

thread of friend and loved ones what keeps him alive the world that he lives in was curuel but one day a light of hope came to him to change his entire world as his goals change to be a burden to protect everyone he loves maybe he can have some loses in his journey but one thing always keeps him going that thing is that no matter what comes thay always be toghater and always smile each other even in the deathbed this is the world and the advanture Arito Ukon lives in

wlmir · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs



" hey ! kiddo we finnaly here"

said aritos father geting out and closing the dor of the car while looking at the ceremony center

" now hold my hand arito we dont want you to get lost okay"

said aritos mom also getting outn and slowly aproaching arito

"okay mom !"

said arito with an happy exprasion the family of three slowy start to move toward tp the ceremony ground .

whaen the ukon family got there there was almost 20-25 kids were waiting with the their parents.

arito look amazed and excited he had an happy expration onhis face with a wide smile said

" mom! mom! lets go its about to start"

said arito to his mother

" now now swewtie wait a little longer the shaman isnt here yet lets find a place to wait "

said aritos mother slowly crouching to arito

" yes kiddo we need to wait a little longer "

said aritos father with two bottles of water in his hands

"okay okay ı gat it we wait "

said arito pouting

" ah thanks honey for the water"

said aritos mother getting the water from aritos dad

" no problem my rose "

said aritos dad with an seductive tone in his voice while brushing his hair with his soft hands

" stop whit the nicknames you idiot ! "

said aritos mother punching aritos dad in the stomach

"ugh! did you really need to punch me that hard "

said aritos dad while holding his stomach

"hmp! you deserved it "

said aritos mom hand crossed pouting

while his father trying tovcomfort his mother arito looking around with his golden eyes

suddenly a clacking can be heard and a shout

" the grand preist is here all the kids up front please ! "

arito looked at the big golden door it was slowly opening in that door there was a middle aged man in his 40 with white hair and black eyes wearing long golden cassock with many red marks over it he is holding a big staff in the end of the staff there was a big golden eagle each step he took he clancks the staff to the floor and slowly aproaching what it looks like a platform

a few minutes late the grand priest stopt at the platform and shouted while holding his arm up

" FOR THİS YEARS CEREMONY Thank you for participating! "

he said while slowly droping his hands to back in their place

all the adults slowly started to clap as the silence waas broken all the people in the ceremony grounds start chearing

" SİLENCE! now before starting ı need all the kids in the small desks in the floor"

the preist said while pointing the middle of the stage as there was almost 20-25

small tables they all was in floor level and in the floor there was state in different colors

the kids slowly start to aproaching to the tables all of the kids has the same tought

"* ı hope ı get some thing cool/ good etc.*"

the grand preist

" now ı want all of you to get in the mos comfortable position "

all the kids slowly start to get in their comfortabe possition as for arito it was cross leged sitting

arito was moody it was same as the other kids in the ceremony center they all feard not getting a good power to live with.