
World Tree Ascension System

[World Tree Ascension System has been activated!] [Name: Charles Thiterith] [Class: Basic Beast Tamer] [Level: 1] [Ascension Progress: None] [Henrietta, the Beast of Duality, has joined your party!] Charles used to be an ordinary man working at one of the Fortune 500, that is, until he was blamed for the embezzlement his bosses did to line their own pockets. As he descended down the office lift for the last time, thunder roared in the horizon, and before he knew it, the apocalypse had befallen our world as we know it. The building he stood on were destroyed, plunging him down thousands of feet, yet, as he was about to fall, time itself had stopped. A beautiful woman, calling herself the Beast of Duality, had chosen him to ascend the World Tree, with a promise of a wish and a chance to save the world if he accepted, and the threat of death should he refuse. Watch him as he learns the truth of the worlds, and become its savior! Future chapters will contain explicit material. You have been warned. Entry for WPC #312: Beast Taming

ClaireSaphira · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


"For now? To get some points, but considering the terrain all around us, we need to find shelter first, or we would be a target for these creatures. There is still time to worry about hunting later."

Dylan went silent, observing the rainforest. After the manticore was defeated, life had returned to the forest simulation, sounds of wildlife coming back to fill the silence its death and subsequent disappearance had left behind. It was like the attack had never happened, though the seal engraved on the back of their hand served as a reminder that dangers still lurk.

"Okay, I'll go with you," Dylan rubbed the back of his head and looked away, "Thanks, I'll try to help, too."

Charles simply gave a quick hum in response. He didn't have the heart to admit that all he knew of survival was from the TV shows. Even with that, he could not claim that he had remembered all the information.

However, that was better than nothing, at least. He checked the system again, attempting to search for a map, before sighing at the failure and gesturing for the two others to follow.


When the three of them emerged at a clearing, orange rays had begun to stain the blue sky as the sun steadily crept lower to the western horizon. A few brighter stars could already be seen, the natural environment allowing the simulated night sky to display its full, beautiful glory.

A massive rock stood in the middle of the clearing surrounded by fragments of smaller, oddly-shaped rocks and fragments lying around. It looked like pieces of a long forgotten building of sorts, abandoned to be reclaimed by nature until there were only a few smatterings of rocks left from its original glory. Even on the stones that remained, moss and vines had begun to emerge from the cracks, intending to consume what remained until it had returned to the dust where it came from.

"This should be perfect," Charles said. He remembered that in order to survive in the wild, one would require a shelter that is dry, safe from the winds, and safe from wild animals. There was no way to truly fulfill the last part considering the lurking monsters, but the other two should be more doable.

The rocks would hide their presence from monsters and protect them from cold winds, while a makeshift roof from wood and leaves would be able to keep them dry in case of rain. If they could get a fire going, that might also serve as a deterrent for animals, though it would also potentially attract monsters interested in an easy prey.

"Only a bit until nightfall, let's go collect some wood and leaves. Dylan, help me and keep an eye for long branches and waterproof leaves," Charles said. "They would help in case of rain."

"Wait, Charles," Dylan said while observing his surroundings. "You sure all three of us should go together? It'd probably be faster if I go alone. You can go with your friend there."

"It might be better for us to stick together, in case another monster attacked us like earlier."

"True, but that could also mean painting a bigger target on our backs. A bigger crowd means more noises, if there is anything that hunts with sound, we're fucked."

"Are you sure, though? We're exploring in an unknown area. I still think there's safety in numbers," Charles said, "But, I won't stop you."

"I'll go alone. Don't worry, after all, I did manage just fine with the small monsters before we met. I'll also set up a trap of sorts, nothing fancy, just to make it a bit safer."

They went their separate ways soon after, gathering both dried wood and cutting off branches to create shelter. Charles found out that his [Dismantle] skill also worked on objects and a quick attempt at nearby berry bushes and mysterious fruits reveal a hint of their properties, and with a bit of guesswork, he was able to discern which ones were poisonous and which ones were not.

[Low-Class Support – Dismantle activated]

[Jerku Fruit]

[A fruit native to <???>, known for their characteristic blue color and how it leaves the lips and mouth of those who ate it with a faint, aqua blue color. It tastes mostly sweet with a hint of tanginess to it.]


[Jerku Pulp x1]

[Jerku Peel x1]

[Guran Berry]

[A sweet berry known to be a fulfilling snack in a pinch. Refrain from eating too much, as it is water absorbent, making those who ate it get thirsty easily]


[Guran Branch x1]

[Peeled Guran x1]

[Note: For each Guran Berry in a cluster, Dismantle has to be performed separately.]

[Flesia Starfruit]

[A close relative of the Lefra Starfruit, native to <???>, known for their characteristic blue color. Reportedly, it tasted sweet and peppery when consumed]


[Phorbol Sap x1]

[Peeled Flesia x1]

Charles eyed the massive, star-shaped fruits with a suspicious look, before deciding not to risk it and leave with the other two fruits and the branches he had collected. He arrived right as Dylan finished attaching some devices. Some looked like a mess of branches turned into a makeshift net and placed all around the place, while others were just a simple mechanism made of vines, with either massive logs or rocks tied on it.

He invited Dylan and Henrietta to rest and eat a bit, then they started set up the makeshift shelter as quickly as they could. The tent could more or less be described as a roof made of waterproof leaves and propped up with branches – less than adequate, yet still better than nothing.

Last but not least, they started a small bonfire, just enough to brighten up the place.

Charles took first watch, and he sat near the crackling fire while Henrietta and Dylan tried to get comfortable on the tent. Despite her regal appearance, Henrietta seemed to be at ease, taking the situation like she was on a trip more than anything.

To pass time, Charles watched the surroundings while playing with the dried branches they had gathered, occasionally throwing one or two branches to keep the fire going.

Minutes passed in silence, and after a while, Charles had allowed himself to relax, watching the ticking down of seconds from his system. As the mark reached three hours, he turned around, ready to wake Dylan for his turn.

As he shook Dylan's shoulder, a distinctive noise could be heard from the forest.


The sound was unmistakable – it was from one of the traps. It was not meant to be a deterrent, but more an alarm of sorts, the noise loud enough to awaken someone from slumber. It was instantly proven as Dylan opened his eyes right at that moment.

"What's that?" He whispered, while Charles was silent. The two stared intently at the source of the noise.

Before long, a woman with long hair emerged, her steps trembling and unsure. When she saw the makeshift shelter, her tense expression melted a bit into one of relief. She approached the two wary men and said, her voice pitiful.

"Please, help me."