
world of darkness

Life and Death, two sides of the same coin. After his death, his hell begins as he gets imprisoned in the endless darkness for eternity... But after an unknown amount of time, his quiet lonely days gets disturbed by an eye-shaped crack that shows him the vision of a newborn child. After that, his fate becomes linked and cannot be separated from the child's. And the question remains, will he ever be able to escape this lonely hell, or will he be stuck here forever... ?

Zied_Younis · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

Moonlight Academy

Five years later ....

A Very handsome looking boy was walking down the street with a frown on his face that made him look much cuter and more handsome.

That boy was of course , Astrick , he was now 14 years old and looks much more attractive than he used to be before.

If he had the charm of a cute kid before , now he has the charm of a handsome looking man .

As For the reason he was upset right now , it was because he got ranked at 302 in the moonlight academy test.

The Moonlight academy is the second best academy in all of the human area/domain.

It teaches the best ways to use every type of ability from fighting abilities to mechanical and technical abilities .

Although they only accept 1000 students a year , so being ranked the 302nd is pretty amazing ,but Astrick was not happy with that, it was because he wanted to be at least from the top 5 to prove that he wasn't useless and that all those who bullied him were wrong.

Of course that idea was implanted in him by the boy in the dark space as a goal for Astrick so he doesn't kill himself , which was something that he found out he can do and did when Astrick was about to jump off that cliff.

Although the boy can manipulate Astrick's thoughts a little , he can not make it too obvious or else Astrick is going to find out and might do something that he shouldn't and the boy doesn't want him to do.

As for Astrick's life in the past five years , it hadn't been much less than a hell, after Amelia ignored him, he shut himself in and never talked to anyone , and started avoiding both her and Kevin, although they tried to talk to him more than once he completely ignored them and just ran away

After a few weeks of that they both transferred to another school , leaving him completely alone .

Before they left , students were still afraid to do something to Astrick in case that makes them upset, but after they left, everyone started picking up on him , mocking him, beating him.

they used him as a vent for their frustrations , and called him names saying that he's useless and that he should just die ....

They kept bullying him for the past five years making him traumatized and leaving Astrick with an inferiority complex .

Most definitely , Astrick's simple childish mind wouldn't have been able to take all this and not kill himself if it wasn't for the boy's interaction and help....

Speaking about the boy in the dark space , he wasn't spending the last five years just at watching Astrick as he knew that his current way of helping him isn't going to be effective for so long.

He found out that he can use his power of creation to interact with the outside world , although creating something in Astrick's world was hard as it takes twice the energy and focusing ...

But the boy was fine as he had a lots of energy to make weapons that would help Astrick to get stronger , although he needed a way to give the weapons to give to Astrick without him knowing about him...

Which is what the boy was trying to do in the past five years as he had an idea to create something but it took a lot of time and energy , and needed to be checked more than once to make sure it was completely safe ...


After Astrick returned home he was greeted by his parents , but after seeing the frown on his face they thought that he failed the test and started to console him , but after he explained it to them , they were so happy and proud ,but they didn't show it on their faces as they knew and understood their son's feelings and thoughts.

Astrick then headed to his room but before reaching he bumped into his little sister which was 8 years old now .

"Why the sad face brother ?" she asked with her angelic innocent voice .

Seeing his sister and hearing her words , Astrick's mood was lightened as he answered with a loving and caring smile on his face ,

"Nothing, just a little problem big brother is facing right now , but no need for you to worry"

After patting her head he went to his room and as soon as he shut the door behind him his smile was replaced by an expression of pain and anger .

'Damn it !' he hit the wall in anger cursing it.

He he laid down on his bed and started cursing everything in his head , he thought that today he was gonna prove that everyone was wrong , that he's not useless , but all he was met with was a miserable failure .

' Why?Why me? why wasn't my talent higher ? what have i done to deserve any of this???!!!!'

Astrick felt like he was going towards madness , he tried to calm down , but every time he does he remembers the faces of all those who hurt him and felt more mad and angry .

He thought that if this goes on he's going to go insane.


Meanwhile in the dark space ,

The boy was looking through Astrick's eyes with an entertained look on his face , he thought to himself.

' Don't worry Astrick , this daddy is finally gonna be able to help you out today'

"Although i wasn't planning on using it this fast....." he said while moving the soul and mind energy throughout his body using his ability of creation .

Suddenly something appeared on the corner of Astrick's eyes , it looked like a worm, but the boy knew the truth about that worm looking thing and how helpful and powerful it is , afterall he spent the last five years making it .


During Astrick's session of curses he suddenly felt the need to yawn , he spread his hands out as his right hand hit the wall , and out of nowhere a worm looking thing attacked his arm and made a little hole and got through it.

Astrick was surprised as he jumped out the bed , but before he could make any step , an emotionless robotic voice appeared in his head , saying things that made Astrick even more confused,

[Trial number: 672]

[Number of failed trials: 671 ]

[Searching a universe that matches the challenger's strength and potential]

[Universes that matches the challenger's strength and potential found: 1 ]

[Starting the trial in: 3 , 2 , 1 ,0]

Those were the last words Astrick heard before his mind went blank and his room was empty of any sign of him being there a second ago....
