
World Tree Ascension System

[World Tree Ascension System has been activated!] [Name: Charles Thiterith] [Class: Basic Beast Tamer] [Level: 1] [Ascension Progress: None] [Henrietta, the Beast of Duality, has joined your party!] Charles used to be an ordinary man working at one of the Fortune 500, that is, until he was blamed for the embezzlement his bosses did to line their own pockets. As he descended down the office lift for the last time, thunder roared in the horizon, and before he knew it, the apocalypse had befallen our world as we know it. The building he stood on were destroyed, plunging him down thousands of feet, yet, as he was about to fall, time itself had stopped. A beautiful woman, calling herself the Beast of Duality, had chosen him to ascend the World Tree, with a promise of a wish and a chance to save the world if he accepted, and the threat of death should he refuse. Watch him as he learns the truth of the worlds, and become its savior! Future chapters will contain explicit material. You have been warned. Entry for WPC #312: Beast Taming

ClaireSaphira · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Exclusive Skills

"Trust me, take Dismantle," Before Charles could look at the details, Henrietta suddenly spoke up.

"Honestly, Scan looked more important, if you ask me," Charles replied. In response to his words, the system created another notification.

[Low-Class Scan]

[This skill gives a numerical estimate of a designated target's statistics, along with a brief estimation of their weaknesses or their exploitable points. It can be upgraded with the aid of points to allow for more detailed information, such as enemy buffs or debuffs if applicable, their weak points, and more.]

"Wouldn't this be more useful as of now?" I mean, it would sure be helpful if we could gauge the enemy strength…"

"If I may interrupt, I can agree with that," Dylan added. "As they say, knowledge is power and knowing your enemy is half the battle. Besides, if you take it, you can use the rest to add more points to your stats. Let's be honest, yours are beyond terrible right now, and you'll benefit if you can keep yourself safe, at least."

Henrietta narrowed her eyes.

"I am able to do my part just fine," she scoffed,

"Wait, stat points?" Charles asked.

"You saw that plus and minus symbols next to your stat numbers? You can pay points there to increase any of the three. Eventually, the letter ranks next to your stats will go up as you get stronger. But take Dismantle. Trust me, the others are borderline useless."

"Sure, one more question, though, what even is Charm for?"

The system, once again, created another notification.

[Low-Class Charm]

[Exclusive Beast Tamer skill]

[This skill increases the user's affinity with beasts, giving an increased percentage to recruiting them. Can be leveled with points for higher increases.[

"This sound like it could be useful. "

"Charm skill… I mean, yeah, but you do have to remember that more beasts mean you'll need to expend more energy to channel them," Henrietta warned.

"Now, as for the skill you suggested, Henrietta…"

[Low Class Support – Dismantle]

[Exclusive Beast Tamer skill]

[This skill allows the user to dismantle a designated target down to their basic parts and shows the list of available parts to obtain. Level up the skill with points to get more yields and harvest higher-quality materials.]

"Alright, I can't say I really know what you are thinking, but that does look useful. I'll take it," Charles nodded.

[Do you want to purchase this skill?]



[You have obtained a new skill!]

"Good. This will be easier to demonstrate," Henrietta said, pointing at the manticore remains, "Use it there."

[Low-Class Support – Dismantle activated]

[2 items available]

[Manticore's Wings – x2]

[Manticore's Stinger – x1]

[Do you want to proceed?]

Charles selected the "Yes" option, causing the corpse to glow for a second. Then, the corpse dispersed, turning into dots of light and disappearing. A pair of bat wings, along with a small spike were left behind, both smelled of fresh blood mixed with a pungent, bitter scent that spread throughout the place. A drop of the poison stained the grassy ground, and as such, the once green spot turned into a blackened, greyish mess of goo and remains of grass.

Dylan, who were silent thus far, decided to take a closer look with a gaze of interest. From his expression, it seems that he did not expect that outcome.

"Is that the Dismantle skill? Interesting, I thought items were only given in the shop," he murmured.

As Charles moved in to grab them, more information appeared.

[Manticore's Wings]

[A pair of leathery wings capable of whipping up strong winds. This item can be consumed to help increase one's speed, used to enhance the speed of the beasts in your possession or to strengthen an item]

[Manticore's Stinger]

[The poisonous stinger of a mythical beast, even one drop would be enough to incapacitate a man and permanently wound their body functions. Can be used to strengthen an item with poison effect]

[Items have been added to your inventory!]

"See, that is what I meant," Henrietta said, as the items started to disappear from the ground. "With this, it would take a bit longer to get stronger, but also, you'll have an opportunity to get stronger or strengthen the beasts you manage to tame later on. It pays off in the long run."

"Alright, thank you, Henrietta. I really appreciate it."

"Glad to hear that," She smiled. Charles could see that she was practically acting like a puppy that had just been praised, well, perhaps minus the tail that would have added to the effect. "If you want to use the wings to get stronger, wait until you're in a safer place though. It has to be processed, and you can't move all the while."

"Say, Dylan, I just noticed, where did you get that sword from?"

"From the wood dolls, they gave each participant a weapon before the game starts, though not always the same weapon. Your weapon might be that girl there," Dylan pointed at Henrietta with his chin, "She's a pretty strong one, from what it seems like."

Charles chose not to entertain the comment, "That aside, what are your plans?"

"I don't know, probably hunt more monsters? This game seems to have a time limit, I won't stick around and find out what happens if I were you," Dylan answered.

[Time remaining: 13d 22hr 01min 33s]

"Fair enough, I wouldn't too. Want to join forces?"

At Charles' sudden question, Dylan stared at him with a questioning look. For a second, there was confusion in his expression, but it became a wary, questioning look within less than a second. "What is your goal? You ordered your beast to fight with me, but I can't trust-"

"For now? To get some points, but considering the terrain all around us, we need to find shelter first, or we would be a target for these creatures. There is still time to worry about hunting later."