
Worlds of Desire (R-18)

The world of suffering, escaped from within Every journey to conquer begins with sin. When the self-condemned soul burns in fire The sufferers of fate shall wield their desire. ____________________________________________________________________ This book contains the story of various worlds where a protagonist, or maybe an antagonist, stands out from the crowd and encounters circumstances that lead them towards a path where they willfully decide to act on their desires. [The first will be called W1 (World 1), the second will be called W2 (World 2), and so on. But instead of running them messily parallel, they will be released in arcs. For example: W1.A1-1 will be the first chapter and end at W1.A1-2#. Then I'll release W2.A1 (World 2: Arc 1), which will be a new world with a new story. Similar worlds with codes in a similar pattern (W3, W4, W5, etc.) will continue to be released. But in between, I will also release Arc 2 of the Old Worlds that will further their stories. The final chapter pattern is W#.A# - #] ____________________________________________________________________ https://www.patreon.com/PenOfChaos ____________________________________________________________________

PenOfChaos · Fantasy
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44 Chs

W1.A1-6: A Mother’s Sacrifice – Scouting Mission

A blissful feeling overcame me as I opened my eyes to the morning sun. It felt as if I had not slept comfortably in the past five years until now.

I was currently alone in the bed, but the pleasant fragrance lingering in my nose was proof of my mother's presence throughout the night.

The joy I was feeling was not only because of the comfort my body was experiencing. It was mostly because one of the fears I've been carrying since I started my journey from the capital has been allayed.

I was scared on the way back home. I was scared that things would not be the same anymore and that my relationship with my mother would become distant. It was also a possibility that we'd become estranged as more time passed.

But I can't describe the happiness I felt after sleeping in my mother's embrace like I did yesterday. I'm glad; my mother is still the same, and we're still the same.

Getting out of my happy thoughts, I recalled the tasks I had to carry out today.

I have to finish the scouting mission I picked up to come here. Most of it is just a formality to keep my cover safe. Besides, I want to spend more time with Mom… It's decided then… I'll just scout around the borders, and given my real speed, I should be able to finish the task in an hour at most.

After confirming today's grind, I got out of bed when I suddenly remembered the main reason why I took the scouting mission in the first place.

I wonder when the second member will come… I just hope it's not someone unruly.

I thought this while examining the wooden bracelet on my wrist. In reality, it was a radar-cum-communicator. Issued by the Royal Mission Hall.

As a disciple of a sword saint, it was my obligation to take some missions from there on my master's behalf. I couldn't slack off on this one. It was also because of this mission that I was able to come home.

But although I was in the general area, I didn't know where the real location might be. It could be anywhere in the region this town is part of. That's why I estimated my visit would last around two days.

It would be great if it could be delayed a bit more.

I shook my head to clear the unreal thoughts before heading inside the washroom to get myself freshened up.

After getting out of there after a short while, I quickly put on my clothes. I also pinned the badge that identified me as a scout on my chest.

After that, I left my room and made my way towards the kitchen. Breakfast should be ready by now.

We actually had a big dining hall in the mansion, but my mother and I preferred to eat in the room adjacent to the kitchen. We found it cozier to eat there.

As soon as I stepped into the hallway leading to the kitchen, the delicious smells of eggs, meat, and something sweet instantly whetted my appetite.

"You're finally here. Did you have a good sleep?" My mother placed the pitcher she was carrying on the table as she greeted me with a smile.

I grinned. "I slept like a baby."

My mother giggled at my reply. "Yeah, you really did."

The maids also greeted me with smiles on their lively faces. They were all familiar faces except for a couple of new recruits.

My mother and I sat first, and the maids followed after us. Since I can remember, our maids have always dined with us on my mother's orders. One reason for it was her kind nature, but in my understanding of her, the main reason should be that she didn't want me to feel lonely.

I salivated as I stared at the scrumptious spread before my eyes. My hands were also ready to do my tongue's bidding.

But I didn't have to do anything, as my mother had already arranged for all my favorites to be in greater quantity.

