
World of Caltera

The world of Caltera is filled with magic and monster's. The planet is 20x the size of Earth with just as much problems. We follow the journey of Ellis Klov a human mage with the Object Dominance who is blessed by Fokne the Goddess of growth. While on his home continent of Meridia he is sucked into a battle between Dukes vying for control of the Kingdom of Meridia. 37 Dukes, 37 dukedoms all fighting for a throne with no heir and only bastard children. Ellis finds himself sucked into this turmoil and fighting for his life for a duke worthy of the throne. Even as he helps his Duke to obtain his position for the throne, the world still moves on. There are many other nations and clans around the world. Even the darkness that has evaded everyone for so long is making a return. Will Ellis be able to help unite his nation before it's to late or will the darkness swallow the world before anyone realizes their own doom.

Lazy_Tobais · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Class Festival 2

"A true blessing from Fokne the Goddess of growth! I have to inform the Guild Master!" But he won't be here till the Duke arrives, she thought to herself. 

  Ellias was dumbstruck. How could he be a Mage?! How could he not be a Warrior?! He had so many thoughts rushing through his head. He felt cheated by the gods! He trained all he could with his parents and did all he could to influence the universe to make him a Warrior, but he ended up a Mage. 

Reluctantly Ellias opened up his spells to learn more about them. If he was stuck as a Mage he best learn what he can do.

[Living Puppet Lv 1: Able to spend 100 mana to create a 1ft tall puppet that will last 24hrs for each 100 points of mana spent. You are able to control the Living Puppet from any distance, but can not communicate with it outside of earshot. Living Puppet can use the creators skills and assist in any tasks given by the creator, as long as the creator can do said skills themselves]

[Object Dominance Lv 1: Costs 1 mana per minute to dominate an object no larger the the caster. Objects dominated will float if they are unable to move on their own. Dominated Objects can use Combat Arts that the caster has learned. Please note that the caster can not use Combat Arts]

"What the hell is this?!" Ellias said loudly drawing attention to himself. Yulanda redirected her focus from the job she must do to the young man in front of her. "What does this mean? I can learn Combat Arts, but can't use them?"

  Yulanda quickly used her observation skill to look at Ellias's skills before it was too late to use it. Her eyes widened and her eyebrows raised. What was she looking at?! She knew Void Mages were weird, but she's actually never seen one before. She knows the Duke is one, but that's the only Void Mage should could think of. Ellias was truly blessed by Fokne!

Yulanda quickly gathered herself. "Ahem. Ellias was it? We need to get you moved so no one else can see your class and skills. Thankfully in an hour the window to use the observation skill will be closed."

Ellias looked at her puzzled. "Why do I have to move from here? What's wrong with my class?"

"Have you not seen who your blessing is from?!" Yulanda looked at him like a child who doesn't know any better.

  Once he looked back at his stats his jaw almost dropped to the floor! Blessed by Fokne!? She's one of the major gods! She is the goddess of growth and life. She is one of 5 siblings that are labeled as the major gods. What did it mean to be blessed by a major god he thought to himself. What would become of his life now?

"Do no worry Ellias" she spoke in a calming voice. "I will take you to a room in the back for the employees. No one will bother us as we discuss the next moves."

  Ellias just nodded knowing he could ask questions later and followed Yulanda. She lead him past the reception desk and to a large dark oak door. She quickly knocked a pattern indicating a code. The door slowly opened revealing a tall bald dark skinned man. He had a bright smile and pure white eyes. He looked well aged, but Ellias, now having a class, could sense that he old man in front of was still in his prime. 

"Ah Yulanda, I knew that was your knock. What can this old man do for you?" He spoke calmly like an elder happy to see their star pupil again.

"Mude we need to contact the Guild Master. Does he still have his portable crystal? I need to talk to him."

"Why yes he does" he said with a larger smile. "What is it that you need to talk to him urgently? He will be here in a week with the Duke herself. It must be very important."

"Yes it is" Yulanda's tone was much more serious. Even Mude's expression changed when he sensed the change in Yulanda's tone. "Use your observation skill and examine this new adventurer."

Mude directed his gaze towards Ellias. Ellias could feel as his entire body was being coated in a cold layer of water. It was an odd sensation that gave him goosebumps.

"Ahh I see he has a blessing of a major god, an interesting Void class and his vitals and body are all healthy. This is a good sign we have a chosen in our mists."

Yulanda nodded her head "that's correct. Why I need to talk to the Guild Master about this."

Mude just nodded and fully opened the door. "Yes yes. Follow me. We will talk to the Guild Master together."

  The two entered a room that resembled an old library. It was a large with with dozens of shelves filled with books and scrolls with maps scattered on the wall. The left wall that was 12ft high was an entire map of the continent in great detail, Another wall was a map of the entire world and the wall on the right was a incredibly detailed map depicting the Dukes land down to the rivers, roads, towns and every Dungeon crystal. Ellias quickly noticed a handful of Blue crystals, Red and a single Purple one near the coast in the south region. 

