
Worldwide Simulation Era Free

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Fantasy_Bringer · Anime & Comics
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Worldwide Simulation Era Chapter 7

Lin Qiye knew that he couldn't relax.

If you don't survive past the age of eighteen, then everything will come to nothing.

Even when he was two years old, he wisely avoided the poisoning of milk powder, even if he became a doctoral student at the age of ten.

He still hasn't completed the task of breaking the limit.

If you don't endure the disaster at the age of eighteen, it is not a success.


Lin Qiye spent a year mastering all the knowledge about life sciences in this world.


He began to sprint on topics that have not been broken through for decades and hundreds of years.

I saw the topic selected by Lin Qiye.

Professor Yuan's face was full of fear.

"Lin Qiye, don't be too ambitious. You're only ten years old, so you don't need to focus on special topics. I'm afraid you will suffer setbacks and you will never recover."

Professor Yuan persuaded seriously.

He felt that Lin Qiye's steps were too big.

Why do you rush to a problem that top scientists can't solve for decades or hundreds of years?

If the key fails, then it is doomed!


Lin Qiye's eyes were firm: "I can study, I want to try!"

Seeing Lin Qiye's resolute expression of reckless determination.

Professor Yuan was touched for a while, and patted Lin Qiye on the shoulder.

"The way you look without hesitation for the truth reminds me of Copernicus who gave his life to his death."

"You are a pure seeker. I see the light in your eyes. I see a pure heart in you."

Professor Yuan's voice was choked, he took off his glasses, wiped the water mist on the glasses, and sighed while wiping:

"You are my best student. I wish you the best of luck! Even if you encounter setbacks, you must be open to it, and don't be discouraged.

You have to remember that scientific research is God throwing dice. Don't dig into the bull's-eye! "

Professor Yuan entrusted him word by word.

He had already regarded Lin Qiye as his own son.

A bitter exhortation.

With a moved face, Lin Qiye hugged Professor Yuan hard, and then plunged into the subject of which he could not see any reward.

As Lin Qiye expected, the difficulty that has plagued mankind for decades is not unusually high.

Even though Lin Qiye was blessed with a Nobel Prize Scientist Wisdom Card, he felt a little bit of a struggle, as if he was walking in a quagmire.


Lin Qiye has his own advantages. His [Creation Deduction], even if it is not activated, can give Lin Qiye an intuition.

Relying on his amazing intuition, Lin Qiye was able to seize the breakthrough and overcome difficulties repeatedly!

In just one year, Lin Qiye published five landmark papers.

And two of them were selected into the journal Science.

Five top papers made Lin Qiye's status in the Xia Kingdom skyrocket.

With tears of joy, Professor Yuan allowed Lin Qiye to graduate from Doctorate.

at the same time.

Xiaguo University of Science and Technology, hired him as a professor.

With the help of Professor Yuan, Lin Qiye has his own laboratory and can recruit his own laboratory assistants.

In the next five years, Lin Qiye was extremely diligent in his output, with five milestone papers every year.

Fragmented papers are emerging one after another.

Even Lin Qiye's scientific friends, because Lin Qiye's suggestions are accurate and effective, often give him a name in the paper.

Lin Qiye became a paper madman and a legend in the industry.

Fame began to spread.

A popular science article became a hit online—

"Lin Qiye, the prodigy of the Xia Kingdom that you don't know: 20 milestone studies in overcoming cancer in the past 100 years, 12 of which are exclusively for one person! True Cancer Killer! "

The article lists Lin Qiye's achievements in detail.

With easy-to-understand brushstrokes, Lin Qiye's sky-defying achievements are depicted vividly.

Even at the end of the article, he vowed to claim: Lin Qiye will lead mankind to conquer cancer!

Cancer will always be a common disease.

The Nobel Prize was awarded to Lin Qiye, which is the honor of the Nobel Prize, not the honor of Lin Qiye.

