
Worlds merger: pokemon/earth

this book is discontinued due to critical mistakes. I gave to much to the MC such as a perfectly balanced team, everything he need, money, and none of the conveniences. that in and of itself is already a mistake. this is not mentioning that I kept forgetting the Pokemon I gave to the MC and needed a list to keep track of that. then again I had no 'opponents' planned, not a complete plotline. therefore I am currently rewriting this at Leisure and also with a lot more detail.

vailein · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter Pov Vailein

I decide to move in and meet this Mareep and talk to it. The Mareep seems to be distrusting of anyone and anything. Mareep sends a small shockwave towards me and Pidgeot. On my insistence none of my Pokemon react and I get hit without protecting myself. Mareep sees me shake off it's attack but instead of countering I sit down and tell my Pokemon to go and play. Mareep is impressed but still distrusting of me. While my Pokemon challenges a few of the Turtonator to battles I talk to Mareep.

"So I see you are depressed, wanna chat about what life brings outside of here?"

"Mar mar mareeeeeeeeeeeeeep" is the reply, obviously I don't understand it at all.

"Hmm I am still learning how to understand Pokemon speech, mind if we talk through psychic?" Mareep instantly gets defensive. "Oh don't worry I'll show you my life and you can send me what you want me to see. How is that?" While still vigilant Mareep is just as curious and accepts with a head nod. 'Well then here comes my life story' following that Mareep is lost in thought for a full hour. During this hour it sees my whole life up to this point including my feelings to take the Mareep away and make it part of my family.

"Time is almost up for this class so I'll have to go. If you feel like joining then press the button on this Poke-ball." While saying that I enlarge a Poke-ball and place it in front of me on the ground. Then I turn around and jump onto Pidgeot to fly away. Mareep runs to the ball and presses the button as fast as it could. After a successful capture I float the ball towards me using psychic energy. We fly back to the teachers and return to the school.

Once we return I first return to my dorm room to let Mareep meet the rest of the gang. Houndoom as always shows up from my shadow and greets Mareep happily. Pidgeot, Meditite and Nidorino greet Mareep as well. Meditite offers Mareep a place in their mental link. I ask Meditite to change it slightly so that Mareep can pull back out of it so as to not get overwhelmed. After getting to know one another a bit we move to the mess hall. I buy food for all Pokemon but take half of Mareeps portion. I also explain why I do so. Mareeps accepts the explanation and in the end barely finished the half portion she had. Mareep falls asleep soon after in order to digest her food. All of us return to our dorm room to meet Mav, Kira and Janfa.

We spend the afternoon learning what we can from the textbooks we gained for each of our subjects. After 2 hours I feed half of the leftover portion to Mareep. This time she doesn't complain. Another hour later I feed her what is left. An hour later we go and have dinner. We buy food again and this time mareep only eats a fourth of the meal. Then we go to the gym and train all of our physical attributes according to the highest standards. Mareep is not yet allowed to join the training, first she needs to regain some body mass.

After working out for 2 hours and feeding Mareep twice we change rooms to train our elemental powers. Here we train for another hour. Mareep finishes her food for that day and is starting to get sleepy. We move past the point redemption room so I can gain a care kit for Mareep. Once inside our sleeping quarter I first groom Mareep halfway which she falls into a deep sleep. In the following hour I groom all Pokemon without exception and then go cuddle Janfa. Tonight we make out and cuddle till we fall asleep. The rest of this week is mostly focused on theory for each of our subjects. I change my exploration plans to be focused around the pocket dimension we have training in. If I can find a place for those Pokemon to live after their dimension collapses I might gains a lot of rewards.

We created a schedule for ourselves:

6 am rise and breakfast

6.30 gym for 1 hour

7.30 shower together and washing our Pokemon

8.30 Till 13.00 class itself on Monday it's hands on lessons, rest is theory lessons.

11.00 is lunch

13.00 till17.00 we study together

17.15 dinner

18.00 till 21.00 training. One day in the gym, the second outside in the wild doing tasks the school sets up.

21.15 grooming our Pokemon

22.15 cuddling Kira or Janfa to sleep.

Next day repeats the same. Only on weekends the morning class exchanges with training in the wild and afternoon training is always indoors.

After a week of being stuffed full of food Mareep can join us slowly in training her physical body. The training she does makes it easier for her to digest her food and slowly she gets back in shape. Slowly Mareeps fur also turns more and more purple. After a month on Monday we go back to the pocket dimension that we went to the first time. Mareep can't wait to show a friend in that place how healthy, strong and accepted she became by her new family.

Once in the pocket dimension we notice that the Pokemon bring in an assault. Me and my Pokemon react at once except Mareep. She can't believe this. Even though she was outcast she was never killed. The Pokemon and us battle in a non lethal way and we just have a battle of stamina. 7 hours later the battle stops. The practical lesson ends this way. Most people decide to up their training regiment because they could hardly prevent injuries to themself.

Another week later we enter the pocket dimension again and I notice that it starts to destabilize. The edges of the world are a lot closer than before. The Pokemon also seem to be restless. Mareeps guides us to the Turtonator area again and calls out several times. Slowly a slightly purple Audino comes curiously out of the cave.

Seeing a 'shiny' Audino come out there has to be a pretty large clan of Audino present. Mareep and Audino play for the first hour. Seeing me not make any attempts to capture the Audino I am left alone. Just like all other times here, Turtonator and my Pokemon challenge each other to battles for the experience. Houndoom and Pidgeot ask a king level Turtonator to help them test out their powers. Houndoom finally has stable control over it's dark fire combination. Pidgeot incorporates ice energy and it is starting to balance out. Both have low pseudo-king level power. Pidgeot also slowly starts to change feather by feather into ice feathers.

since i forgot to upload last week this is a bonus chapter

vaileincreators' thoughts