
World's Strongest Cameraman

[COMPLETED! For more of my work, check out my new book that's coming out: The Fourth Savior is Powerless! https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-fourth-savior-is-powerless_19917082105816805] Pethant Ouph was the laughing stock of the Cameraman's Association in a city filled with superhumans, and his life would be forever changed when he met the unassuming Jon Bo, the world's strongest cameraman. 'With every legendary fight throughout history, there had always been a need for a witness to tell the tale. Some say the one who is able to capture it is logically the strongest of them all.' Be it the groundbreaking clashes of professional fighters, the bloody debut of superheroes, breakouts at the most dangerous prison, a war between the National Treasure superhumans of two tyrannical governments, or a squabble between the two of the world's ten strongest superhumans, the world's strongest cameraman is always going to be there to stand witness. Not only for the content, or the fights, but also the occasional panty shots. Check out the first six chapters and see if this story is for you! The first 3 chapters are like the pilot episode of an anime, and the next 3 is the first mini-arc about the bloody debut of the pro hero. [COMPLETED! For more of my work, check out my new book that's coming out: The Fourth Savior is Powerless! https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-fourth-savior-is-powerless_19917082105816805] [Also, I love reading and replying to comments, good and bad! Just be a professional cameraman about it!] [Chat to me on discord: https://discord.gg/5AAyr5r] [Thanks to the therealsamie_'s IG comment who gave me this ridiculous idea. Writing this for the contest, but had too many wacky ideas to stop there. THE STORY IS ALL PLANNED OUT AND I DO NOT DROP STORIES!]

SomeoneBad · Urban
Not enough ratings
258 Chs

The Wrestling Match of Two RISING STARS

The ground quakes along the outskirts of the S city as dust and dirt are thrown up with every impact of the fight. With every single clash between the body and fists, thundering cracking sounds echoed throughout the valley before earth-shattering booms follow suit.

Intermittent clouds have formed around the center of this fight, and two dashing figures move in and out of focus among the clouds. Then, one of the figures leaps backward before clapping her hands together.

A shock wave exploded outwards before the clouds are dispersed instantaneously. As the dust settles, the two fighters stood tens of meters apart and measured up against one another.

Standing towards the right is an athletically built female with long black hair and caramel skin. Her round striated shoulders showcased her leanness clearly. A tightly fitted white top that cuts off at the belly with her abdominal muscles bulging out is complemented by a red skirt that goes halfway down her thigh. Her golden skin glowed under the high noon sun, and sparkles of light reflected off glitter over her teardrop quad muscles and calves.

Surprisingly, she is not wearing any shoes. If you look closely, there appeared to have been a glowing orange light from underneath her ankles, though you can still make out the outlines of a normal human foot, only sized up by a lot.

On the other side of the fight stood another female fighter with pale skin and short blonde hair brushed towards the side, revealing a short cut on the sides of her head. She has the tattoo of a lightning bolt alongside her neck, and she wears a sleeveless blue jacket with golden linings all over the place. Paring with that is tight-fitting black ripped jeans that showed her curvature in the back and the legs.

She is in fact wearing shoes.

'Looks like this won't be settled with the normalities.' The dark-skinned girl said, letting out a sigh and taking half a step forward.

'Let's give the viewers what they want then.' The pale-skinned girl replied, 'come at me, EARTH BREAKER!'

'Here I come, WINDY!' The girl referred to as Earth Breaker charged forward as her leg dug into the earth due to the sheer amount of propulsive force generated by her powerful legs, and she accelerated to nearly blinding speeds in just two steps!

In the meanwhile, Windy swung both hands behind her in an extremely unnatural position and clapped them behind her. The same clap that cleared out the cloud of dust now sent her flying forward as the air molecules in front of her scrambled to move out of the way.

During the instant before the clash, Earth Breaker stomped onto the ground and created an overbearing wave of earth and mud from her contact with the ground.

