
Infant 1

'I may be close to Infant 1, but I need to meditate to breakthrough to fully control my soul so that it can develop.'

'This should not be too hard, after all the book says that there is a one hundred percent chance to breakthrough as long as I meditate in a tranquil area. I'll have to stay up late tonight in order to do this.'

" Young master Ignus, your lunch is ready" A maid in a white and blue uniform informed Ignus from behind his bedroom door. "Ok, I'll be out soon" , Ignus replied and then quickly opened the the secret compartment and put the book back in.

Ignus left his room and started to head towards the main hall which is where Ignus always ate.

Eventually, Ignus had made it to the main hall as two guards clad in silver armor opened the huge double doors with the crest of the Marlem family on it. This crest was that of a dragon with the sun and moon on either side of it.

Ignus came into the main hall to meet his mother and father who were already seated and waiting for him. "Ignus, what took you so long?" , Ignus's father asked. "I'm sorry father, I was studying in my room and I cleaned up before coming for lunch" Ignus replied indignantly. "Ok, as long as you were not goofing off we will not mind it, so sit down and eat", Ignus's mother kindly told Ignus.

Ignus sat down and started eating. Ignus's father Marn Marlem II was in his thirties and was well built. He had green eyes and curly black hair that mad a mullet on the back of his head. This man was a Granum mage above the first three Infant stages, which Ignus had yet to learn of. His mother was the most beautiful person that Ignus had ever known. She was Charlotte Rose Marlem and she had green eyes as well. Her hair a resplendent red accommodated her red dress.

As for Ignus, he had green eyes and long black hair.

"Your studies have been going well son" Marn was pleased with Ignus. "Soon enough you will be able to start meditating for the infant stages. Well, in at least 8 years or so."

'Well, I have already started and will be at infant stage 3 before 8 years will pass! ' Ignus thought to himself.

"Your birthday is coming up this next month. We shall have a banquet for you" Marn smiles in pride of his own son. "That sounds great father!" Ignus replied "enthusiasticly".

'I would rather medidtate, but I guess it would not hurt to take a day off.'

Ignus left to go to his room as soon as he was done l with lunch. Dinner passed quickly and It was night.

'Finally! It's time to breakthrough!' Ignus got the book and started to look at the meditation technique. 'Though I have already read and seen the pictures I want to be sure'.

Ignus sat cross legged on his bed and started to medidtate. He focused his attention on going deep into his mind and letting go of himself on order to see his soul. his soul was a faint mist like figure the shape of himself.

'So that is my soul?' Ignus put his hand out to touch, to find out he didn't have his hands here. 'Only my conscience is here'.

'Instead of trying to touch my soul, I should sense it, or so the book says'

Ignus tried to feel his soul and felt strings of lights and dark attach to his conscience.

Light and darkness emanated from Ignus and he opened his eyes as they went away.

'I've reached Infant 1! I feel my mind becoming closer with my soul. The infant stages are for you to get your soul and conscience to become one. I'll be at that point soon enough!' Ignus thought to himself fervently.

'Most people reach the infant stages easily, but I am only four! Now I need to read more on how to get to Infant 2 and discover what I can do as an infant 1'