
World Rework

My first shot at a light novel, I apologize in advance for the grammatical errors I’m very dyslexic. Please let me know what you think of it.

SleepyHollows · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Ch.1: The End and the Beginning

The morning sun slipped through the window shutters like tiny blades of light, particles of dust danced around the dark cluttered bedroom. Allen sat upright in bed still under the covers, attempting to mentally prepare himself for the onslaught of work that lay ahead of him. He had a absurd amount of code to write today and he had been looking forward to it and dreading it all week. Because of the work load and because he had a very important date planned for tonight that he could not be late for. "Better get this crap shoot rolling" he spoke aloud to himself as he dragged himself out of bed and fumbled his cloths on. After wandering through his kitchen for the first of many cups of coffee, he posted himself comfortably at his desk and began the grind. After what seemed like days of typing Allen rubbed his temples his eyes felt like they where melting out of his head. A jolt of realization shot through him in a instant "TIME!" He shouted launching himself out of his chair, 5:06pm read his phone. "Shit I'm late" he sprinted into his room tripping on a pile of clothes and landing on face first and the floor, thankfully a pile of old computer parts broke his fall. The news chimed in the background as he flailed about **... the current reports indicate that the 3rd wave of the pandemic is here and with the casualties peaking 1 billion just weeks ago, many experts speculate that the world safe zones that have managed to remain pandemic free; will fall within the next year or so due to raising military action within ...** "enough of that" he grumbled to himself flicking off the TV. Ounce he finally managed to make himself not look like a homeless person he was out the door.

The reservation for the restaurant was for 5:35pm he miraculously managed to arrive with 10 minutes to spare. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he expectantly glanced at the time on his phone and then back at the tiny ring in the palm of his hand. It was the perfect size for a dainty hand, with a sterling silver band and a square cut emerald in the center surrounded by 4 small white Opals. He nervously fidgeted with the edges of his suit with his other hand. *You can do this man, get ahold of yourself* he thought reassuringly to himself, while rehearsing the rest of what he was going to say to in he head. "Hey there" The voice came out of nowhere, Allen's head shot up and his eyes locked with hers. Cassandra stood at the end of the table, she was dressed in jeans, a tight fitting black T-shirt and a brown zipper hoodie here short brunette hair dangled gracefully above her shoulders and her deep Hazel eyes sparkled like jewels. "You're dresses a little causal for date night" Allen said flirtingly, a crooked smile crept onto his face. Any traces of anxiety melted away just by seeing her. He knew now was ready.

"Allen we need to talk" Cassandra said glumly. A lump grew in his throat hearing those words "I-I have something I wanted to talk to you about as well, but you go first" he stuttered as She sat down at the table with a humph. "Fine then, Allen you and I have known each other since we where in elementary school, and have been dating since graduation. But now I think it's time we stoped this". Those words hit Allen like a freight train. "W-what do you mean Cassandra?! You can't be serious?". "Allen you must have know this was coming" tears began to well up in her eyes, "things haven't been the same between us since the accident, you've changed, I've changed!". All color began to drain from Allen's vision, it was as if his world began to collapse. "But Allen you need to understand that this isn't your fault, you didn't to anything wrong. We have just become different people". Allen tried to speak but no words would come out is own voice had left him now to. "But Allen it's thanks to you now that I know what I want in life, you've helped me discover myself. I'll always be greatfull to you for that". Tears where now streaming down her face as she tried with all her might to compose herself. Still no words could escape his lips. "I'm so sorry Allen, I love you but this is goodbye". With that she got up and quickly walked out.

Allen was stunned he could neither move nor breath, he could hear his heart beating in his chest like a drum. He wasn't sure when but at some point he left the restaurant in a daze and walked home. When he got there he simply stood at the front door and stared at the inside of his tiny one bedroom apartment, cluttered with books they liked, computer parts she always told him to get ride of but could never bring himself to, a small couch where Cassandra and him spent many hours on playing video games, his desk with his massive custom built PC from which he worked tirelessly from and spent untold hours video chatting with Cassandra, the undersized kitchen where she taught him how not to be a useless bum in the kitchen. So many memories, she was everywhere and now she was gone forever. Nothing seemed to matter anymore and he was so tired. He fell into bed silent tears streaming down his face, sleep came almost instantly and the last thing he remembered was never wanting to wake up. His world had ended.