
World Rework

My first shot at a light novel, I apologize in advance for the grammatical errors I’m very dyslexic. Please let me know what you think of it.

SleepyHollows · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Ch.2: Rework

Darkness covered him like a thick blanket when he awoke. The darkness was so absolute that he couldn't even see his own hand in front of him... or feel them either. This stark realization sent a wave of panic through his whole being, not only could he see nothing but he could feel nothing. He tried to open his mouth to take in a panicked breath but there was nothing, he couldn't open his mouth or even tell wether or not he even had a mouth. **C-Calm down this is no time to panic** he thought whilst grasping for any traces reason behind what was happening. **I can still think so I'm not dead, I just need to focus** he focused of the inky blackness that surrounded looking for anything that distinguish what was going on, until something appeared. 2 somethings in fact, 2 small circles in-front of him. He couldn't tell if they were close of far away or even if they had been there all along and he just didn't notice them. But all that was important is that there was something here with him. He peered intently at the 2 small circles before him, the one to the left was purple with a grey shield in it; The other was brown with the red outline of a little man in it flexing him muscles. This one caught his attention so he reached out for it, though he had no appendages to speak of he could feel where his arm and hand should be. When he touched the brown circle a small article popped up as if he was clicking open a page with his mouse on his computer.


RACE(R): Dwarf

"Born of iron and stone, the these master crafters leave their homeland in the Eastern Mountains in search Adventure and Gold in the new world".

- Racial Traits -

• +15% Physical(PHY) Resistance

• +10% max Vitality, -10% max movement speed

• Starter ability: Stout Defense

• Gain(G+) Heavy Armor Proficiency(HAp)

• based on previous height parameters, current height is being reduced to 1.52m(5") to fit with race change.


**You must be shitting me!? Is this a video game or something?! Wait what dose it mean Race change?! I liked being human!! There must be a way to change this** no sooner had he thought that a robotic voice, devoid of emotion echoed all around him [Race and Class parameters have been preselected and change is not possible]. **Hello!, who are you?! Where am I?!**. [Additional information will be provided ounce the Class and Race reviews are complete]. If he had blood it would have been boiling at this point. **So I just have to look over this stuff and you'll tell me what going on?**. No response. Assuming the lack of response ment yes, he closed the race tab and hit the purple one with the shield. Another tab like the last one opened up.


CLASS(CL): Defender

"Wether for attack or defense, the shield is your first choice for all things".

- Class traits -

• Defender ULT: Dome of Protection

• Starter Ability: Magic Barrier

• Gain(G+) Proficiency with ALL shield types

• Gain(G+) Proficiency with ALL Defense type spells and abilities.


**I am in a video game and it looks like I got ripped off. The only option I have is this short ass pure defense tank.** the voice chimed in [requested parameters met, would you like to begin?]. A large rectangular yes and no button appeared out of the darkness. **Wait what? Um... yes?** he focused on the yes. Everything faded into the blackness, the voice spoke again but this time it was commanding and full of emotion. "Your world was toxic" it hissed, slowly from the darkness a picture of earth appeared, but the continents where a dirty drown and the Oceans where a sickly grey. The voice continued. "Humanity has placed a irreversible scar on this planet, through an over abundance of Violence, greed, pollution, war, and corruption all stemmed from the very pits of hate that you have dug for yourselves to wallow in". **Wow that's a little harsh, but ok**. As the voice grew angrier the image of earth began to turn red and bombs went off in one place after another. "Your inevitable fate is absolute destruction at your own hands, or at least it was". Then copies of earth and other planets that looked similar to earth, all green and blue and beautifully vibrant began appearing all around the corrupted earth. Now the voice was softer and full of hope "But it is the will of the multiverse that your fate be shifted from destruction to salvation". Small shinning strands began to come from each planet and attach to the corrupted planet. "So the multiverse pooled it's infinite resources together to rework your planet into something much harder for you to hurt and maim". The strands continued to attach and wrap around the planet until all that was visible was a shinning ball of beautiful strands. "All of humankind has been reworked as well, some are no longer even human. You will find life very different from the one you left. So those corrupted memories of the old existence will also be reworked into the infinite void that surrounds all. Do not think that life will be easy, it will be harder then ever. Violence, war, corruption, greed and hate these things still exist for they are necessary for the world to remain balanced. So go now child, you have been given a body and powers that will help YOU best survive in this world. The multiverse wishes you well". Then all the strands absorbed into the planet, showing it in its new beautiful form. Ounce again everything faded to black.