
World after Earth

—Note: Please read the tag before reading. — English is not my first language, so there would be grammatical mistakes in this story. —Please give my story a proper review. — I accept a suggestion, but no spam! —Artwork page —https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100088473842323 ———————//———————— —In 2030 the planet was undergoing several changes, with the advancement of technology humans lived longer. Pollution, global warming, deforestation… Natural disasters were much more constant, millions of people died, realizing that the planet was on the verge of collapse, humanity began the race for salvation. In one of the researches of the atom collider, the first stable dimensional portal was opened, a new world was before humans. With technology on their side, humans tried to dominate by force. Unfortunately in this world the unbelievable was possible, magic, beasts, knights... Arthur, one of the survivors of Earth who lost his father in these conflicts, lives with his mother in an attempt to improve the situation they find themselves in.

Bruno_Brunin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 2

Author's note:



Arthur went straight to Lucious' house, they needed to clean the crossbows for dinner. As the 5 mana cores from this hunt will bring good money, Lucious decided to keep the meat of the 5 wolves, as the mana beast meat was very nutritious.

Each core of green mandala is worth 1 silver coin, the monetary system is very simple, 100 coppers are worth 1 silver and 100 silvers 1 gold. With 1 silver a family could live for 1 month.

While Arthur finished the job, Lucious was preoccupied with something else.

'For a green-level pack to have appeared so close to the city, it means that something in the center of the forest is not right.'

The mana beasts that occupied the beginning of the forest were only from the mana circulation stage, for a green stage beast to appear here there are 2 reasons, an increase in strong beasts making the weaker group flee to the edge of the forest, or that pack found something that accelerated its evolution.

"Arthur, in the next 5 days I will gather with the other hunters to investigate the forest, take these 5 days off with your mother."

Arthur was having similar thoughts, he just nodded to his teacher.

'I remember last month we attacked a wolf cave north of the forest, tomorrow after selling the cores I'll take a look at the cave.'

After finishing Arthur took the 3 cores and went home, his mother was still at work, he took a relaxing bath in a heated bathtub with a mana stone with fire magic while thinking about the hunt.

'I have to train more, everything in this world can kill me in the blink of an eye, a second that I get distracted I almost lost my life.'

Arthur wasn't sad or upset, most kids his age would probably be panicking the moment he got the wolf attack, but the fact is that he tends to feel very confident.

When his father died he spent almost a year closed without the will to live, he was new in a different world and he saw very little of his mother. One day his mother came home accompanied by a tall man with very handsome red hair. She smiled at him the same way she smiled at his father, Arthur was very happy to see his mother smile again.

'It's been 3 years since this damned old man somehow stole my mother's heart, only 3 months left until he starts at the gym, could it be that by then they've taken over this teen romance.'

Arthur finished taking a shower and went down to make dinner, two hours later his mother arrived with Lucious and when she realized that Arthur was already waiting with dinner ready, she walked away and went up to her room.

'Who do these two think they are kidding…'

Dinner passed with Arthur teasing the two, which cost him dinnerware and a list of training 3 times worse from his master, but it was worth it, those moments would get harder and harder to happen when he entered the academy, and he I wanted to enjoy every moment.

The next morning Arthur got up and breakfast was ready, he talked to his mother while he ate, and then left for the city's shopping area. He sold the 3 cores and bought a space ring for 50 copper coins.

During all 3 years of training with his master, Arthur managed to save 33 silver coins that he always tried to give to his mother, but she said that the coins would be of great help when he starts in the academy.

After buying the ring, his next stop was at the alchemy shop, the great families of the empire strengthened their heirs from a very young age with pills and elixir that help form a solid base, making it easier to break through all the stages.

Arthur learned the basics of alchemy by paying 5 coppers for the basic alchemy technique book, which provided knowledge about common herbs and some basic alchemy concepts.

Arthur bought an elixir and a pill that helped purify the body and improve mana circulation in the body, he wanted to speed up the process of core condensation.

At the Imperial academy, there was no test to enter, but there was a class selection test, and Arthur wanted to ensure that he was in the best or among the best rooms, as the technique available depends on the class level.

'Now I'm going to the forest to collect some herbs and look at the cave, where we fought last month, I knew that the beasts in the cave were desperate, but the old man didn't pay attention.'

Arthur walked for about an hour until he reached the cave, without finding any herbs on the way, he was already in a bad mood. He entered the cave and the discomfort he felt last time was now much greater.

'I knew there's something inside this cave, it feels like the mana around it is being sucked in, leaving the air full of mana until breathing became difficult as soon as I entered.'

Arthur entered the cave and the deeper he went the mana in the air seemed more concentrated and purer, he knew that there must be mana crystals inside that cave, now he needed to find out if it was low, medium or high grade.

At the end of the cave there was what looked like the wolves' nest, he saw a very small cub that must have been at most 3 months old, the wolves must have entered the cave to keep the cub safe while they hunted.

'Looks like my luck has improved a bit, this cub has been inside this cave for so long while his little group hunted, that his mana core is already at the beginning of green.'

There were two ways to make a contract with a beast, one was subjugating the beast leaving it between life and death with no strength to resist or when the beast was very young and already had a core of mana.

Arthur pricked his finger and took a drop of blood and placed it on the wolf's forehead, channeling mana into the finger until the wolf began to glow connecting the two souls.

After the contract was made, Arthur took Cub and turned to leave the cave, he took a few steps when Cub struggled from his arms and ran to where the leader of the wolves slept, he dug a hole and removed a piece of blue crystal.

'Now I'm sure today I spent all the luck I accumulated in 11 years of my life...'

Arthur had a goofy smile on his face as he held a high grade mana crystal. A high-grade mana crystal was worth around 10 gold coins.

Reminding you, my English is terrible, the google translator is not to blame, sorry. hahahahaha

Bruno_Brunincreators' thoughts