
Working in a Nursing Home with a Hot Male Coworker (BL)

Kai is a 28 year old nurse. He works in a nursing home called Shady Pines. He works the overnight shift three days a week. He has been at his job for four years and has many residents and coworkers he enjoys. Recently, a new nurse's assistant began working, who happens to work the same nights as Kai. Unfortunately, the coworker seems to like teasing him. Liam, the tall, muscular, handsome CNA seems to have a thing for Kai. A slice-of-life boy love story set in a nursing home, written by a nurse who works the same shift in one. Yes, these things really could happen in a nursing home. ‐------‐-------------------- Some common terms used in a nursing home setting: ‐------‐--------------------- CNA - Certified nursing assistant. They are licensed to provide direct patient care under the supervision of a nurse. They may assist with activities of daily living such as toilet use, transfers, showers and eating. QMA - Qualified Medication Assistant. Many nursing homes will have QMAs working. They are a cheaper alternative to a nurse and unfortunately are often interchanged with licensed nurses even though the cannot legally assess patients. They are CNAs that have underwent a special program that allows them to pass medications under the supervision of a nurse. Resident - For most patients, a nursing home is their actual home. The correct term for someone living in a nursing home is resident. It is seen as more respectful and humanizing. Lift - A device used to assist residents to and from bed, a wheelchair or the toilet. They are different types of lifts. The most common lift is a hover lift. This is used to lift a resident into the air then lower their body to a surface. This is safer for residents who are unable to move their bodies appropriately. It also helps to prevent workplace injuries. **** This is my zany BL where my ADHD is allowed to run free. if you are looking for a well-planned BL which has two people fall into a deep, soul mate, forbidden love which will prevail against all odds, please see "The King Loves the Court Bard" which I am proud of. http://wbnv.in/a/9diXXtk

ladymanah · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
125 Chs

The Zoo

Liam followed Kai outside. They were both met with the sight of a short woman with long, dark-brown brown hair and green eyes. She was accompanied by a small boy, who looked at Kai for a moment then began to stare up at Liam.

"Mika, this is Liam," Kai introduced him to his sister. "Liam, this is my sister, Mika. The little guy is Michael.

"Pleasure," Liam bowed slightly.

"He is handsome!" Mika exclaimed, making Kai blush. "He's so tall! So polite!"

"Thank you," Liam grinned.

"Are we going to the zoo, or what?" Kai asked.

"Yeah," Mika nodded. "Hold your horses."

"Get in the car," Mika told her son.

"Okay," Michael nodded and walked to the back of the vehicle and got in.

Kai sat in the back seat next to Michael. He helped the boy get bucked into his booster seat. Liam sat up front with Mika. He thought about sitting in the back with Kai, but figured it would be strange for everyone to cram into the back.

"You know, Kai hasn't had a friend in a long time," Mika said. 

Kai frowned. She was doing a good job at making him awkward.

"Yeah, we are great friends," Liam remarked.

"I can't believe you are so embarrassing," Kai grumbled.

"What was that?" Mika asked her brother.

"I'm surprised he has a friend, too," Liam stated.

"Don't gang up on me!" Kai sighed.

"How do you know Kai?" Mika asked.

"We met at work," Liam answered.

Michael kept staring at Liam from the back seat. He thought he looked cool and wondered if he had some kind of power. 

"Is he a vampire?" Michael asked, his eyes were glistening.

"Vampires aren't real, silly," Mika told him.

"I know," Michael looked down.

He was disappointed.

"Did Kai tell you vampires aren't real?" Mika asked her son.

"No," Michael stated. "He doesn't sparkle."

"I'm not a Twilight vampire, kid," Liam responded.

"What's that?" Michael asked.

"Forget it," Liam shook his head.

"Kai doesn't have a lot of friends," Mika stated.

"Mika, please," Kai groaned.

"I'm not trying to be rude, Kai," Mika shook her head.

"Why don't you have friends?" Michael asked him.

"Michael, leave him alone," Mika stated.

"Why?" Michael questioned.

"Because," Mika sighed.

"I've just always had a hard time with people," Kai shrugged.

"So," Liam began. "How is Kai blonde? Its not natural, is it?"

It seemed like Mika wasn't the only person who planned on embarrassing Kai.

"He has bleached his hair since middle school," she responded with an amused tone.

"Seriously?" Liam turned to look at him.

"Yes, seriously," Kai answered.

"Why?" Liam asked.

"It was a phase," Kai stated.

"When did the phase end?" Liam inquired.

"Never," Kai chuckled.

"It's his trademark," Mika informed him. "He was obsessed with pop-punk back then and experimented with colors."

"Interesting," Liam nodded.

"Bitch," Kai mumbled to himself.

