
Worldwide Simulation Era Free

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Fantasy_Bringer · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Worldwide Simulation Era Chapter 6

Lin Qiye knew.

Understanding this large number of profound knowledge points has unparalleled benefits for [Creation Deduction].

It can greatly increase the probability of overcoming a terminal illness, and it can make him change his life against the sky!


Lin Qiye forgot to eat and sleep, immersed in academia!

The pleasure of climbing the peak of science makes his adrenaline and dopamine secrete like crazy.

Three months passed in a flash.

Spring is here.

Mother Lin knocked lightly outside the door.

"Darling, it's New Year's Eve, no matter what, you have to take a rest today."

Hearing the call, Lin Qiye put down the information given by Professor Yuan and walked out of the room with a stretched waist.

On the table in the living room, there is a table full of sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner.

"Dangdang, happy new year, darling, you are nine years old!"

Lin's father and Lin's mother congratulated Lin Qiye.

"I hope our little seven nights can be healthy and happy for a lifetime!"

Hear the words.

Lin Qiye was stunned for a moment, and his heart couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Nine years old?

This is a special time point.

If he drank poisoned milk powder, he would now be a big-headed doll who just entered kindergarten, a mentally handicapped child.

Fortunately, he changed his life against the sky.

The current Lin Qiye is a doctoral student.

It is an elite doctor whose paper has appeared on the cover of a domestic first-line journal!

"Life is really full of emotions..."

Lin Qiye looked out the window full of fireworks.

On the still immature face, there are mature and sighing meanings that do not belong to this age.

But almost for an instant.

Lin Qiye hid his emotions.

Instead, he happily enjoyed the New Year's Eve dinner with Lin's father and Lin's mother, and spent the New Year's Eve.

There are fireworks outside the window.

Amidst the dazzling fireworks, a crisp and pleasant reminder sounded in Lin Qiye's mind...

[Defying the sky and changing your life successfully: At the age of 6, you entered the university and completed your freshman and sophomore studies at home. ]

[Defying the sky and changing your life successfully: At the age of 7, you completed your third and fourth year of junior high school at home. ]

[Successful change of fate against the sky: 8 years old, your graduation thesis amazed your supervisor, the supervisor is very fond of you, and you are specially recruited for a doctorate. ]

[Defying the sky and changing your life successfully: At the age of 9, you went straight to the doctor. Your future is bright. ]

[The Gem of Life Lamp is perfected to two-thirds...]

[You have gained 1000 walking points. ]

Looking at the generous reward, Lin Qiye was pleasantly surprised.

"It actually gave me 1000 walking points! Now, my walking points have reached 2000... Although it is a little far from the 9500 walking points..."


"If I rely on the Nobel Prize-winning scientist's smart card, specialize in the field of cancer and biological sciences, and master the world's top-level relevant knowledge... and then deduce a plan to overcome a terminal illness, it may only take 5,000 walking points, I'm not sure!"

Lin Qiye clenched his fist secretly.

There are only nine years left until the terminal illness broke out at the age of eighteen.

In nine years, whoever loses who wins, the universe is uncertain!

He must change his life!

"By the way, check your physical condition first. In terms of physical health, there can be no accidents. If there is another problem with your body, it will be a lot of fun."

Lin Qiye was cautious as always.

Consume 10 walking points at will, and the creation deduction starts.

[This creation deduction consumes 10 walking points (1990 walking points remaining)]

[Deduction result: The current body is very healthy, only the congenital acute disease gene is lurking in the bone marrow, and the disease gene will suddenly break out at the age of eighteen. ]

"Okay, the body is fine, terminal illness is the super boss..."

Lin Qiye shook his head and took a deep breath.

He looked at the two papers lying quietly on the desk.

"The next step is to become a leader in the field of cancer and become famous in the Xia Kingdom!

In this way, I can use the whole country to conquer and research terminal illnesses.

Only let the top scientific research forces from all over the country and even the world gather together to help me continue my life! "

Lin Qiye's plan was clear.