This article is popular on many platforms.

It caused a heated discussion among millions of netizens.

"Professionals, Lin Qiye's boss is really against the sky, and his scientific research ability is invincible."

"Don't brag, don't black, Lin Qiye is a contemporary myth in the field of life sciences. What's even more frightening is that he is only fifteen years old!"

"Hahaha, the boss is our senior. I met him in front of his laboratory. He is fifteen years old, 1.8 meters tall, handsome, talented, and invincible. I want to be an assistant in his laboratory, but his level Not enough, the application failed."

"Cut, it's just a domestic rant. It's so powerful, why hasn't it been recognized internationally? Didn't you get a single award?"

"Indeed, it's actually a study that is not worth mentioning at all. It turned out to be the number one in the world, and I laughed out loud. The West still wants you to study for a hundred years!"

"It's useless at all! You're bragging, how come you don't see the cost of medical treatment being reduced? Why don't you take money to see a doctor for the common people first?"

The article became popular, and the Internet of Things appeared.

They think that flies can discredit warriors.

As everyone knows, Lin Qiye is not bothered by the chaos of the world.

His goal, there is always only one - that is to conquer the terminal illness in the body.

The time left for him is getting less and less...

At the age of sixteen, it was the beginning of spring.

in the laboratory.

Lin Qiye raised his head, looked downstairs in the laboratory, exploded a landscape tree full of green shoots, and let out a sigh of relief.

And outside the laboratory door.

Lin's father and Lin's mother were flushed with excitement, like hyperthyroidism, and shouted loudly.

"Son, something has happened to my son! Something has happened to you!"

Lin Qiye was helpless, opened the door of the laboratory, and stretched.

Looking at the parents standing outside the door, and the extremely excited Professor Yuan.

"whats the matter?"

Mother Lin grabbed Lin Qiye's arm.

"Son, you won the Lasker Clinical Medicine Award, and the organizer invited you to go abroad to receive the award!

This is the highest award in the field of life sciences! It's the announcement of the Nobel Prize.

Winning this award means that you have a 90% probability of winning the Nobel Prize! "

Lin Qiye's heart was not fluctuating, UU reading www.uukanshu.com waved his hand to refuse: "If you don't have time, don't go."

Professor Yuan was astonished.

"Why don't you go to accept the award? I've dreamed of it! Get ready and go to accept the award."

Lin Qiye's face was indifferent: "I'm not interested, it's better to do an experiment."

Lin Qiye sternly refused.

After learning that Lin Qiye was too lazy to accept the award, all the professors at Xiaguo University of Science and Technology all sighed with embarrassment.

I wish I could become Lin Qiye to take it.

The school leaders came to ask Lin Qiye to accept the award again and again.


Lin Qiye's attitude was firm, and he came one after the other.


Although Lin Qiye did not go to accept the award, the award was still awarded to Lin Qiye.

Because the judges all know: Lin Qiye does not need the Lasker Clinical Medicine Award to prove his gold content. But the Lasker Clinical Medicine Award needs Lin Qiye to prove his gold content!

After all, Lin Qiye's scientific research results are really against the sky.

And Lin Qiye ignored the Lasker Clinical Medicine Award, and the Lasker Clinical Medicine Award kneeling and licking like a first love was also drawn as an anthropomorphic picture by netizens.

In the picture, the Lasker Award for Clinical Medicine after the nianghuan, bulging forward and backward, wearing white silk, hugging Lin Qiye's arm tightly, but Lin Qiye disliked it and pushed him away.

Netizens burst into laughter, and the memes spread everywhere.

But happiness belongs to netizens, but Lin Qiye was a little nervous.

"At the age of sixteen, will the outbreak of terminal illness be far behind?

"After ten years of sharpening the sword, it's time to take it out and cut it!"

Lin Qiye took a deep breath.

Right now.

The beep that hadn't been heard for seven years finally sounded in Lin Qiye's mind.