
Worlds of Desire (R-18)

The world of suffering, escaped from within Every journey to conquer begins with sin. When the self-condemned soul burns in fire The sufferers of fate shall wield their desire. ____________________________________________________________________ This book contains the story of various worlds where a protagonist, or maybe an antagonist, stands out from the crowd and encounters circumstances that lead them towards a path where they willfully decide to act on their desires. [The first will be called W1 (World 1), the second will be called W2 (World 2), and so on. But instead of running them messily parallel, they will be released in arcs. For example: W1.A1-1 will be the first chapter and end at W1.A1-2#. Then I'll release W2.A1 (World 2: Arc 1), which will be a new world with a new story. Similar worlds with codes in a similar pattern (W3, W4, W5, etc.) will continue to be released. But in between, I will also release Arc 2 of the Old Worlds that will further their stories. The final chapter pattern is W#.A# - #] ____________________________________________________________________ https://www.patreon.com/PenOfChaos ____________________________________________________________________

PenOfChaos · Fantasy
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44 Chs

W1.A1-7: A Mother’s Sacrifice – The Landlord’s Invitation

"Don't worry, Madam Celine." A chubby middle-aged woman, garbed in a stylish but beautiful dress, spoke.

"I will send someone to deliver it to you before sunset," the woman added further in a reassuring tone.

Celine, who was closely examining an ocean blue colored piece of fabric, nodded before passing the piece in her hand over to the chubby woman as she said, "Make one in this piece too."

The chubby lady happily accepted the new order and added more words to make her generous customer feel comfortable with their services.

Celine, with Yena in tow, left the tailor's shop.

"Madam…" Yena, who was carrying a brown paper parcel in her hand, spoke, "Don't you think that maybe we have ordered a bit too much?" She hesitated for a moment before adding, "Our current finances are-"

"No need to continue." But Celine stopped her by waving her hand. She said, "It's been five years since he left for the capital." A faint hint of sorrow appeared in her eyes as she added, "Who knows how much longer it will take for him to come back after he leaves this time?"

She then sighed. "I just want to give him something that can remind him of me every day he's away."

Yena also fell silent. She could feel her madam's melancholic mood, so she didn't say anything else and just accompanied her as they walked towards their mansion.

"Oh?" Suddenly, somebody exclaimed, "Isn't this the Madam of the Marvson Mansion?" Along with the voice appeared a man who was smiling while looking at Celine.

He was a middle-aged man of big stature with a heavy body. He wore luxurious velvet clothes with various gold and gem jewelry adorning his fingers and neck.

His slick, salt-pepper hair was combed backwards. Along with the cunning look of a businessman flashing from time to time, he looked like the perfect example of a landlord.

…and it was actually the truth.

"Landlord Vile…" Celine narrowed her eyes as she looked at the smiling man who was blocking her path. There were four men who, looking tough like ruffians, followed him, adding an intimidating aura to his wealthy look.

The man's expression froze. He narrowed his eyes as a smile once again appeared on his face.

"You sure know how to joke, Madam Celine." The man spoke as his expression returned to calmness. "It's Vilet," he corrected.

"Oh my!" Celine covered her mouth with her hand before showing an apologetic expression. "I apologize, Mr. Vilet." She explained, "It was just that we were just discussing the vile rat that entered our grain storage, when you suddenly showed up. Right, Yena?" She turned to ask Yena, who also nodded. She then added, "It can't be helped; you're similar to—I mean, your name sounded like—."

"It's alright!" Vilet interrupted as he squeezed out a smile through gritted teeth.

With a deep breath, he calmed himself before his face gained his vulgar smile back. Just as he was about to say something, his gaze suddenly landed on Yena, or more accurately, on the paper parcel she was carrying.

"This…" He focused his eyes before exclaiming, "Oh, is that the premium cured meat from Darla's farm?" He wiped the corner of his mouth before asking, "Is there a special occasion today, Madam Celine?"

Celine narrowed her eyes, but before she could speak, Vilet continued.

"Well, considering the condition of your finances, what could be the reason for you to spend so extravagantly?" He analyzed. After thinking for a brief moment, he snapped his fingers. "Your dear son! He must be back, right?" he asked, though his expression indicated that he was already sure.

Celine barely hid a disgusting expression from appearing on her face. She knew that his coming here was no coincidence. He must have known everything in advance.

But although she was sure of her guess, she couldn't understand the reason for him to come here, of all places.

"I guess I'm right." Vilet smiled as he saw Celine remain silent.

"I'll take my leave if there's nothing else, Mr. Vilet." Celine smiled lightly as she tried to excuse herself.

To her surprise, Vilet didn't try to stop her, as she had expected. He even sidestepped to make way for her.

Just as Celine was leaving through the gap, Vilet closed in slightly until Celine began to find it uncomfortable. But before she could warn him, he stopped advancing and spoke in a mild voice: "He went to the capital, right? I wonder if he's doing well." Showing a concerned expression, he spoke, "I heard someone say that they saw your son wearing a scout's badge."

"That must mean he's in the military, isn't he?" he asked before sighing. "What a good lad. Just as hardworking as his parents." Then his tone changed to one of regret as he muttered, as if speaking to himself. "But why did he accept such a dangerous position? Don't tell me he doesn't know that he can die any-"

"Mr. Vilet!" Celine interrupted. "Please mind your words." She tried to sound calm, but her heart was filled with rage for this vile person who was basically cursing for her son to die.

Seeing her reaction, Vilet showed a surprised expression. "Did I say anything incorrectly?" He asked, before speaking, "I'm only telling you what I have heard from my friends from the capital." His tone turned serious as he continued, "Jobs like scouting are basically delegated to newcomers with no influential background to speak of."

"You tell me, Madam Celine." He asked, "After all, who in their right mind will accept such a risky job where you have to visit unexplored, perilous lands or scout for information by going deep into enemy lines?"

Celine's brows furrowed. Although she didn't like the person standing in front of her, she had to admit what he said made sense.

That said, she wasn't going to humor him.

"You're right, Mr. Vilet," she said before continuing, "but that's how life in the capital is." Pausing to look at his frozen reaction, she continued speaking: "I just have to trust that my son will have the ability to keep himself safe while he progresses in his career."

Finishing her words, Celine gestured to Yena and started to leave.

Vilet was tongue-tied. It was not the effect he had intended with his words. Seeing that she was about to leave, he couldn't help but calm his expression and change it to one of disappointment.

"Sigh. These days, you really can't even think for someone else's sake." He sighed before taking a peek at Celine's back, who seemed to have no intention of replying.

"Madam Celine!" He finally couldn't take it anymore as he said, "A member of royalty has recently graced our small town with his presence." Finally revealing his true purpose, he explained, "We're holding a small feast to welcome him. Many famous merchants and officials will be coming from the nearby towns; I was also tasked with inviting some friends, so I was hoping that you might be able to request him to ease your son's problem." He paused before adding, "Of course, it won't be free. You'll be owing him a great favor."

Celine finally halted her steps as she turned and couldn't help but ask, "A royal member?"

Let the stones fall!

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