

Vonica_Senpai · Teen
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3 Chs


After several months of battling to survive, I was finally released to go home. My new life and family awaited me! We arrived at our home, in the suburbs of Chicago. Valerie and I were greeted to a welcome home party with her sisters,(Yolanda and Evelyn) their kids, Shelia, along with her son and my father Robert. As everyone crowded around, anxious to see us, Robert said to Valerie "Welcome home my beautiful girls!" As he hugged and kissed my mother I look around, every thing is new and different to me. I began to cry as Valerie begins unbuckling me from my seat belt. She excuses herself from the party while she, Robert and I head to the nursery. It was beautiful neutral color themed room. She sits me down inside my crib playing lullabies to get me wined down for a nap.

As Valerie and Robert walk out the room, they hug each other dearly! As tears roll down their faces Robert starts off by saying "I love her so much! She's beautiful honey!" Valerie cries tears of joy. "I'm so glad you think so honey. We've prayed so long for a child and God has finally answered our prayers!" She exclaims. "So what happened in the hospital with Jeanine? Did the police catch her?" Robert questioned. "No. She left after giving birth to her." "Did she at least sign the paper work? he asked. "Honey she just got up and left. She was probably so high, she didn't care about anything but those damn drugs!" she said angrily. "Then how were you able to bring her home? he asked. "The doctor and case manager just let me check her out as if I was Jeanine. I think it was a sign from God honey! Our family is finally whole!" she exclaimed. He wasn't sure if he should say something to make her realize just how worried he was about this situation. But he decided to let it be. "Maybe you're right. Come on, let's get back to our guest.

While everyone is eating, drinking and opening gifts, Yolanda and Evelyn couldn't wait to congratulate their sister! "Valerie, she is such a cutie pie! I'm so happy for you and Robert." cries Evelyn. "Thank you, but you don't have to --", Yolanda cuts in. "No we mean it sis. Out of anyone you deserve this! Especially after last year." Valerie looks down in shame. As the room goes quiet, Robert comes over to comfort his wife. "Here love, I've been waiting to give you this." He says. "She opens the box with a bracelet engraved "World's best wife and mother". She is so thrilled and overcome with joy she begins to cry. "Thank you! You all have no idea how much this means to me. To us!!!" Valerie exclaims!

Just as everyone was settling down and heading out for the night, the was a loud and abrupt knock at the door. Curious as to who could be knocking this late at night, Robert opens the door. "Can I help you?," he replies. This mystery woman looks vaguely familiar to him as Valerie walks up "Honey who's at the....door?...." her eyes in disbelief. "Hello Valerie, long time no see. As Valerie stood there in a state of shock, Robert ask "I'm sorry who are you?" The woman turns to him and replied, I'm Jeanine's sister and aunt to baby you all took from our family. I'm here to take her home!"

HOME!?! Who did this bitch think she was? For months as I suffered, without not one of my so called "family members" by side. Yet who was she to suddenly think she had the right to barge in and take me away! "Excuse me!" Yolanda exclaimed. "My sister is her mother! She has been at the hospital everyday through out her recovery, fed and loved this child for months since your sister walked out of her life! Not to mention where were you and your "family" when she was born, huh? You don't just get to pick and choose when you do and don't want her in your lives!" she said angrily. "That's right, not to mention, Jeanine agreed to give us the baby! Which is why we took her in, supported her, even put her in rehab just to ensure a safe labor and delivery! We supported her both physically and financially when your own mother put her out! So for you to stand there and claim OUR child, you must be out of your mind!" Robert said in a cold tone.

However the fact still remained. Whether I'd be with my new family or be taken by the family who abandoned me. "Well I was hoping I wouldn't have to resort to involving the authorities, but it seems there's no resolution to this pointless argument. Appearing before them all, was Monica. That's right! The same CPS worker from the hospital, along with two officers appeared from behind her. "I'm sorry but without the proper legal documentation between the biological mother and you all the child is legally the biological family's legal responsibility," Monica said with a trace of regret. "You can have a few minutes to say goodbye. However, if you don't comply with the relinquishing of the child, we'll be forced to arrest you."

My family, that was so eager and ecstatic hours ago of my arrival, had been slowly shattered to pieces! Valerie and Robert tried for so many years to have a child, only for this bittersweet moment. They'd never felt so hurt than the children they had lost due to her condition. This was a new kind of low, even worse than death! What were they to think? How were they to feel? So many emotions ran through their minds they couldn't comprehend it!! "This isn't fair Robert! It's not right! We've come so far and did every thing we could to help that woman and now it's all for nothing!? she said with disdain. "Listen to me, we're not giving up on our family. Not by a long shot. We'll get a lawyer and fight this. But for now, she has to go with them." he replied.

As they watched me being taken out of their arms and crying for the family I had come to now know. What was I to expect now with such a traumatic change? Only time will tell...