The wave of the earth was created to crush Windy and bury her alive. Windy moved out of the way at the sound of another shock wave as she circles around the crushing wave before she flicked her finger towards Earth Breaker, sending a stream of air current like a bullet towards her opponent.

Twisting her feet in the ground, a wall of earth shot up vertically and blocked off the attack as well as the follow-up attacks sent out by Windy.

'This same wall of defense also blocks out the visuals of Windy's whereabouts...how will our girl Earthy respond to this? She appeared to have been backing away as Windy smashed her way through the wall!


'The two clashed in the forearms and went into a tangle before Earthy threw Windy away like a raging bull tossing off an inexperienced rider...'

'Great Move!'

'You can knock our girl Windy down, but she will NOT stay down! Place your bets right now for the outcome of the fight at the polls in the chat, everybody! This is just getting started but you don't want to miss out on the best odds!'

'Wow, you can just see how clever Earth Breaker is with her power usage, only moving the bare minimum amount in order to force Windy to adjust on the spot, and her movements are just so precise and efficient. In comparison, though Windy has higher mobility...'

'Woah! What a great cut by Windy as she dodges the rising columns generated by Earth Breaker's special move, the infamous Terra's Hair!'

'That is extremely well played by Windy, understanding the sequence of rock column generated by Earth Breaker perfectly. It is clear as day that she has been watching the VODs of Earth Breaker's previous fights, as the competition to be promoted into tier 3 professional fighter becomes ever fiercer. Goremaster, I am ever so excited to be here today.'

'You speak for the both of us, Aggress.' Goremaster continued with his casting of the fight going on, looking at the feed, 'and don't forget, fellas. This match is brought to you by SPFL, the Superhuman Pro Fighters League as well as the Cameraman's Association. Our trusty cameraman Joy, the Catcher of Happiness is on the cam. This is actually his one-hundredth mission, so give him some love in the chat!'

'Speaking of giving some love, the two fighters have only upped the intensity since the beginning of the fight and the first stage of escalation. If this isn't loving and respect between the two up and coming stars in the pro's league, I don't know what is.'

'You are right, Aggress.'

Goremaster nodded in agreement with his chair 2 before carrying on the conversation smoothly, 'as you can tell from this excellently crafted footage, thanks to Joy for highlighting the level of damage currently sustained by the two fighters. Despite how they look, the fight is just getting started!'

With the wave of a hand, Windy can create wind gusts that cut through thin armor. With a single step, Earth Breaker can change the literal geography of the fighting environments.

Soon, there are holes and cuts across the clothes of both fighters, and this only exacerbated the fight as well as set fire in the comment section.

'She is so HOT OMG OMG OMG'

'Earthy is best girl.'

'What a move.'


'With all of this, Gore, I just don't know if this is just smoke without fire.'

Aggress said, looking at the stalemate between the two as Earth Breaker can easily recreate barriers of the earth to block out Windy's ranged attacks, and in close range, there doesn't appear to have been any decisive advantage beyond the fact that Earth Breaker is just heavier and stronger. Windy easily overcomes the deficit with her excellent speed and agility, however.

'Well, what better ways to break up a stalemate than with an Earth Quaking special move, am I right! As the ground started to move and form into a....a giant dome? What is this?'

'I.....I don't know how to describe this, Gore. It's like the reverse of peeling the oranges, where the ground rolled up and inwards to create a giant spherical shape that envelops the entire battlefield, and...Joy is taking us straight in!'

Then, the feed showed two glowing figures fighting in the darkened environment of the earth dome in spiraling motions before an explosion went off.

The figures flickered in and out of focus for moments and the feed was cut off completely.

'Urgh.....Just bear with us for a sec while we sort out this technical difficulty...' Goremaster said, breaking the awkward silence before throwing the mic back towards his cohost, 'Aggress, what did you think of Earthy's brand new ultimate move...?'

'Well, from a tactical standpoint...'

So it has happened again, huh?

