

thread of friend and loved ones what keeps him alive the world that he lives in was curuel but one day a light of hope came to him to change his entire world as his goals change to be a burden to protect everyone he loves maybe he can have some loses in his journey but one thing always keeps him going that thing is that no matter what comes thay always be toghater and always smile each other even in the deathbed this is the world and the advanture Arito Ukon lives in

wlmir · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


"now for the ceremony instructions "

said the grand priest looking forward while every body looking at him

" first when the ceremony starts do not open your eyes or you will not understand your power like others"

said priest closing his eyes slowly he has a calm face but some of the kids was afraid of the first instruction priest slowly started to open his eyes

" second the vision that your power gives in your head will change by your personality"

he said while looking at the kids who were sitting arito was listening carefully all the parents of the kids was in the second floor of the ceremony grounds looking at their kids

"third do not worry about your power harming someone at the table in front of you there needs to be a stone to limit your power outage "

the priest daid while opening a drawer and taking out a small stone looking like a bluish green colored rock but it was emiting some kind of power

" um sir what does the rock in your hands do?"

said a kid while holding his hand up

" thats a good question kid this stone was found many years ago in a mining zone by an accident the people at the time this stone was found many scientist was doing many experiments on this stone but time goes on and people start to use this stone for their daily life like in cars for the engine , lights for light bulbs in medical industry thay aredraining the power from the ston for the medical uses as for the military because not all of the people can awekin their power yhey usse it for the guns "

said the priest while all the kids listening him amazed and some of them woried

" so there is a chance to not get a power "

said arito sweating a little

" as for the final instruction the power outage will be different for people to people and to obtain your power you need to figth the power within you if you lose you get send back to the real world and you cant get your power "

said the grand priest while all the kids face turned pale

" now all of you close youre eyes as for the ceremony is starting now "

all the kids slowly closed their eyes arito closed as well the priest started to say some words so fast it sounded like giberish but when he finished a thump can be heard and the stones started tho glow and slowly float as the stones get into the kids body slowly

in aritos eyes every thing was normal but then all of a sudden a pain like some one was punching him in the stomach

" !! *UGH* !! "

arito groaned in his head

" wh-why this is hurting this much "

when arito said that in his head everywhere suddenly turned black and sticky substance as arito looked at his feet and then he heard a loud banging noise above when he looked up there was a big eye as big as the moon but the eye has red details while it looked like it was crying a what looked like a whip shaped tears the whip was red as the outline of the whip was black looking

" !!! wh-wha-what the fuck is that thing " *ba-dump* *ba-dump*

arito was scared of the creature above him he was breathing heavy and he started to sweat alot

the eye slowly looked at him as some noise in the back is sounded kinda lot like screaming screaming in agony but as the eye looked at him the screaming getting louder and louder

the eye looked at arito fully and out of nowhere the eye split into a milion pieces and a big mouth started to apear w

th a wide smile while it was bleading from the mouth with the same whip from the eyes

" BANG "


suddenly a something missed aritos cheek aritos cheek was bleading a lot he was scared even more now

" wha-what wa-was th-that thi-thing * huff -huff * i didnt ev-even see it"

arito looked back slowly scared but want to know what was the thing that cut his cheek was he turned around the thing was shaped like a javelin made out from the whip


arito shouted butt nobody can hear him cause he was the only one there

the creature that was looking at arito smiled with a chuckled loudly as the screaming getting louder and loder every second the place wher arito was standing was a some kind of river in front of him was a big forest but everything was made whit the whip that monster created

" oh! so you are laughing at me you bitch ! fine I WİLL KİLL YOU AND GET MY POWER !! "

as arito said angrily and strted to run as fast as he can in to the forest as the monser looking at him looked more angry and started to charge a whip beam

--------------------------------------- TO BE CONTİNUED ------------------------------------------

arito was running as fast as he can can he kill the monster and get his power or lose and die