
World of Supernatural(Twilight,Noblesse,Underworld,Dracula,VD,Orig..)

Fate sometimes brings more surprises to life, as Jay found himself as one of the most powerful fictional being (Cadis Etrama Di Raizel from Noblesse), where more surprises await him. A world infected with various fictional beings from different fictional worlds would be interesting. Noblesse(alternative reality) X Twilight X Vampire Diaries X Originals X Underworld X Teen Wolf

AmouxCreationsX · Movies
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28 Chs

Chapter 17

Coming outside, Raizel glanced at Lida, who was visibly sweating and clearly terrified. He could sense her fear and anxiety. Approaching her, he acknowledged her assistance with a nod.

"Thank you for your help, Dr. Lida," Raizel said calmly.

As his eyes began to glow, Lida's consciousness faded, and Raizel gently manipulated her body with telekinesis to ensure she didn't injure herself when she fell unconscious. He then proceeded to manipulate and erase her memories, hoping to prevent her from encountering further trouble. As the sole witness to the events at Antigen, her altered memories would align with the false narrative that the Eastern Sector vampires had attacked the facility to obtain their research. Raizel also ensured that she would forget about the presence of Selene and Micheal within Antigen, though he knew that Union might uncover some clues eventually about Hybrid and what happened here.

Observing Raizel's interaction with Lida, Selene and Micheal emerged from their chambers. Though Selene concealed her hostility, Raizel perceived it nonetheless. With Lida's memory manipulation complete, Raizel continued forward without a word, prompting Micheal and Selene to exchange a glance before following him.

Following Raizel outside, Selene and Micheal were confronted with a scene beyond description. The entire area was marred by blood, the aftermath of a brutal massacre involving lycans and humans alike. Each floor bore witness to the carnage, with destroyed structures and the scent of blood permeating the air. Raizel paid little attention to their reactions, knowing that even someone as experienced as Selene, a former death dealer accustomed to hunting vampires and lycans, would be taken aback such sight.

Upon reaching the ground floor, they found Frankenstein waiting for them. He had changed into a fresh suit, meticulously tending to it to ensure that not a speck of blood from the stained floor would soil his shoes. Raizel couldn't help but sigh at the contrast between the Frankenstein he had encountered moments ago, drenched in the blood of his victims like a deranged madman, and the impeccably composed butler before him, who could switch from madness to flawlessness in an instant, barring any vulgarity from his lips.

As Raizel returned, Frankenstein bowed respectfully and spoke, "Master, I have done as you asked."

Raizel nodded in acknowledgment, trusting that Frankenstein had taken care of erasing any evidence related to the hybrids.

Then Raizel noticed Frankenstein glancing at the approaching Selene and Michael, both of whom were curious about a human serving Raizel. Unbeknownst to them, from the top floor to the ground floor, the scenes of destruction and massacre had been orchestrated by Frankenstein. However, they perceived Raizel as the instigator, fearing him deeply. Following Frankenstein's gaze, Raizel turned towards Selene and Michael and calmly stated, "They will be living with us for now.". Frankenstein didn't oppose, but instead agreed with a nod before leading them outside.

Selene grew restless, yearning to escape, but she found herself unable to do so because of Michael's restraint. She hesitated to follow a stranger possessing powers she had never encountered before. Sensing Selene's hostility, Raizel halted and gently said, "Selene, you are a mother. Would you risk harming your child?" Selene, startled, couldn't believe her ears. Michael, confused, asked, "What do you mean, sir?"

Raizel turned slowly and explained, "It's understandable that both of you are unaware of your child—a true-born hybrid. She has been subject two at Antigen." Raizel's revelation made Michael glance at the building labeled "Antigen" with growing concern, then back at Raizel with troubled eyes. Finally, Selene found her voice and asked, "Where is she?"

Raizel glanced at Frankenstein, who responded, "She is in the car." Sensing approaching helicopters in the distance, unnoticed by the others, Raizel urged, "We need to move out." Both Raizel and Frankenstein advanced, leaving Selene and Michael troubled by the revelations but compelled to follow, driven by their desire to uncover the truth, despite their reluctance.


I wonder if anyone's interested in Bella falling in love with MC. Anyway, our fiction is about to take a detour to the Vampire Diaries. Those of you accessing publicly, hold tight for a little longer, while premium members get to sink their fangs into the content early. What are you waiting for? Access Patreon today and join the blood-sucking fun!

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