In order to achieve the goal as soon as possible, the first day after the Spring Festival.

Lin Qiye took the paper and, accompanied by Mother Lin, came to Professor Yuan's laboratory.

Professor Yuan was stunned: "You have only been studying for a PhD for three months, and you have written two papers?"

Lin Qiye's expression was indifferent and cold.

"I have an idea before, just need to verify it. Ask the teacher to check the quality."

Professor Yuan nodded and opened the first paper.

"Experimental demonstration, metabolite consumption, whether it has anti-tumor effect"

... (paper experiments, etc.)

After many control experiments above, it can be known that cells lacking p53 are very sensitive to serine consumption.

Therefore, it is shown that the removal of such amino acids through dietary changes, or pharmacological approaches, has therapeutic potential for the treatment of p53-deficient tumors.

Professor Yuan turned to the first page and casually began to instill life experience.

"Actually...with your talent, the number of papers is not important, the quality is king..."

Halfway through.

Professor Yuan obediently shut his mouth.

There was light in his eyes, and he concentrated on analyzing the experimental process, the method of analyzing and demonstrating, and the conclusion.

He was stunned!

"The idea of ​​this paper is really creative! It provides a brand new idea for cancer treatment!"

"It's even said that you can win an international heavyweight award in medicine with this paper."

Professor Yuan spoke quickly.

Appears very excited.

If the content of the paper is true, then Lin Qiye will become famous in the field of biological sciences!

Nine years old.

What is the concept of becoming famous in the field of scientific research?

It can only be said that he is an unborn genius!


However, Professor Yuan has some doubts.

"Can the experiments in the paper be repeated?"

Lin Qiye said firmly: "It can be repeated. It can be repeated a thousand times, ten thousand times."

Professor Yuan took a deep breath.

I looked at the second paper again.

There was a long silence.

Professor Yuan is numb.

It is still a top academic journal with a cover-level paper!

He was only nine years old, how could he go against the sky to such an extent?

Professor Yuan's expression was complicated, mixed with excitement and frustration.

"It can only be said that you were born for scientific research! I will help you submit to international journals, and wait for good news! You can mention whatever you want."

Just over a year.

The three top papers in the field are enough for Professor Yuan to use all resources to support Lin Qiye.

After all, the gold content of every paper is ridiculously high, and he... can get a little light.

Found a baby!

Professor Yuan was so overjoyed that he helped Lin Qiye submit the manuscript.

So. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Lin Qiye was nine years old.

The three papers made a sensation in the field of life science and technology.

The international academic circles call him the prince of life science and technology. With time, there is no limit to it!

The domestic media made an uproar.

For a while, the remarks that the child prodigy's talent was perfectly exchanged were published in the newspapers.

But these have nothing to do with Lin Qiye.

He doesn't care.

Still incarnate as a hard-working monk, striving to explore the frontier fields of life science and technology.

The only thing in the outside world that deserves his attention.

It is a brand-new paper of various top journals.

For each new paper, he would read it back and forth a dozen times.

These can widen the depth of Lin Qiye's thoughts.


In many papers, there are also mistakes and omissions and points worth adding.

Every now and then, Lin Qiye would send an email to the author of the paper, listing his thoughts in detail.

Often only a day or two later, the original author would be so excited to reply and thank him.

Through exchanges, Lin Qiye made friends with all the first-class professors in the field of life sciences, even Nobel Prize winners and Lasker Prize winners in clinical medicine are among his friends.

The top leaders in the entire biological science field want to cooperate with Lin Qiye.

If there is any new idea, I will chat with Lin Qiye by email.

Lin Qiye's progress was faster.

When I was ten years old, I only needed 8,500 walking points to deduce the cost of treating cancer.

This is a big improvement!

Although you still need to get 6500 walking points, you can change your life against the sky.

But hope is in sight!

"There are only eight years left..."

Lin Qiye felt the urgency of time.

"I need to work harder!"