
Worlds apart ^~^

Hello! ^~^ I would like to invite you to meet Silvian, and tag along on his adventure to discovering where he truly belongs. There will be ups and downs, and questions that need answers. I hope you enjoy this magical trip with us.

ZiranKayci · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs


Silvian awoke with a hazy mind that slowly gained clarity. He was aware he couldn't move and his eyes felt like they were glued shut. He couldn't hear anything but could feel people touching his arms.

In the distance a very low muffled voice rang out. Silvian strained to hear what the voice was saying.

"Let .. ... his chart, .... Silvian... 26..

There ... been ..no brain activity ... his .. "

Panic was starting to set in, did they say no brain activity?? Where was this? What happened? Was he on his deathbed? No. No matter how hard life was, he didn't want to die. The voice was growing more and more clear the more time passed.

"Take him off the ventilators..."

The doctor ordered with no feeling in his voice.

As if his life meant nothing, and this was just something simple that needed doing rather than it actually being a matter of life and death. He could clearly hear the sounds of people shuffling around and things being moved. The room that was filled with beeping slowly quieted down, and after a while it was just eerily silent.

If he could, he would be screaming at the top of his lungs,but he couldn't move. He couldn't speak. He couldn't even cry. All he could do was think and hope that someone understood.

"I matter!!!! Please...!! I'm still here..!

Why can nobody else hear me??

Please! ... don't give up on me..

I... Don't want...To ...Die...."

Wallowing in what is inevitably the moments just before death, he could feel his body shutting down as if it was giving up. In the end all he could do was pray that a miracle would happen and he wouldn't die.

Far away voices seemed to be nothing but mumbles now. "Time of death..." And then nothing was left, he couldn't see anything but darkness. He couldn't hear anything at all, And couldn't feel anything around himself ... just nothing.

"Is this death?"

After what felt like an eternity of thinking about what things could have had a different outcome had he handled them differently, how much he regretted how his life came to this sudden and abrupt end.

"... why me? give me one more chance, please.. I want to live"

Soon afterwards as if granting that prayer , time began to flow again. A soft breeze made the leaves sway and the light trickled through them onto his heavy eyelids. Slowly all his senses started to return, he could smell the grass and felt the breeze brush past his face. The blades of grass even tickled his fingertips.

Slowly the weight keeping his eyes shut lifted. They opened to see the very dream world that felt so peaceful. Maybe this was the heaven that everyone talks about. But even here nobody's here to greet him.

Was he truly so unloved?

Silvian stayed under that large tree for a long while before he sat up to see the streams slowly running along into the river. There was this strange chirping sound all around him almost like crickets but it sounded closer to piano keys that tapered off. There were birds flying high in the sky, they almost seemed to glisten as the sunlight hit their wings. Suddenly it started the click that this wasn't heaven , it just felt too real.

Silvian had to know if this was actually just like his dream so he needed to go to the water and see if those vibrantly colored fish actually existed. He had never seen anything like those fish anywhere besides his dreams. If this was a dream he had a chance to survive, it means he didn't pass away.

His legs felt like jelly while staggering about trying to walk towards the river, everything felt different yet the same, like his muscles needed to relearn how to function again. Finally he made it to the edge of the water and saw those fish again. He couldn't believe there might actually be a chance. He had made a promise to live his life differently if he survived and he planned to keep it.

He fell forward into the river after he couldn't stop his legs from giving out. Silvian regained his composure and turned his body so it was floating down with the current with his face towards the sky. The fish swam alongside as the birds flew above eyeing them. Everything was just peaceful and relaxing here, he silently thanked whoever or whatever saved his life today. If they showed themselves right now he would do anything for them, no, the next person he sees. To thank whoever saved him, he will save that person from anything.

Silvian believed in presenting kindness with kindness.

Even if this dream is as cruel as life was to him, no matter who it was, he would help them to keep the kindness going that was shown to him.That was the promise he made to himself as he floated down the river.

"Are you alright ? Do you need help ?"

The sweetest voice rang in his ears. Though her voice was nothing compared to this flawless beauty staring straight at Silvian as he was floating down the river. His face turned bright red as he looked at this beautiful woman staring back at him.

She held out her hand to him and offered to help him out of the water. As their hands touched there was an instant connection between the two.

"Where did you come from? My name is Ellie"

The wind picked up and blew her sandy colored hair to one side of her head making her reach up and hold it still. As the wind kept up Silvian could barely even make out what she was saying anymore but he was dazzled by how beautiful this girl truly was. Her smile was like nothing he had ever witnessed in his life. Not to mention her eyes were a bright Violet color deeper than the ocean , one that he would gladly drown in.

Ellie grabbed Silvian's hand and started pulling him along with a bright smile. As soon as she started dragging him, he realized that this couldn't be a dream, but no matter what this was, he was really alive. Only then did he notice a small mark behind her left ear, a birthmark?

In-between the roaring wind " My name is Silvian "

Only getting a smile in response as he was pulled wherever she wanted to go, though truly anywhere was fine. Water slowly dripped from the thin patched up clothing that clung to his body. She didn't even throw one judgmental glance his way ,even when seeing him in his tattered clothes.

As she pulled him along, he looked up at the sky and promised that he would help this girl no matter what.

No matter how long it took, his heart was full.He couldn't help but smile for the first time in forever. He could truly smile with his heart.

Thanks for reading ^~^

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