'Which piece of shit did the power analysis before? This was supposed to be a match between two of the mid RIVER BENDING level fighters!'

An executive screamed at the room half seated with suited officers and operatives while the other half of the room is filled with flickering holograms of the various resolution, latency, and frame rate, 'find that person, and get him fired!'

'Sir, there have been warning of them being the heightened generation, but still.....that power displayed goes way above mid-RIVER BENDING.'

Another agreed, 'putting the internal punishment aside, we need to continue the stream, as it is the highest in engagement and viewers as it has ever been in the past six months. Which cameraman is inhouse that can take over the stream?'

The officers in the room looked over to the last shot of the stream, with the two fighters continuing their fight as figures of light in the middle of the dark sphere.

'There...there is one! The Discount! He is here!'


The executive cursed, looking down at the table in front of him at the stream chat as sweats poured down from his forehead.

'Sir.....there is no time to hesitate...' Another executive suggested, and the others agreed with him.

'We have no other choice! Get him!'

So it has happened again? Huh?

Within the cafeteria of the C Institute, two people alone shared the entire space when suddenly a portal is opened in the middle of the room. A suited operative hurried out of it and left the portal open behind him. He appeared extremely young, looking no older than twenty-five despite the ghostly paleness on his face.

'Um.....Is Pethant Ouph here.....?'

He asked gingerly at the two people sitting in the room. To his left, a young muscular man with red spiky hair sat alongside a metallic suit of armor next to him. He had a half-eaten sandwich in his hand with his name was called, and he glared at the young man for interrupting his meal.

Though, he continued chewing and chewing, the scar on his face dancing like a serpent in the clouds.

Then, he swallowed the chunk of mashed up sandwich in his mouth and put the bread down beside him.

'You need a sub?'

He said, picking up the gigantic metal suit beside him in one hand by the helmet and walked towards the young man. He towered over him easily, standing at nearly two meters tall and weighing surely over one hundred and twenty kilograms. His foots made loud thumping sounds with every contact.

'Yes, Sir...right away...'

The officer said, looking up and around him to see the frozen screen of the stream as well as the other people sitting in the room, 'of course, you will be paid in the normal sum as well as the emergency summon bonus...'

He was an unassuming male much similar in build to the officer himself, and he appeared to have been fixing an.....is that an analog electric camera? The type of artifact from five generations ago?

Shaking away the useless thoughts, the officer turned around and guided Pethant Ouph along through the portal. As lights twisted and turned around him, the scenery also changes. This is not the first time Pethant has taken the portal 'taxi', so he instead focused on putting on the chunky metallic suit.

A stink of sweat filled the bubble of space as the suits it was taken apart, though the officer is too scared to point it out.

Then, the portal opened, and Pethant found himself on the battlefield that he was watching from a screen literal minutes ago.

'The connection has been reestablished.' The officer said, 'it's all yours now, Cameraman Ouph.'

'Alright alright...' Pethant said, turning up the settings inside of his suit as a holographic display of the sphere of the earth began closing in.

He turned on the feed, and the streaming resumed after a small pause.

Today is the day that Pethant Ouph shakes his nickname off and finally becomes a big deal!

He knows it! He feels it!

In the meanwhile hundreds of meters away, blood crept from between two pieces of rock columns with a finger stuck out in the gap. A smiley face painted on the nails is all that remained visible. Underneath the pillars of stones and rocks are a scattering of electronics.

With one cameraman out, another comes in. Such is the order of the cameraman business.

Welcome to the pilot, I try to frame the stories in the styles of anime episodes to the best of my ability, so please support this! I want it to be an easy, quick and fun read, something that you can easily binge through!

On ' vs ", the most intense anime battle of the decade, I was educated in the UK, where single quotation marks are used for conversational dialogue! Apologies to American style English speakers, and I understand if that may be unbearable so much so that you want to drop the story~

SomeoneBadcreators' thoughts