
World of Warships

The world has descended into a parallel universe, where one can forge their own unique battle armor. In the boundless ocean, with endless resources and terrifying sea creatures, including colossal deep-sea monsters, everyone must continuously upgrade their battleships in order to survive. The battleships and talents are all randomly assigned. However, from the start, Ye Xuan awakens an SSS-level talent called 'ARC System'. "Fusing with vine shells and evolving into a hive mothership?" "Fusing with machinery and granting the battleship an imperial engine?" "No..." Countless battleships fill the sky, and among them, the motherships directly fuse with stars as their energy source—"I want them all!" While others are still struggling to survive, Ye Xuan's battleship has already taken off, equipped with star-destroying cannons, earth-shattering celestial bombs, and requiems for the souls.

dota · Sci-fi
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28 Chs

Chapter 22 Four Stars, King of the Sea!

[Ding! Fusion success! Ships get an extra ability - Manipulate Fire! (Grade C)]

This is Wang Yan's talent. With this ability, Ye Fei can create flames on the battleship.

It has to be said that this talent is quite useless in attacking in the sea. After all: the sea, you are all water!

However, Ye Fei has many abilities, and with the combined use of various talents, this talent for manipulating flames is very promising!

"Next, it's time to go to the beach and rub the sand."

Ye Fei couldn't help but look forward to it.

He is still a long way from rubbing out chips, but with his current ability, rubbing a piece of glass is not difficult!

[Ding! Fusion success! Ships get an extra ability - Quick Reload! (D-level talent)]


This is the talent of the black man, which can increase the loading speed of the weapons on the battleship by 3 times!


To be promoted to a 2-star captain in such a short period of time, this Nige is indeed a bit of a level.

As a result, Ye Fei possessed as many as seven D-level and above talents, and three C-level talents.

You know, in the entire sea area, there are only about 20 people with C-level talent.


Ye Fei smiled and looked at the last corpse.

[Ding! Fusion success! Get the Shipboard Symbiote Crew—Biological Minions! ]

It's a pity~ this person's ability is very rare and ordinary.

But Ye Fei didn't care, he immediately turned his attention to the octopus monster.

This is the main event.

The head of this octopus monster has been chewed to pieces, and it can't die anymore, but the other party is worthy of the name of sea monster, and every tentacle is still moving.

Some even tried to break away from the mother's body and escape on their own, as if they had independent consciousness.

"This tentacle is really flexible."

Seeing this, Ye Fei couldn't help but raise his mouth slightly.

The next moment, he activated his fusion talent.

With the golden light shining, the octopus slowly merged into the battleship.

For a moment, the entire shell of the battleship began to secrete mucus.

The original rough calcium armor has become slippery. This may surprise the enemy during gang battles.

At the same time, some cables and chains on the deck of the battleship also grew suction cups and claw-like teeth.

[Ding! Successful fusion of octopus monsters (level 1 mutant elite)! Battleship damage control +5! ]

Not bad!

The warship not only has some more flexible tentacles, but also has a lot of repair ability.


In the blink of an eye, ten minutes passed.

Ye Fei finally turned all the spoils into his own strength.

At this time, his strength has risen again!

It has to be said that this unexpected treasure hunting trip triggered by Luo Bing has given him a lot of rewards, and he has had a lot of fun once.

Looking at Luo Bing again, Ye Fei couldn't help but feel much more pleasing to the eye.

The next step is to absorb the iron element, and then upgrade the battleship.

This step is now extremely simple.

What's more, Ye Fei doesn't need to do anything, just lie flat.

The battleship floats on the sea surface, and the roots can continuously extract iron elements from the sea water.

As soon as he merged the kung fu of the octopus monster, his iron reserves had increased from 2 units to 4 units.

Diving into the deep sea, extracting iron from the iron-rich silt, the speed can be doubled again.

Not to mention, this chick Luo Bing's treasure hunting ability is really very useful, she can find areas rich in iron elements by feeling.

According to the current collection speed, he only needs 1 hour to collect the iron ore, and then advance to 4 stars.

Let the crew drive the warship to "salvage" iron ore on the seabed.

Ye Fei himself lay down on the hammock.

Of course, he is not being lazy, but collecting useful information on the communication channel.

A communication channel with 20,000 people, but there are only a few who talk frequently.

In fact, most people are highly stressed, or are exhausted, and have no time to "water".

It's the only one like Ye Fei who lays down and watches the screen.

Soon, Ye Fei collected a lot of useful information.

For example, the number of 3-star captains has reached about 10 at this time.

Most of them are captains with C-level talents.

Most of them will make a high-profile announcement the first time they are promoted.

So this data is likely to be very close to the real value.

After all, not everyone is like Ye Fei, who can directly pick up crew members.

Everyone tried their best to gain popularity so that they could attract enough manpower to expand the fleet.

At the same time, Ye Fei noticed that iron ore is still rarely mentioned.

4 stars, it's not that easy.

However, Ye Fei will soon be promoted to 4 stars. He was very lucky. He used his tentacles to dig out an anchor in the mud of the ground. The anchor was made of pig iron and weighed 300 kilograms.

I found a needle in a haystack, and I found it.