"Bitch," Michael repeated.

Both Mika and Kai's eyes widened as the boy repeated what he heard. Liam, on the other hand, thought it was hysterical and couldn't help but to grin from it.

"I like it," Liam commented.

Kai blushed and looked at Michael, who was fiddling with his fingers against his legs. The little boy seemed bored, but Kai knew he would have a lot of fun once they got to the zoo.

"He dyed his hair blue once," Mika said.

"Really?" Liam asked.

Kai shrugged.

"Yeah, it was blue for a couple years," Mika explained.

"Why'd you change it back?" Liam asked.

"People kept asking him questions," Mika laughed.

"You're an idiot," Liam laughed.

Kai frowned. "Asshole."

"It's true," Liam stated.

"So, are you two dating?" Mika asked.

Kai sighed loudly and rolled his eyes.

"What?" Mika asked him. "I was just curious."

"No, we aren't," Liam stated.

"But you'd like to, right?" Mika asked him. "I always knew Kai wasn't straight. I could always tell. He never once brought a woman home or talked about women."

"Mika, shut up," Kai groaned.

"What's not straight?" Michael asked.

"It means Kai is gay," Mika explained.

"Gay?" Michael looked confused.

"Gay means a boy who likes a boy," Mika tried to explain.

"Uncle Kai likes Liam?" Michael asked.

Kai felt his entire body become hot. He didn't think it was possible for his face to burn with such embarrassment.

"Yeah," Mika nodded.

Kai covered his face and wanted to die. He never should have agreed to go to the zoo. He could be at home instead. It was one of the many reasons he liked to spend time in his own company.

"So, are you two dating?" Mika suddenly asked.

"We are friends," Kai shook his head.

"Just friends?" Mika asked.

"Yes, just friends," Kai nodded.

"You guys have a weird friendship," Mika chuckled.

"It is," Liam nodded. "It's so damn strange."

"Can you believe it, Kai? Liam is agreeing with me."

"I hate you," Kai said.

"Why?" Michael asked.

"She's embarrassing," Kai explained.

"Am not," Mika pouted. "I just love my little brother."

"Whatever," Kai grumbled. "You're the worst."

"How's your love life, Kai?" Mika hummed.

"Stop," he begged. She just kept making everything worse.

"Does Liam know you're a virgin?" Mika asked with a wicked grin.

"No," Kai stated quickly. "God."

"You are?" Liam asked him.

"Yeah," Mika said.

"Stop," Kai groaned.

"Why is it such a big deal? You're an adult," Mika stated.

"Can we please talk about something else?" Kai asked.

"We're almost there," Mika stated.

"I want to see the lions," Michael stated as he waved his small arms in the air.

"We will go see the lions," Mika smiled.

"Cool," Michael grinned.

"Are you having a good day, Liam?" Mika asked him.

"A wonderful one," Liam nodded.

"Great," Mika stated.

The group continued to chat until they reached the zoo. Kai hoped Liam didn't think worse of him for being a virgin. He couldn't believe Mika revealed that information.

Mika paid for the tickets, letting them know it was her treat for the day.

Liam could tell Kai was still embarrassed from the previous conversation. He decided to take his hand and squeeze it. Kai looked up at him with wide eyes. 

"It's okay," Liam whispered to him.

Kai smiled and gave him a nod. The small gesture made his heart flutter. He was beginning to think he liked Liam a little too much.

"I think I have to use the bathroom," Michael whined.

"Okay," she took the boy's hand and nodded.

The four of them walked to the bathroom. They all waited for Michael to come out. It took him a few minutes because he thought the urinals insids the bathroom were drinking fountains.

"I'll take him around to see the lions while you guys go do whatever you want to," Mika told them after Michael came out of the bathroom. 

"Sounds good," Liam nodded.

"I want to go with Uncle Kai," Michael said, frowning up at his mother.

"You can come with us after we see the lions," Mika insisted. "Let Uncle Kai hang out with his friend for a bit."

"Okay," Michael nodded.

"Do you want to go to the monkey exhibit?" Liam asked the blonde.

"Sounds fun," Mika smiled, nudging Kai with her elbow as she wiggled her brows.

Kai facepalmed himself from how over the top she was.

"Meet you in an hour?" Kai asked.

"We'll meet up at the ice cream stand in an hour," Mika pointed toward the colorful shop near the gate.

"See you then," Liam waved.

"Bye," Michael smiled and waved.

Kai simply groaned.

The two groups split up and went their separate ways. The pair began to walk down a narrow path toward the monkey exhibit.

"They seem nice," Liam commented.

"They are," Kai nodded.

"Are you okay?" Liam asked him.

"Yes," Kai answered.

