
World of Warships

The world has descended into a parallel universe, where one can forge their own unique battle armor. In the boundless ocean, with endless resources and terrifying sea creatures, including colossal deep-sea monsters, everyone must continuously upgrade their battleships in order to survive. The battleships and talents are all randomly assigned. However, from the start, Ye Xuan awakens an SSS-level talent called 'ARC System'. "Fusing with vine shells and evolving into a hive mothership?" "Fusing with machinery and granting the battleship an imperial engine?" "No..." Countless battleships fill the sky, and among them, the motherships directly fuse with stars as their energy source—"I want them all!" While others are still struggling to survive, Ye Xuan's battleship has already taken off, equipped with star-destroying cannons, earth-shattering celestial bombs, and requiems for the souls.

dota · Sci-fi
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28 Chs

Chapter 23 Materialist Warrior, Unexpected Harvest!

Ye Fei carefully flipped through the chat records.

It was only then that I realized that I was completely famous.

Luo Bing's two manipulations made him famous.

The same is true for friend applications in private messaging channels.

What's outrageous is that because Luo Bing is only a month away from turning 18, many girls think that Ye Fei is good at it.

So they used this as a selling point, hoping that Ye Fei could lead them.

"I want to be my brother's milk tea~"

"Little sister can do anything!"

"Brother Fei, I'm a man, but everyone says I look better than Pan An. If Brother Fei doesn't mind, I can..."

Seeing this, Ye Fei's scalp became numb, and he quickly deleted all friend requests.

"These people are really crazy..."

Ye Fei shook his head.

But thinking about it carefully, Ye Fei can also understand their behavior. After all, in this precarious world, having a strong person lead him would really be a lot of fun.

Luo Bing hangs around with him, and if he eats some leftovers, he will be directly promoted to 4 stars. Who would not be tempted after seeing it?

Everyone's various actions, trying to attract Ye Fei's attention, made sense.

After thinking about it, Ye Fei sent a message on the communication channel:

"Those who know how to make glass come, and those who make iron and forge are also fine."

In an instant, seven or eight people applied to be friends.

They didn't even ask Ye Fei what he wanted to do, or what benefits he could get.

This is the benefit of gaining popularity.

It doesn't matter if Ye Fei doesn't understand. There are so many people in the whole sea area, there is always someone who knows what to do. If you are lucky, it will be even more enjoyable to find an expert.

"I have plenty of iron, but how is steel tempered?"

In fact, pure iron is not very hard. It is almost useless as armor, and its performance is not as good as that of calcium armor in some aspects.

But steel is different. Steel is an alloy.

Ye Fei only knows that its components are carbon and iron, but he doesn't understand the specific ratio and forging process at all.

Ye Fei scanned through the friend applications. One of them was a chemistry student and seemed to know a lot about the metallurgical industry. Ye Fei agreed to the other party's friend application.

As for making glass, I know more.

Ye Fei chose one at random and applied through his friend.

According to the professional's suggestion: Ye Fei needs to find suitable sand, and then get some limestone. Of course, if there is no plant ash, he can barely replace it.

In short, after some operations, glass can be refined.

The difficulty here is actually the high temperature.

It is estimated that there are not many people in the entire sea area who can generate high temperatures, but Ye Fei's battleship has the ability to manipulate flames, and this step is the easiest for him.

Next, under the control of the crew, the battleship came to a small island.

The island is very small, except for the sand, there are only a few coconut trees.

"Wow~ so beautiful~"

On the side, Luo Bing jumped onto the beach with bare feet and stepped on the waves. The afterglow of the setting sun hit her body, coating her with a layer of bright light.

Sunshine, beach, beauty~

Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him, Ye Fei couldn't help but relax physically and mentally.

After fighting for a whole day, it would be a lie to say that he is not tired. Although he has just been promoted and his physical strength is overwhelming, his mental fatigue needs rest to comfort him.

Sitting on the beach, Ye Fei fired glass according to the advice given by professionals, and at the same time got some fish and grilled them.

The tentacles growing out of the boat spewed out flames, roasting the fish until it was sizzling. Soon, the surface was slightly browned, and the strong fragrance made Ye Fei squint his eyes.

Only delicious food is the most soothing.

Coconut milk with grilled fish, cool!

If it could be sprinkled with some chili peppers, it would be a killer!

But this is a different world, so we can't ask too much.

Ye Fei checked the communication channel while eating the delicious grilled fish.

At this time, the whole day had passed, and everyone had reached their limit. Like Ye Fei, many people started to stop and rest.

So the communication channel became lively.

"I'm so thirsty~ Which boss knows where there is fresh water!"

"Stupid upstairs, you only thought of looking for water now? Why did you go so early?"

Liu Ru: "There is some fresh water on my small island, but you are too far away from me."


"Brothers, hurry up and find a port to dock, I found that the wind and waves are getting bigger and bigger!"

"The greater the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish!"

"I'm only a 2-star battleship, can I wait to die?"

"I'm only 1 star. Do you think I'm afraid? Just put it on and it's over. When the time comes, I'll just find a small island and become a native."

"Sister upstairs, which island are you going to? Let's go together, and then we will give birth to a nation!"

"It's a dead end."

Suddenly, Liu Ru spoke.

"The fresh water on my island is not enough at all. This is a relatively large island. If it is an ordinary small island, there is no fresh water at all. After a long time, it will definitely die of thirst."

