
World Of The Fallen Sun

Synopsis The world is plunged into darkness and the abyss is running rampant across the planets and planes, supernatural awakening has become the norm for those of the new world. What caused this? Why is the giant moon in the sky sometimes bright and other times filled with cracks that seemed to hide a gigantic evil? This story encompasses a universe filled with diverse creatures and powerful beings that all have one thing in common- trying their best to resist the abyss. The protagonist will slowly explore this universe and the mysteries in it.

Korian_Hermit · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 9: Tyrant Team

Chapter 9: Tyrant Team

 Lucian woke up in the bedroom provided by the tyrant group, he and his friends drank a lot the night before leading to his current groggy state.

"I need to wash my face and calm my mind now, why do I still feel sleepy?"

Everything that happened the day before made him smile. Everyone gathered to welcome the new members of the team. Drinking, games and other activities made the entire celebration worth it.

He steeled his mind and got out of the bed only to see Reina beside him still sleeping soundly.

His mind froze before scenes of the night before began invading his mind, his sister's absence due to leaving early to prepare for a journey according to Xander.

Reina and he… he couldn't continue thinking about it.

Reina woke up, groggily turning, she looked at Lucian who was hiding his face with a sneer, "you are going to repeat the same thing you did last time? Everyone is out anyway so you don't have to worry. Death might not be far away so let's enjoy ourselves while we can."

The lower district were indifferent to this things as long as they were 16. This was made as an unofficial agreement among the families in order to avoid their children keeping it a secret. Once anyone in a family was suspected, the family will use their own means to find out the who they are involved with and ensure the other family is informed. The population of the plane would have been abysmal without this rule. Despite the attempt to maintain it, different disasters could lead to untimely deaths.

Lucian mind went cold when he heard Reina's words, "according to the old text he read with the aid of spirit reading taught by the old teacher, time in the old world was divided into seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years. Now everything was muddled, but every shelter tried to revive this aspect of the old world that was helpful in keeping order.

Planes that were connected to Dell experienced time differently despite their close proximity making it difficult to create an organised calendar.

In the 9th convention of Dell's plane, the attempt to revive the old time was abolished, a new dellish calendar was introduced.

Of course this happened a long time ago before the first monsters rampage which claimed the lives of nearly every living creature in the plane. The attack came by surprise and only after the sacrifice of every powerhouse in that period did they manage to drive the monsters back.

 Part of the powerhouses that fell separated the plane from the monsters by pulling the monsters into the void. Leading to the formation of the forbidden realm.

The result of the war was the rise of a rank 5 star path warrior who through astrology managed to receive the seven days, week, month and year rule. After the years were established, they found out most of the people did not live longer even with majority awakening up to rank 7.

Turning to Reina he said, "we are not going to die, apart from the ruins and other far away exploration sites, the monsters around us have been taken care of. Besides no one will expect anything from a rank 9 anyway."


 Aaron walked Reina, Lucian and Adam who joined tyrant team into the history hall of the team, they recorded everything of note performed by predecessors of the team.

"We are going to put your protrait here while I teach you general knowledge especially about Dell plane. Aaron said,

The education you had did not tell you about the size of this plane, why rank five's is the peak achievable.

Also meditation and combat training will be included in your schedule. Your little abilities can't be used in a high level battle so until you reach rank 7, it is better to put more effort in your teamwork."

He opened the door, from the outside they could already glimpsed the books, weapons and other accessories behind it. They were quite curious on what was behind the door.

Aaron who was smiling as he introduced some weapons to them walked towards an ancient parchmentand said, "this piece of paper filled with unknown words was gotten from a ruin at a high cost and no one has been able to decipher anything from them so far.

We suspect it is an old world language so we will never, we have no one that can read old world languages in all of dell plane."

Reina and Adam immediately walked to this parchment excitedly, they wanted to try their luck. Their expressions became strange after staring for a while, they could see the parchment, they knew words were on it but their minds automatically deleted the image generated.

Aaron was secretly looking at Lucian, Aster told him then that of all those who could decipher old world language through spirit reading, Lucian had a better chance of reading this due to him being able to divide his mind.

Aaron mused, "spirit reading is a technique known by only two humans in the history of the plane, the ability to read words from the emotions of the writer when the note was being penned. According to the old teacher, spirit reading is like looking at the words and meaning from the writer's perspective, while the pronunciation of the words can be difficult to see since so much time as passed, the general meaning of the words can be gotten.

That old teacher in the education centre said he could not decipher anything from this words due to some limitations he could not talk about but Lucian could because of his talent. I wonder if there will be a surprise."

Aaron who had a sly smile plastered on his face said without a hint of remorse, "none of this weapons will be of use to you without reaching rank 7 so you need to work hard. I don't expect you to be able to read that parchment anyway, Xander and Leylah think it is something from a rank 4 or rank 3 which makes it very difficult to read.

This parchment also prevents energy from leaving this room, like a secret room so we store quite some important things here."

Adam and Reina stopped walking for a while because the memory of the weapons and other information Aaron was already blurry. Aaron who wanted to test how long Lucian could last gave up when he saw the rest beginning to get tired. He looked at Lucian who was sneering at him with an expression that made him want to beat him up.

"We need to leave now. You can't hold on here anymore, if we left you guys alone, you will also forget the way you came in."

Reina and Adam felt a chill immediately, waking them from their hypnotic trance, they turned to look at the unfamiliar door in horror…

"I thought we were going to sleep here, I think I have forgotten everything you told us."

Reina glanced at Lucian before her mind calmed down. Aaron smiled quietly looking at them for a while before their eyes regained clarity.

 "I think I remember everything you said," Adam said,

"Me too." Reina who looked surprise said.

Aaron continued, "that is the way to resist the effect of this parchment, of course it is only effective in this room. There is one final weapon I want to show you, make sure not to say a word of you see what it is." He emphasized his words by placing his fingers on his lips, they could only nod to show their agreements.

The trio walking with Aaron looked around in confusion because the entire hall from the outside was not big but the journey to this special artifact was like walking through glory shelter. Aaron motioned for them to stop when he reached a room that had different shadows, chains and moon patterns covering the entire door.

They all held their breath as he opened the door. Aaron immediately jumped out of the way after the door opened.

Lucian immediately revealed a look of horror which he hid quickly, different words were running through the eyes of a beautiful doll and some of this words were planes, Dell, the shadow lady, the crystal fool and pages with compressed stars.

This beautiful doll had long hair running down to her waist and at the tip of each hair strands, eyes with a bright glow were embedded in them.

They all gasped in surprise, "how beautiful"

Lucian turned to the wall beside this beautiful doll reading the words on them aloud.

 "Unknown rank Beauty sun doll, gotten during the first exploration to the forbidden realm, only pure sun path warriors could last ten minutes around the doll before they began to combust. Repeated tests shows even rank 5 warriors cannot last long under her gaze before they are reduced to ashes. It also seems to possess living characteristics.

Unknown rank Moon mirror is used to contain the doll while the parchment of secrets is used as a second layer of seal to make it forget it's abilities.

According to the currently known knowledge, it was once suspected to be the key to advancement to rank 4 but after tests and failures, they gave up on this artifact, leaving tyrant team the permanent owner.

Behind this doll are diamond crystals, attempts to get them have been met with failures with only one success. This crystal was used by a star path warrior to attempt advancing to rank 4.

An attempt that failed miserably due to reasons unknown."

Aaron closed the door immediately Lucian finished reading. He felt as if his body was burning when he was closing this door.