

Over the next few years, it was a challenge to even open up to a house full of strangers. People of a different color that did not look familiar at all to the faces I had come to know and love. What did they expect? That I would just accepting and willing dog? Let's just say, they had another thing coming! I may have only been within my toddler years, but everyone knows a child is the best judge of character. They can easily spot a good or bad person a mile away! And these people, were anything but my family!! The house would be crowded full of people. Loud and obnoxious, constant arguing, filthy you name it! They hardly paid attention to me when they weren't feeding me.

When my so called "aunt" LeAnn wasn't around who knows what was going on? The house was full of people, day in and day out. It was hard to keep track of who was who at times. Most of them were either drug addicts, alcoholics, or even a combination of the two. But what I wasn't prepared for was the monster lurking in the shadows!! He was an older cousin who suffered bipolar schizophrenia. He had a dark aurora about him I couldn't shake. The way he would look at me, was very uncomfortable but no one noticed since the house was always crowded. It only took for everyone to be out that day and me being left alone... I was quietly watching TV in my little room, when I heard my door creak open,

If it wasn't bad enough our own building had caught on fire because everyone had left the house and choose to leave a 2 almost 3 year old in it. Could you blame me? By the time the fire department got done putting out the fire, they began talking to police about the incident. Then not soon afterwards my old friend from child protective services arrives at the seen. As if like a saving grace, she walks over to me and sees my crying face. It didn't take too long for them to piece it all together about who or what started the fire. "Well it's obvious to see that fire was caused by this hot comb station and lego but where were you all when this occurred?" asked the fire commissioner. No one had a response as they each looked around at each other. "I'm sorry but this is not a stable home for her to be in if she's going to be unsupervised. Just think of what could've happened if your neighbor hadn't broken down the door to save her in time!" The lady from child protective services added. "We will be taking her with us unless you have someone responsible to take care of her and her needs."

They all sat back in silence, not because they felt ashamed but angered that the only person they knew who would be willing to take on that responsibility, was the same person they all resented. She obly thought if herself and was so self absorbed. She had money and made a life for herself since she was 17 years old and moved out of her mother's house. My aunt Rianna, was very wealthy but she had no time to care for another woman's child. Even if it was her own niece. When my Jeanine found out her Rianna and boyfriend split, she was quick to hop on the money train. Ever since then, she refused to acknowledge her as her sister and even resented the children had. Acted as if we never existed at all.

That night as I sat in yet another unfamiliar home, I couldn't help but have a trantum here and there. Refusing to eat while I slept was my only comfort. The only thing I had left of my mom was the memory of her voice. When she sang, it was as if being called by an angel of the Lord! Monica watched as I slept. Seeing me have night terrors was nearly torcher to her. So the next morning she went to her superiors and filed a motion to have me placed in the one home she knee I belonged.

My adopted mother and father stood in my nursery. They never gave up hope that one day I might return to their loving, open arms. Who'd of thought that day would come sooner than later?... A knock on the door could be hear from the window of my room upstairs. My father walked down to the CPS lady. He stood and looked down at a child wearing boy clothes and nappy braids. He was a bit confused as to what was going on, but my mother soon appeared and recognized her child right away. She picked me up into her warm, and loving arms! Began singing, just as she died the first day she held. It had felt like I had just been reborn, as my family was brought back together again!! Who ever said miracles don't come true, never believed in the power of love!