"Goddess, good details. I also discovered that this sea area has no fresh water resources at all, and it all depends on rain to accumulate a little. Whoever is a biologist can dissect the indigenous people to see why they are so drought-resistant."

"Then what should we do? Now that we are leveling up fast, we can still hold on. When the leveling up doesn't work tomorrow, won't we all die of thirst?"

"Oh... what else can I do? Find a place with a lot of fog at night, open your mouth to sleep, and catch the water~"

Ye Fei watched the communication channel silently. Everyone was busy upgrading before, but now they finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

In the middle of the sea, it's easy to get some raw fish to eat, but it's really not easy to get fresh water.

At the same time, Ye Fei also noticed what one of them said. Did the storm get bigger?

He carefully observed the surroundings, and it was true.

Maybe the wind and waves will be even bigger at night. Fortunately, his battleship is already a 4-star warship at this time, and its volume has doubled again. It has reached nearly 40 long, and its ability to resist wind and waves has been greatly enhanced.

And the more important point is that his battleship is alive and can directly climb up the island and grow roots to regenerate.

In this case, even if there is a strong eight-level wind, he will not have any problems at night.

Just then, the glass he smelted in an iron crucible was ready.

The viscous liquid glass water is poured into the molds that have been prepared, and the simple glass bottles are manufactured one by one.

If the silver element can be absorbed, mirrors can also be made.

With the mirror, a solar furnace is completed. On the sea, the most indispensable thing is wind, waves and flames. If you make good use of any one of them, you can get extra energy.

[Ding! Congratulations on making your first man-made tool - a glass bottle! The civilization process of the entire sea area has been accelerated, you have obtained the materialist knowledge 'glass firing', your influence +1]


This is? !

Ye Fei was stunned by the voice that emerged in his head.

It can still be like this!

At the same time, the knowledge of 'glass firing' also emerged in his mind, as if he had learned it countless times. Next time, he will probably be able to produce qualified finished glass directly!

Immediately afterwards, a world law announcement was issued:

[The first man-made item 'Glass Bottle' in this sea area was fired, and the creator's influence +1]

[Satisfy the requirements, the overtime and space trading channel is open! ]

All of a sudden, everyone was stunned.

Ye Fei came back to his senses and immediately smiled.

Ha ha!


This influence is too easy to earn!

Next, Ye Fei immediately turned on his full firepower. Before the sun had completely set, he absorbed more energy to breathe fire. The C-level fire-breathing talent is quite powerful. The sea water boils and evaporates at a speed visible to the naked eye. The distilling bottle, on the other hand, quickly had water droplets solidify.

Before it was over, Ye Fei condensed an iron pipe and filled it with seawater. The condensed iron pipe was placed next to the glass bottle.

In this way, the speed of fresh water condensation can be seen with the naked eye.

On the side, Luo Bing looked at the battleship transformed into a freshwater production factory, and was already stunned.

She was still thinking just now, what is the appropriate price for Ye Fei's fresh water?

If there are too many, others won't buy it. Even if they buy it, they will still hold a grudge, which will affect the subsequent recruiting of personnel.

If there is less, then it will be a disadvantage.

But after seeing Ye Fei's operation, Luo Bing suddenly realized that his situation was small.

"Damn it~ glass bottle! With this, you can use seawater to distill fresh water!"

"No wonder Boss Ye Fei asked someone about the method of burning glass bottles before. As expected of a big boss, he has far-sightedness."

"Grandma Dixiong, I can burn glass too. Why didn't I try it in advance?"

"Losing 1 point of influence!"

"Hehe...you little captains who are exhausted, what are you thinking? It takes at least an hour to burn glass, and it may not be successful. Do you have that kind of effort? Can you afford it?"

"Alas... Indeed, not everyone is as laid-back as Ye Fei."

"Is no one curious about Ye Fei's talent? He can actually make glass?"

"Boss Ye Fei, I can't afford glass bottles, can you sell me some distilled fresh water?"

"The trading channel is open, and I finally have water to drink, with tears in my eyes..."

Liu Ru: "Hee hee~ If you want to drink the water from Mr. Ye Fei, you have to wait a little longer. After all, distilled water takes time. Let's take a look at the pure natural mineral water on my island first! Although there is some mud , but barely enough!"

Liu Ru smiled triumphantly.

This is Ye Fei planting trees, she steals peaches~

The other party has to wait for a while to sell water, but she can put it on the shelves immediately!


Just then, a message popped up on the trading channel:

[Ding! Ye Fei puts 1L of distilled water on the shelf to exchange for freshly killed animal carcasses! ]

Liu Ruyi was stunned,

Before she could react, there were two more messages:

[Ding! Ye Fei puts 1L of distilled water on the shelf to exchange for freshly killed animal carcasses! ]

[Ding! Ye Fei puts 1L of distilled water on the shelf to exchange for freshly killed animal carcasses! ]


PS: Thank you readers for your concern. The new crown has been better, but I have to complain about the new crown. It is too severe. I didn't sleep all night because of the pain. What's even more outrageous is the reason why I got the new crown:

Didn't I get a reward? I just bought a large bottle of Kang Shuaifu Tongyi jasmine honey tea when I got together. Allergies, mouth ulcers immediately after drinking), and this also broke my immune system, my new crown broke out very badly that night, now the author is amoxicillin + 999 cold medicine, hard top.