"I didn't think a conversation about sex would bother you that much," Liam said.

"I've never had a sex life to talk about," Kai shrugged.

"Are you interested in that stuff?" Liam questioned.

"Yeah," Kai nodded. "Maybe. I don't know."

"You have no need to be shy about it," Liam stated. "We can talk about it if you want."

"No," Kai shook his head, starting to feel flustered.

"Come on," Liam nudged him.


"You are adorable," Liam laughed.

"What do you want to know?" Kai asked him.

"Have you ever been kissed?" Liam asked.


"Only once?" Liam asked with a grin.

"It was my first kiss," Kai explained.

"You must not have liked it," Liam pointed out as he thought about how awkward Kai must have been during it.

"No," Kai shrugged. "It was my lesbian best friend in high school, and only because we promised to kiss if I hadn't kissed anyone before graduation. She told me it made her hate men more."

"That's so romantic," Liam snickered. "How would you say those kisses we had were?"

Kai noted to himself Liam was also fantastic at making him feel embarrassed. Mika and Liam were too peas in a pod. They both enjoyed relentlessly teasing him.

"I liked them," Kai stated.

"That's good," Liam grinned.

"Have you ever dated anyone?" Kai questioned.

"Yes," Liam nodded.

"How many people?"

"More than three," Liam responded.

"Were any of them serious?"

"One," Liam answered.

"Do you want to tell me about it?" Kai looked at him curiously.

"Sure," Liam nodded. "I met him during my senior year of high school. We knew each other for years and finally started dating in our 20s. He was very smart and funny. One night, he told me he wanted to have kids, and he thought it would be better if we broke up. It was pretty brutal."

"Sorry," Kai frowned.

"It's fine," Liam waved it off. "I'm over it. It was a good reason to end it. He wasn't a bad guy, though. Two men can't really make babies."

"That's good," Kai nodded.

"No one has ever asked you out?" Liam asked, looking at him.

"Yeah, not really," Kai shrugged.

"That's strange," Liam stated.

"I'm a strange person," Kai chuckled.

"Not strange enough for no one to ask you out," Liam said with a gentle smile.

"I've just had a hard time connecting with people," Kai explained. "I've always had problems making friends and such."

"That is sad," Liam frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"No one has ever made you feel wanted or special," Liam answered.

"You make me feel special," Kai admitted.

"Thanks," Liam blushed. "I try. Sometimes."

Kai scratched his head and looked at Liam. "I take that back. Jerry at the nursing home asked me out, but that was just creepy."

"That was creepy," Liam nodded. "I didn't like overhearing that. I was ready to kick his ass on your behalf."

"He is old enough to be my father," Kai chuckled. "Or maybe even grandpa."

"Anyone else?"

"Well, there was that girl who wanted me to pay her rent for her," Kai chuckled.

"That is strange," Liam nodded.

"I'm a loser," Kai sighed.

"You aren't a loser," Liam shook his head.

"Those were just bad people. Not everyone is nice. I promise, someday, you will meet someone who makes you happy."

"Do you think I will meet someone?" Kai asked.

"You already did," Liam winked.

"Really?" Kai grinned.

"Yes," Liam nodded.

"Who?" Kai hoped it wasn't someone weird, like Nancy.

"You are going to make me say it?" Liam raised an eyebrow.

"I don't understand," Kai shook his head.

"Do I have to spell it out for you?"

"I don't know," Kai frowned.

"I've already told you."

"Really? When did you say it?" 



"At your apartment," Liam sighed.

"That doesn't narrow it down," Kai chuckled.

"Are you going to force me to say it?" Liam asked him.

"What?" Kai looked confused. 

"Oh my god. I think I'm going to die," Liam laughed.

"You're not going to die," Kai frowned, looking up at him. "You are healthy, aside from your smoking habit."

"It's amazing how clueless you are," Liam chuckled.

"What?" Kai raised an eyebrow.

"How cute and silly you are," Liam explained.

"Thank you?"

"Kai, I'm interested in you," Liam stated.

"In what way?" Kai asked.

"Like dating," Liam clarified.

"I think I would like that," Kai smiled.

"You're blushing," Liam laughed.

"Shut up," Kai grumbled.

"You are very cute," Liam smirked.

"Thank you," Kai mumbled.

"So, will you be my boyfriend?" Liam asked.

"Yes," Kai nodded. "Please."

Liam stepped forward and took Kai's hand, intertwining their fingers together. He was thankful Kai no longer thought the proposition was a joke and actually accepted it.

"I like you," Kai said with a bright smile.

Liam leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to the blonde's forehead. "I know. I feel the same."

Kai smiled and nodded. He didn't think he would have a boyfriend by the end of the week, let alone his annoying hot male coworker.