What kind of luck is this?

I have to say that after bringing Luo Bing along, my luck in finding treasures has increased a lot!

Now, not only him, but also Luo Bing can upgrade immediately. The other party needs very little iron ore, and if you leak some from your own mouth, it is enough for the other party to enjoy.

After confirming that he is in the lead, Ye Fei will immediately exit the communication channel to upgrade.

But at this moment, a message flashed across the screen:

"Congratulations to Mr. Huang Jie for reaching the 3-star limit!"

"Congratulations to Mr. Huang Jie for reaching the 3-star limit!"

Huang Jie's little brothers are in uniform.

For a while, the communication channel boiled over.

Wang Yifeng: "Brother Jie is amazing!!! With some more iron ore, I think he can advance to the next level at any time!"

Li Li: "Boss Huang Jie surpassed everyone without saying a word!"

Liu Ru: "Guns and Roses congratulates boss Huang Jie for reaching the 3-star limit. The power of our sea area has increased again! By the way, let me ask you in a low voice~ Does boss need slaves for logging?"

"Good guy, is this the big boss? If you don't cry, you're done. Yiming scared me so much that I turned on the kneeling and licking mode. Dad, I'll give you a bow!"

"Boss Ye Fei is also dormant and silent! Looking forward to it!"

"Ye Fei? He is strong enough, but mining iron ore is a laborious task. There are many people and strength, and you have to find it. The fleet has an advantage!"

"Boss Ye Fei doesn't seem to have any income~"

"From this point of view, the most advantageous ones are Goddess Liu Ru and Brother Huang Jie."

Liu Ru: "I'm not as powerful as Huang Jie. The little girl can just do some small business with peace of mind. It's really not suitable for me to fight and kill."

Huang Jie: "Goddess Liu Ru is really humble. I think you have the strength to win the first place in this sea area!"

"In the sea area, I see heroes, Brother Weijie and Goddess Er~"

"I said, since everyone is so awesome, can you get some fresh water to drink, I'm almost dying of thirst."

Someone asked for help, but the voice was quickly drowned in a wave of flattery.

Raising the star rating can greatly relieve physical fatigue, so many captains don't feel uncomfortable at this time.

But at this moment, Luo Bing quietly sent a screenshot.

She, the 4-star captain!

Yes, in the middle of everyone's bragging, with Ye Fei's help, she has already advanced.

Seeing Liu Ru, who is also a woman, bragging there, she was greatly inspired.

Why don't I also win over a group of people?

In the future, it will be much more convenient to trade various resources to Ye Fei and find out information.

Since he can't help in terms of strength, Ye Fei's approval may be obtained in terms of business intelligence.

Luo Bing thought so in her heart.

Of course, she will never make her own claims. She has explained these thoughts to Ye Fei in advance, and she will act only after obtaining consent.

The task Ye Fei gave her was: find someone who knows how to make iron.

After that, Ye Fei stopped paying attention to the communication channel, but went to observe and study the ancient war tree.

"Goddess Luo Bing is so powerful!"

"Hiss~ The number one boss in the sea area has been born!"

"Siha, Siha, Goddess, look here, your dog is missing."

"I beg Goddess Luo Bing to take me with me!"

"I heard that Goddess Luo Bing is not yet 18 years old, she is really young and invincible!"

For a while, everyone licked wildly.

Liu Ruho stood up in shock, Luo Bing was so strong!


"It's definitely Ye Fei...Ye Fei was actually manipulated by her."

For a moment, she looked complicated and a little angry. Such a thing is actually higher than her!

In her mind, Ye Fei must have sacrificed his own interests to let Luo Bing rush.

"It's really a good method~"

Wang Yifeng thought so too.

On the side, Li Li was also greatly shocked. She had observed Ye Fei carefully, and always felt that Ye Fei was a relatively cold-hearted person. Logically speaking, he shouldn't be.

"Maybe Ye Fei has advanced..."

She spoke to the teammate on the side, but halfway through speaking, she smiled and shook her head. The probability of this is too low, almost impossible.

In fact, everyone didn't say anything, but more or less, they all had similar thoughts in their hearts.

After all, if Luo Bing hadn't advanced first, wouldn't Ye Fei have already advanced?

Two people with 4 stars at the same time?

It's absolutely impossible to make fun of another world!


"Everyone, stop joking. I can't take you. I'm still being taken."

Luo Bing typed out a line of 'Joke from another world'.

For a while, everyone was silent.

Of all the possibilities, this is the most unlikely.

But....could it be true?

Everyone is still working hard for 3 stars, what the hell...Ye Fei's little brother is already 4 stars? !


For a while, many people directly broke their defenses and couldn't accept it!


At the same time, after being upgraded to a four-star battleship, Ye Fei, who was happily observing the core changes of the ancient war tree, suddenly found that his private message channel began to jingle.

He opened it and looked, good guy, all of them are friend applications from girls!

At first glance, they were all old shoulders.

Even, several of them used their 15-year-old as a selling point.

Ye Fei was shocked immediately.

What did Luo Bing do?

No, I asked you to find someone to smelt iron, and you find someone to smelt copper for me!