
World Of The Fallen Sun

Synopsis The world is plunged into darkness and the abyss is running rampant across the planets and planes, supernatural awakening has become the norm for those of the new world. What caused this? Why is the giant moon in the sky sometimes bright and other times filled with cracks that seemed to hide a gigantic evil? This story encompasses a universe filled with diverse creatures and powerful beings that all have one thing in common- trying their best to resist the abyss. The protagonist will slowly explore this universe and the mysteries in it.

Korian_Hermit · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 10: Words of the Scribe

Chapter 10: Words of the Scribe

 After leaving the weapons building, Aaron led them to the training ground. He wanted to impact the knowledge on meditation and the ranks to the trio.

The tyrant mercenary building occupied a large area of land on the edge of a monster infested area close in the southern lower district area. Major mercenary and training teams occupied strategic areas in the border of the glory shelter due to the artifacts they controlled and the need to ensure safety of others if an energy leakage occurred.

Liaison quarters for different teams are stationed in the central district in order to obtain first hand information quickly, communicate emergency situations to note the families and other groups and to keep records of high level artifacts in their control.

Aaron said, "everything you saw in that room was shown to you to make you aware of the means of other teams, we own a dangerous artifact like the beauty sun doll, think of some of the artifacts the others own. Some are so difficult to deal with they had to be sealed in the forbidden realm."

 The trio became shocked, "sealed in the forbidden realm?!! They asked in shock.

Aaron scoffed at their ignorance, "knowing about this is useless, only your own strength matters. I will guide you on the basis of meditation for your advancement to rank 8 but you also need to undergo intense physical training. It will teach you endurance and also stimulate your reaction time. Before that, you need to read that.

Aaron pointed at a book placed on a pedestal motioning to them to read it before they come back to him. The trio walked to the book whispering among themselves, "I wonder what is written there, I have already forgotten most of what we saw in that building but I still feel shocked. It seemed we encountered something incredible.

Lucian smiled slightly at Reina's words, "if I tell you what I saw, maybe you will be running out of this place as fast as possible. The shadow lady, the crystal fool, Dell, compressed pages of stars and a blurry name I could not make out. What significance do this names hold, I feel like there is a trap in some of this knowledge."

Aaron who was still standing in the middle of the training ground shouted his words at the rookies, "don't waste your time there, they are not useful for you now anyway, if you want to remember everything in that room, you only need to go back and stand in front of the door for about a minute.

They nodded their heads and turned to the book that was made with special materials most likely monster skin. On the front page of the book were the words, " Words of the Scribe."

Adam walked carefully to the book and attempted to open it but all three in close proximity to the book suffered a serious headache with different words running through their heads. The indescribable words pierce their seas of consciousness. They tried their best to move out of range before the words stopped.

Aaron who was already beside them started clapping sarcastically, "you did not ask about its effect, you just opened it. Do you think everything in the wilderness and forbidden realm is there for you to just walk up on and take? Adam and Reina, I expected better from a star and moon path warrior famed for your intuition to danger. Or did it become damaged after you came in here?

That won't do, I expect you to advance as soon as possible to rank 8 so that I can intensify your training.

The words of the scribe is a partial moon and world path artifact that is known to be a little bit common because it can be forged. The materials needed to forge it are mostly from the moon path but a world path warrior is needed in order to create a finished product. You need recognition from the master of the book before you can read the content in them.

This book can be used to record information that are being deliberately concealed- the information on their most important artifacts, records their predecessors and other artifacts either from other teams or those in the forbidden realm

He revealed three medals, the tyrant emblem a giant fist coated with flames that meant strength was on this emblem.

"The tyrant team has a long history in this shelter and one of their oldest members helped the shelter in crisis at some point so it is understandable why they can keep those strong artifacts… Lucian thought, besides they do not have any rank 5 so they served as a balancing force preventing others from targeting the large families because of the advancement method to rank 4. If others needed the diamond for rank 4 advancement, they only needed to tell the tyrant liaison officer and he will arrange it for them. Of course, they all ended in failure."

Adam walked again to the book and cautiously opened it. Lucian who used to think his double mind made him invincible realised he hit a stone wall when he entered range without permission, his attempts to divide his mind and hide his pain only made him suffer twice more. The book counterattacked by striking him even harder.

The first page described the book itself.

"Rank 4 words of the scribe, forged from a special world path technique and also precious materials from the forbidden realm. The book ensures everything recorded within is not erased. It is suspected that the mutation from the two paths was what made it special.

Some knowledge cannot be recorded in this book because the knowledge is either beyond the capabilities of the book or they are in a special state. The words on the parchment of secrets cannot be recorded on the book and the result of the forgotten exploration also can't be recorded. Artifacts stored in the forbidden realm with unknown levels cannot be recorded."

This phenomenon made the shelters and other extraordinary creatures agree on the fact that rank 4 is a major dividing line in the ranks.

The second page had the description of the unknown rank Moon mirror of the moon path.

"Unknown rank Moon mirror, the period it was obtained is unknown. It can normally contain different artifacts from rank 9 to rank 5 but a special space was discovered when the beauty sun doll was brought into the mirror. The actual form of this unknown ranked artifact is not known, it is suspected only a higher rank warrior can see it."

Adam eager to learn more opened page after page only to discover they were empty, the rookies especially Lucian could only scowl in displeasure at the how Aaron has been making fun of them since they joined the team.

Aaron pretended to be oblivious to their complaints, "knowledge has a price, don't think you will understand the value of this knowledge yet. You don't have the necessary level to view the other information so don't blame.

Read up the information on the current tyrant team members, their levels and roles before we leave.

Adam muttered under his breath, "bullying the weak and fearing the strong, I am going to beat him up when I get stronger."

"Oh! So you can get angry? I thought you will always be calm and cold like that stature in the hall," Reina said looking surprised.

Lucian read aloud, "Xander Max, leader and rank 6 planet path.

Leylah, rank 7 star path with expertise in astrology and divination.

Aster, rank 7 star path with expertise in scouting and escaping.

John, rank 7 sun path, combat rookie.

Aaron, rank 6 planet path, combat expert."

They inhaled deeply when they saw that Aaron was a rank 6 warrior, "it seems it will take quite a while before we can beat him up."

Aaron who knew they had seen his rank said with a smile, "you have seen a lot today, I will advice you to wash and rest up because you will be needing the rest from tomorrow."