  Ellias quickly felt an intense gaze upon him and looked away from the map. Mude was looking at him with a finger across his lips signaling to be quiet about what he say. He nodded nervously. Behind Mude was Yulanda standing over the only table in the center of the room. The table had dozens of papers scattered across. In the center of a table was a 1ft large crystal with ornate gold structure holding it. Yulanda placed both hands around it and channeled magic into it.

  The crystal itself started to blink in a blue and green light before a projection of a demi appeared. He was a teifling. He had dark red skin, yellow eyes, silver hair in a ponytail and two snow white horns with gold imbedded in the tips of them. He wore a simple military style uniform in the same colors as the one Yulanda and Mude wore. 

He raised a single eyebrow seeing Yulanda, Mude and a young man he's never see before. "This must be very important for you to interrupt my travel with the Duke, Yulanda." His voice was stern and sounded slightly irritated. Like a drill instructor having to correct one of his men. 

"I apologize for the interruption Guild Master" Yulanda spoke quickly while giving a light bow to him. "Guild Master Greeves. This young man behind me has just underwent his Class Stone choosing process. He has received a Void Mage and a blessing from a major god, Fokne."

Guild Master Greeves ears perked up hearing this. "Are you saying he's another chosen?" Before he could keep speaking another person appeared in the image. She was an older lady who looked to be in her mid 40's. She was a human with deep auburn hair and energetic green eyes. 

"Are you the young man truly blessed by Fokne?" She spoke directly and with enthusiasm in her voice. "What is your name?"

Yulanda signaled for him to step closer and speak to Duke Bria. 


"I am Ellias Klov sire" Ellias spoke while giving a bow and crossing his legs. Everyone in the room and on the crystal call could tell he has never bowed in his life. Even Duke Bria had to stifle her laugh before speaking. 

"Ahem. So Ellias Klov, do you understand the position you are in since you are blessed by a major god?" Duke Bria had fully taken the crystal Guild Master Greeves had as the image only showed her now. Indicating how truly serious this was. 

"No ma'am I do not. I wished to be a Warrior and trained like my parents to become one. I only wanted to be a Warrior and hunt monsters and sell the hides in my store. I never learned about the politics and issues of our land."

  Ellias was embarrassed he was ignorant of the turmoil's of the land, but many shared the same mentality as him. No matter who ruled or how they governed, adventurers would be free to hunt monsters and travel. The higher the politics the less affect it had on the common people. 

  Duke Bria's eyes went into a daze as she was recalling something from memory. "Ah yes. I remember the Klov family. Jess and Hunter Klov were your parents correct? I was saddened to hear that they passed. When they were younger they joined with the Adventure force to help me close a Purple Dungeon. They acted as scouts and saved many lives with the information they provided. Are you still operating the Skinned Fox Tannery?"

Ellias was amazed the Duke of all people knew of his family let alone the tannery they ran! "Yes sire. I still run the shop. Although we don't make as much money with only me, I do not need much to survive."

The Duke nodded in approval. She truly liked people who were humble and didn't try to horde money like other Dukes. "It is good to hear you are doing well, though I must inform you of how sensitive your position is."

Ellias had a puzzled look on his face. He had no idea what it meant to be blessed by a major god. It was so rare that only those that were a Duke or directly working for a Duke were known to be blessed. 

"You see being blessed is another way of ascending to the throne." 

Ellias braced himself. He knew he was about to be told something that would change his life forever. 

"Besides being a Duke or having a bastard child of the former King, someone who is blessed by a major god is another third option to ascending the throne. Since the previous King was also blessed by the major god Drofir the god of War many believe if you are blessed by a major god then that person, or someone of their choosing, has a right to the throne."

  Ellias's knees almost buckled under him. He didn't want to get swept up in a power struggle of the land! He wanted a simple life of an adventurer and run his traveling shop. He wanted to see the world, but be tied to some throne that sits on a pile of corpses! Luckily Duke Bria could see the devastated look on Elias's face that he had no plan to get involved with the throne.

  Duke Bria was slightly happy about this. She wanted no part in the throne as ell. She's seen what others have done and wants no part in it. That doesn't mean she will let those unworthy or have evil intentions ascend to the throne. She is more then happy to back those she thinks are worthy. 

"Calm yourself Ellias Klov. I know you do not want to be part of the competition to the throne, but you are part of it anyway now. I can do what I can to put pressure on those that will wish for you to join their side. Although there is a limit to what I can do. Now all you have to do it keep quiet about your Unique skill. Only those in this room can know."

Ellias nodded nervously in agreement with the Duke. He had no family to tell, but only close friends. It would be hard to keep the secret from them, but seeing as the Duke herself was involved he knew he had to stay quiet.