
First Time

It was early morning when Ignus's mom awoke him from his slumber.

"Ignus Dear, were going to the Capitol to do some business, and we would like you to come, " Ignus's mother explained.

' Why do I have to go with my parents for business that does not matter to me? '

Reluctantly Ignus replied "Ok mother, I will get ready, as soon as possible." As Ignus got ready he heard the hooves of a Pegasus come down from above. He excitedly got dressed even more quickly and then ran outside.

There stood a white pegasus. Its body was whiter than snow, its wings were more perfect than one could imagine. They were long and sturdy, the feathers were shining just as Ignus's eyes were.

It was truly majestic, it never ceased to amaze Ignus. As the pegasus turned too look at

Ignus, it had inquisitive eyes, but then Ignus's father called out , " Ignus! We are leaving soon , so get into the carriage, and we will be off soon."

"Yes father!" Ignus replied. Ignus then noticed the equipment attached to the pegasus that attached it to the carriage.

Ignus looked at the pegasus once more, and then climbed into the carriage and then sat on one red velvet seat.

' One day I wish to be able to ride a pegasus and travel this vast and boundless world '

Just as Ignus's thought to himself, his parents joined him in the carriage and sat on both sides of him.



The driver urged the pegasus to start flying and the carriage was lifted up off the ground and was also supported by granum.

"Ignus, I see that you have reached the 1st infant stage," Proclaimed Ignus's father.

"Father! How did you know?" Ignus would have never thought his father would find out.

'Wait! My father is leageus ahead of me in the cultivation of granum, so of course he can sense my cultivation in it. To think I could keep it a secret from him. Ha! '

" The reason why we are going to the capitol Vinstan, is to find you a proper teacher to lead you on the correct path in your cultivation" Ignus's father resumes speaking, "I was very surprised to see that you cultivated the 1st infant stage at such a young age. This is unprecedented in the whole of our family history!"

" We are very proud of you Ignus, and we want you to grow up to be a great cultivation expert and lead our Marlem family to become known everywhere, " Ignus's mother happily stated.

" I will try my bes...."


Before Ignus could say much, the carriage had exploded and he was falling to the ground at a fast rate.

' My ears are ringing and my arm feels like it was put into a fire. What happened? '

Just then, a hand reached out and grabbed Ignus. As Ignus's vision cleared up, he saw his father carrying him, flying in the air. His mother was in front of him, wings coming from her back, though they were bloodied.

A man was in front of her, he was bald and had many tattoos on his head. They were skulls, and spirits that seemed alive and one could almost see them wailing. He was frail and had a ragged cloak on.

"Hahahahheehee!" He laughed crazily and pulled out a scythe. " I am the one that shall take your souls and eat them. Hahaha!" the man started to attack Ignus's mother.

"Mother!" Ignus cried out in fear of his mother's life.


Ignus's mother dodged the man's attack with extremely fast speed and then took Ignus from Ignus's father.

" I will protect Ignus, take care of this maniac" Ignus's mother told Marn.

"Gladly," Ignus's father replied.

The fury in his eyes was evident, granum

started to coagulate in front of Ignus's father.

It created a sword that was pure silver, and gave off a holy aura. The mysterious man charged at Marn, and it seemed that he was about to get to him.

"Silverswipe cut!" Ignus's father yelled out and swung his silver sword down on to the mysterious man.

The slash seemed to take the light from around the area and one could only see the sword lop off the mysterious man's head.

Ignus looked horrified and mystified. Horror at the fact that a head and a body fell to the ground, and mystified due to the fact that this was the first time he saw granum be used to attack.