
world of darkness

Life and Death, two sides of the same coin. After his death, his hell begins as he gets imprisoned in the endless darkness for eternity... But after an unknown amount of time, his quiet lonely days gets disturbed by an eye-shaped crack that shows him the vision of a newborn child. After that, his fate becomes linked and cannot be separated from the child's. And the question remains, will he ever be able to escape this lonely hell, or will he be stuck here forever... ?

Zied_Younis · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

Dark Thoughts

On a very high cliff in the middle of nowhere that would make anyone who has a fear of heights pass out and piss themselves , a 9 year old kid with black hair and purple eyes could be seen standing on the very edge of that cliff..

That Boy was of course Astrick , he was now looking down from that height with suicidal thoughts in his mind , he felt an irresistible urge to just jump and end his pain and shame .

But before taking the final step to end everything , the face of a little girl with brown hair and blue eyes appeared in his head making him hesitated as he thought

"How would Clara feel if she knew her brother was such a weak minded person ?"

' maybe not just weak in mind '

Astrick backed out of the edge of the cliff and started to get himself together .

Eventually after about thirty minutes he decided to go back home so he doesn't make his family worried about him.

After arriving home his family asked him where has he been and they were worried about , and apparently Kevin and Amelia told his parents about what happened in the awakening at school ...

Astrick was worried about what his family would think of him after hearing that but his worries were unnecessary as they told him that they'd love him no matter what .

Hearing them say that made him so heart warmed as he was thinking how lucky he was to have such a family .


The Next day Astrick had skipped school as although he was able to get himself together he was still not ready to face other students yet.

But he can't keep hiding forever , knowing that Astrick decided to go the day after that .

When he reached school many students were looking at him, some with empathy others sarcastically , but it was clear to him that many of those who he once saved from bullies , or even called them friends were looking at him differently .

At that point Astrick had finally realized , non of these people was a real friend, they were all just some useless leeches sticking on him in hopes to get a better life through him...

The Way Astrick sees the world had flipped completely during these two days , before he couldn't stand it when someone gets bullied or treated in wrong way , but now he doesn't even care about it let alone help with it.

Going through the hallways of the school he heard a few conversations that made him really uncomfortable.

-"Hey , Have you heard , there's this rumor about Kevin and Amelia being friends with Astrick only because they wanted to recruit him for their families, and now that they found his talent is low they won't talk to him anymore..."

-"Wait , really? but then why did Amelia go after him yesterday after he ran out like a little girl ?"

- " Well of course because she didn't want to ruin her reputation and her family's...."

- "OH, that makes sense now "


Astrick just kept walking by , of course he didn't believe it , after all he knows Amelia and Kevin since they were little kids , they are his only true friends .

Although he didn't completely believe it , there was still some doubts in his heart , and he couldn't be blamed , cause the last two days showed him the true colors of a lot of people...

Shaking his head to get all those ideas out of it , he kept walking towards the class.

On his way he saw Amelia , walking towards his side but as soon as their eyes contacted , she stopped right on her tracks ..

"Hey Ameli..." Astrick tried to start a conversation feeling the awkward situation, but before he could finish his sentence , Amelia ignored him by turning her head and moving the opposite way quickly.

At that moment Astrick's heart stopped bounding as he felt a lot of pain in his chest , holding the left side of his chest , he thought...

'So the rumors were actually true , is that what being betrayed feels like ?'

Thinking of all the memories they shared together a tear came down from Astrick's eye while he mumbled ,

" It hurts !"


Meanwhile in the dark space where the boy has been stuck for thousands of years , he had a really dark look on his face as he was looking away from the eye shaped crack , he said confused,

"What the hell was that?"

A Few seconds ago immediately after Astrick realized that the rumors about Amelia and Kevin were true , somthing really weird happened in the dark space as it started shaking like there was an earthquake in there , the boy even heard some weird sounds and saw something like a purple flashing light for a second .

Thinking of what just happened to Astrick he thought,

"could it be a coincidence?"

He couldn't tell if it was real or was he just hallucinating , but this was something really important as he might be able to finally leave this dark space soon .

Turning his head back to the eye shaped crack he said to himself with a frown,

" But I'm gonna need to do something about this first "

He could feel that Astrick's feelings were in a real mess right now , and if he doesn't help him , Astrick will probably end up killing himself soon.

And he won't be able to stop it like the last time back at the cliff.

