
World of Heroes and legends

36 Year old Riley Ramsey a scientist from the future was assassinated right after a hard day of experimenting and discovery. She woke up in a world filled with mystery, magic and.... superheroes?! After the first day the Avengers came knocking baring good tidings for the recently fired Sandy who just so happen to be Riley's younger version of herself but with more history and relatively more secrets than she had originally thought possible. Will Sandy be able to create a prosperous team that could save everyone and everything? Or will she be to busy with new love, friend and family to take care of to even notice the looming threat? https://discord.gg/5XWjpJ

Asher2000 · Movies
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33 Chs

Chapter 10; Awaken

Gentle rays of sunshine tickled my eyelids waking me up. Groaning from the aching pain all over my body I looked around to discover a screen floating above me and that I was alone. I blinked rapidly.

"What the hell?" I mutter and reached up wanting to swat it away, but my hand past right through the screen. "Eh?!"


{ Your heart rate has elevated. would host like for me to calm host down?}


"Um, no? Please explain to me what is happening right now?" I mutter aloud and sat up.


{Host has been picked by the system as it's host. Now we are apart of host's soul. Did host not see the notification?}

"What notification?" I ask.

{ This notification;

[ You have been picked by the system of Heroes as the one and only host. Host can now level up and upgrade your statuses.]}

" Okay. Can I communicate with the system mentally?" I ask.

{ Yes, Host can.}

'..... Sh¶t. Why didn't you share this information earlier?!'

{You didn't ask.}

'Oh,fudge off! Show me my status please.'

{ Affirmative}

[ Name~ Riley Ramsey/ Sandy Kalin Hale - Level~ 10

Race~ Unknown

Quest Log: 3 Missions

Item's 0

Store (Open)

System Points ( 8000)


Ready Grasp (Passive)

Spruce (Passive)

Good Studier/ Observer (Passive)

Quick Learner (Passive)

Cooking (Active)

Cleaning (Active)

Object Creator ( Active)]

'Okay, first of all.... why did you use the word spruce to describe my mind?' I ask rubbing the bridge of my nose.

{ Because it sounded appropriate.}

'.... Whatever. Secondly it seems that you aren't a gaming system, right?'

{ Incorrect. Your attributes are still being verified.}

'Fine. Third question,why is my race unknown? I am human after all. Does this have to do with the fact that I'm stronger and faster than a normal human.'

{Correct.I am still verifying that as well.}

'Mhmm,last one what's with system points? Is it like money or something?'

{ It is, it can be earned through quests and can only be used in store. Check the Quest Log. If that is all questions I will no longer communicate unless needed.}


[ Communication has been turned off]

Seriously?! Shaking my head I huffed out a sigh and muttered:" Quest Log" under my breath.


[ Quest Log; (3)

It's time to be famous;

Write two books on your theories of Black Holes and Quantum manipulation and theory.


Bending Manual and ability.

New Tech.

200 System Points.

Give The Tin Man a beatin`

Learn to fight and then beat Tony Stark in a sparing match.



300 System Points.

Cheer the Blue girl up.

Help Louise in her time of need.



300 System Points.]

'What the hell?' What's with this? Why do I have to beat Stark up?

Somewhere within the building a certain person felt a shiver down his spine.

Shaking my head I lifted my injured arm up and inspected it.

It was wrapped in a cast with writing on it. Just then the TV went off as a news report about the incident was given. I scowled as I realised and quite liked the idea of beating Stark up. The door opened and a black African American walked in, his left eye sported an eye-pach. He pulled up a chair and sat down next to me, eyeing me.

"I am Nick Fury, Director of

S.H.I.E.L.D and also of the Avengers." Fury says.

" Uh, nice to be of acquaintance, Nick." I said deliberately, knowing he hates being called that and held my good hand out which was a mistake because it was not good at all.

"It is. That weapon you made.... Can you make more?" Fury asks.

"No." I answered instantly. Sure I'd like to help and all but right now Hydra is still apart of Shield so I'd rather not. He blinked in slight shock.

"Why not, Miss Hale?" Fury asks.

"Because it's a super weapon that could and can take out anyone and everything. If I were to make more of them then I'll cause a war to brake out. That and I'd be the cause of millions of deaths, so no thanks. I already have one souls death on my conscious please don't put me in that spot again." I say and scowled. He looked me in the eyes and smiled.

" Then I won't force you. As long as you never make such a thing again. Tony stopped me from taking the Droid so I'll have to ask you to keep how you made that to yourself as well. And for safety measures, Widow will be training you in combat." Says Fury and stood up." Good bye, Miss Hale." He says and walked out.

(Eh, sorry needed to add more but I forgot, I'll add a quick back up chapter.)

First Power Up granted, second one will be coming right after this one so wait and see which one it'll be. Oh and help with the system attribute thing. I'm clueless and the previous books was only an experiment that didn't work so need help.

Thanks for reading. Ah, by the way who voted for a book that doesn't even have chapters yet? One of my side books got a like and it ain't published yet. Weird.

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