
Kiss me

Feeling the baby kicking in her belly Mel called out to Wuxin. Wuxin woke up immediately, " the baby is kicking, come feel" Mel whispered. Wuxin shakily moved his rough, warm hands unto Mel's belly. Feeling the baby kick Wuxin became emotional and eyes become teary.

" What's wrong big guy?" Mel asked softly.

During these months Mel learned more about the outside world. Even though she didn't go out because Wuxin said it was dangerous she learned a lot of things just by hearing it form Wuxin. For example, this world had magic and many magical things.

Wuxin stayed silent, he was deciding if he should tell Mel the truth. Mel held his warm hand up to her cheek, " Wuxin you can tell me anything I won't judge you, I mean we are already married don't you think I have a right to know?"

" I'm cursed," he muttered silently.

" Cursed?" Mel whispered back

" Cursed to be infertile…" Wuxin sighed.

" I'm pregnant now so don't worry about that." Mel said letting him feel her belly again.

" I know, but my lady I want more kids." Wuxin blushed.

Mel laughed, " Don't worry we will heal your curse one day in the future so let's focused on the little one we have coming."

Wuxin smiles blinded Mel's eyes, they made a deal on Mel's demand not to do anything sexual with each other until Mel gave birth and she was ready, but she was going to break it now.

Wuxin was starting to look like a meal every single day. Mel got on top of Wuxin with her big belly after Wuxin closed his eyes in rest again. She took this chance to steal her first kiss from him but she was stopped by a hand. Wuxin growled,

" please don't tempt me milady, I don't know if I'll be able to hold back next time, don't test my limit."

Mel gave up and left, letting Wuxin rest in peace as she was in the living room. Mel thought to herself if he was able to hold back by himself then he needs help. Mel sat down and prayed 'please house give me something that will be able to hold Wuxin down as I make my way with him.'

3...2...1… Mel counted as she opened the closet in the living room. Yes! She found what she needed, the house gave her a handcuff. Mel showed up silently next to Wuxin, he peeked his eyes opened making sure it was her and fell back asleep. Mel waited until Wuxin was truly asleep before making her move. She quickly cuffed Wuxin onto the bed and wait for him to get his rest.

"What's this?" Wuxin asked, waving his hand around he found out he was unable to break free from it. Realizing that he was bound to the bed he looked at Mel questionly.

" Don't fuel the flames milady!" He growled deeply.

A little bit scared and excited at the same time she climbed on to his chest. " I just want a small little kiss, we've been married for several months already~"

" I don't know if I will be able to be satisfied with just a small little kiss," Wuxin jokes.

" that's what the hand cuff is for…" Mel smile innocently

Mel leaned down to give Wuxin a peck on his forehead, "arrrggg you are so adorable!" She insisted.

Looking at his pink plump lips hungrily she leans down to devour it.

Wuxin tightly zips up his lip in defense.

Surprised at the sudden action of his Mel pouts.

" Why are you like this, do you actually not like me!" She cried " Why did you marry me then, are you playing with this lady's heart!" She spoke heart broken. " This lady can afford to take care of my child myself, if you don't actually like me leave!" She spoke angrily.

A flame grew in Wuxin eyes seeing her upset,

" Milady you must understand my struggle...it's hard for me to control myself when you are like this. I don't want to hurt our child"

"Hurt of child?" Mel questioned, as if getting enlightenment Mel turned around suddenly.

" Don't turn around!" Wuxin spoke urgently.

Too late, Mel had already turned around and focused her gaze to small little mountain behind her. " You beast!" She blushed, she looked back at Wuxin who avoid eye contact.

" Milady I told you I couldn't control myself." Wuxin was embarrassed.

With a reddened face and a satisfied heart Mel gave up and ran away.

There is a 18+ version of this chapter if y'all even wanna see it........ummmm yeah.

Sansansenpaicreators' thoughts