely worried Mel began to pack the stuff she needed, another function of the jade was to locate the person's location and Mel was going to find him.