I took a bite of the pie first, as its sweet aroma had enticed me the most.

"Mm. It's so delicious!" I couldn't help but praise, even as my tongue struggled not to get swallowed.

"Is that so?" My mother also took a bite before exclaiming. "Mm. It really is! Good job, Maria."

My mother then introduced me to the new maid as she praised her cooking, causing the shy maid to blush.

As I tried all the different dishes, my mother kept telling me who had prepared which dish.

Clearly, she wanted to make the new maids familiar with me while avoiding making the old ones feel estranged from my presence.

I could also feel the bond my mother shared with them. After all, they were the ones who had accompanied her all these years. So I did my best and cooperated with my mother to greet everyone politely.

Shortly, I had finished stuffing my face until I could not anymore.

Avoiding some embarrassment by suppressing the loud burp I was about to let out, I called to my mother, who had also finished eating.

"Mom, I wanted to go and do some work-related stuff." I said. "But I promise I'll be back for lunch!" I hurriedly added when I saw my mother's frown after hearing my first sentence.

"Alright. Try to be on time." My mother knew that I hadn't come back on vacation, so she didn't try to persuade me anymore.

"Come. I'll see you out." My mother said this as she stood up from her seat. "Yena, you come too."

I didn't say anything else and started making my way out with my mother and Aunt Yena beside us.

"Take care on your way." My mother said it with concern.

"I will." I replied with a smile as I sat on my mount.

Giving her one last look, I urged my mount forward. I, too, wanted to come back quickly after all.


Celine watched as her son disappeared from her sight. She was sad, but she knew better than to make her son work with an upset mindset.

"Let us go too, Yena." Celine said as she, too, walked outside the estate.

"Where are we going, madam?" Yena asked with interest, as she didn't remember them having any business in town to deal with today.

"Nothing much." Celine smiled. "I just wanted to purchase some cured meat that Danny likes." She then paused before adding, "We will also go to Tarla's shop after that."

"Tarla's shop?" Yena spoke before understanding something. "Madam wants some clothes made for the young master?"

Celine nodded. "Humph! I had thought he'd become a gentleman after residing in the capital for a few years. He's still the same lazy bum, though. If I don't make some for him, he'll keep wearing those shabby clothes, losing his chance to woo a virtuous girl from the capital." Helplessly shaking her head, she sighed. "When will this boy grow up?"

Yena suddenly said, "You can't say that, madam." Yena had a different opinion to offer. "Young master looks pretty grown up to me. He has natural charm and a handsome appearance." Thinking of something, she curled her lips. "Didn't you see the smitten looks those new maids had earlier when they saw him? Their faces were so red that, had I not tasted the food myself, I would've thought someone put too much spice in it."

Celine giggled as she covered her mouth. "Well, if you put it like that, then he had indeed grown up."

Suddenly, a scene from last night entered her mind. He really has grown up… Catching herself with her thoughts, Celine suddenly blushed as she hurriedly said, "Pick up the pace, Yena! We have to come back soon and prepare a delicious meal!"

Yena looked at Celine in confusion. But she followed her nonetheless.



I stopped my excited mount and began to observe the hilly area before my eyes.

I was currently standing on the peak of a small hill. This whole region was part of the kingdom's border area. But unlike what one would expect, there was no army stationed here.

Right in front of me, at the end of this region, there were many sharp peaks towering towards the sky. The whole mountain range formed a natural barrier that doubled as a border.

With a very low chance of foreign infiltration, this area was quite safe. Hence, this scouting mission was considered to be of the lowest difficulty.

It would have already been accepted by some other low-level scouts had it not been for the one month journey to reach here.

"Everything looks good." I said this as I looked at the boring wilderness. "Alright, mission done. Let's go back. Hehe."

It was just that simple. There was no need for a detailed inspection of the nearby areas. The only thing worth looking for were the bigger disturbances that would have a hard time being hidden, given the abundance of small towns and villages in this area.

Just as I turned my horse around, my eyes caught a disturbance in the woods below the slope.

"Strange." I muttered before urging my mount forward.

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