
Working in a Nursing Home with a Hot Male Coworker (BL)

Kai is a 28 year old nurse. He works in a nursing home called Shady Pines. He works the overnight shift three days a week. He has been at his job for four years and has many residents and coworkers he enjoys. Recently, a new nurse's assistant began working, who happens to work the same nights as Kai. Unfortunately, the coworker seems to like teasing him. Liam, the tall, muscular, handsome CNA seems to have a thing for Kai. A slice-of-life boy love story set in a nursing home, written by a nurse who works the same shift in one. Yes, these things really could happen in a nursing home. ‐------‐-------------------- Some common terms used in a nursing home setting: ‐------‐--------------------- CNA - Certified nursing assistant. They are licensed to provide direct patient care under the supervision of a nurse. They may assist with activities of daily living such as toilet use, transfers, showers and eating. QMA - Qualified Medication Assistant. Many nursing homes will have QMAs working. They are a cheaper alternative to a nurse and unfortunately are often interchanged with licensed nurses even though the cannot legally assess patients. They are CNAs that have underwent a special program that allows them to pass medications under the supervision of a nurse. Resident - For most patients, a nursing home is their actual home. The correct term for someone living in a nursing home is resident. It is seen as more respectful and humanizing. Lift - A device used to assist residents to and from bed, a wheelchair or the toilet. They are different types of lifts. The most common lift is a hover lift. This is used to lift a resident into the air then lower their body to a surface. This is safer for residents who are unable to move their bodies appropriately. It also helps to prevent workplace injuries.

ladymanah · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
78 Chs


Kai felt so happy that Liam admitted his feelings. He was sure he was going to have to drag it out of him. All it took was for him to fall asleep. He wondered if sleeping next to Liam would always be a good thing.

The taller man leaned down and began to kiss his neck, gently nibbling on his tender skin. Kai let out a soft moan. It seemed the blonde was very sensitive to his touch, which made Liam smirk against his neck. Liam figured nobody had ever teased at his skin like that before.

Kai could feel his heartbeat increasing as his pulse throbbed in his neck. He hadn't realized teeth could feel good.

Liam gently sucked on the soft flesh. He could feel Kai tremble beneath him. He was enjoying the way the blonde's body reacted to his reach and every touch. It didn't matter if it were verbal or physical; the reactions were definitely a turn on to him.

Liam could feel his pants tightening, and he moved his leg to hide the growing erection.

He was sure he wasn't going to get that far with Kai anytime soon. He didn't want him to notice.

Kai felt his body tremble as the taller man's tongue traced over his skin. He wasn't sure what to do with his hands. He wanted to grab Liam, touch him, and pull him closer. He was so overwhelmed by the feeling, he was unable to move.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

Liam reluctantly pulled away and stood up. He looked down at Kai and sighed. The last thing he wanted to eat at the moment was pizza. There were much more appealing things in the apartment.

Kai was still trembling, and his breath was uneven. He didn't really know what to think. All he knew was that whatever sorcery Liam used, he was totally enchanted.

"The food is here," Liam chuckled.

Kai looked at him and sat up. He was still trying to catch his breath.

Liam left the room, and Kai ran his hands through his hair.

It wasn't the first time Liam had made out with a guy. But it was the first time a guy made him feel that way.

It was almost like being drunk, except there wasn't any alcohol. He felt the same way he did after his first shot of Fireball. He wondered if Kai had any Fireball. Probably not. Kai didn't seem like the type to take shots of Fireball. It was probably too spicy for his tastes.

Liam returned with a large pizza box and a white plastic bag. He set them down on the coffee table.

Kai reached for the bag and began pulling out the breadsticks and dipping sauce.

Liam raised an eyebrow as he watched him eat the breadstick. He was eating like a bird, which wad amusing.

"It's not bad," Kai shrugged. "I guess…"

Liam took the next breadstick and dipped it into the ranch. He took a bite. It wasn't what he had expected. He thought he knew ranch would be good with breadsticks, but he was wrong. Very wrong.

"This is gross," Liam stated.

"I know," Kai said, shaking his head. "You have terrible taste."

"My taste isn't that bad," Liam smiled toward him.

After a few bites, Kai decided he was full. He didn't even eat a slice of pizza—just two breadsticks.

"Are you sure you're not hungry?" Liam asked him.

"I am," Kai nodded. "But I can't eat another bite."

Liam nodded. "Next time, we can get nacho cheese instead. You're right, the ranch is fucking vile."

Kai had a serious look on his face as he nodded in agreement. "Ranch only works with vegetables."

"Do you mind if I turn on the TV?" Liam asked.

"Of course not," Kai said, shaking his head. "Help yourself."

"Thanks," Liam said, grabbing the remote and turning on the television.

"Anything in particular you want to watch?"

"Anything," Kai stated.

Liam scrolled through Hulu. He took his time looking through the programming guide but couldn't really find anything all that interesting. Eventually, he just put it in an absurd comedy.

After messing with the television, Liam grabbed Kai, pulling him close.

Kai sighed contently and curled up next to him, his head resting against his chest. He was cuddling Liam, which was the last thing he had expected to be doing on a Tuesday evening. 

"Liam," Kai said softly as he said his name.

"What?" Liam asked.

"I'm sleepy," Kai whispered.

"Then go to sleep," Liam told him. 

"You won't leave, right?" Kai asked.

"No, I'm not leaving," Liam responded.


"I promise," Liam answered.

"Okay," Kai smiled.

He snuggled up closer to the dark-haired man and closed his eyes. He could feel his body relaxing. 

Before long, Kai was sound asleep.

Liam smiled and turned down the volume on the television. He wrapped his arms around Kai and pulled him closer. He placed a soft kiss on his forehead.

"Goodnight," he whispered.

Kai mumbled in his sleep. He always had a knack for falling asleep quickly.

Liam held the blonde close and smiled. He didn't plan on sleeping that night. He was too busy staring at Kai.



Kai was still curled up next to Liam when the sun rose. He was woken up by the light he could sense on the back of his eyelids. The sun was annoying. He hated the sun. The light was hitting his face. He didn't want to wake up, but the light was making it difficult.

He opened his eyes and rubbed them. He had forgotten where he was. He had forgotten what had happened. He probably didn't even know who he was anymore. 

When his vision focused, he looked up to see Liam still cuddling up with him on the sofa. It looked like he was still asleep from the soft snores he could hear rumbling from his chest.

Kai couldn't believe he had actually fallen asleep like that, and they cuddled in that position all night. He poked Liam's arm and noticed it was floppy. It flopped over from Kai's waist to the sofa. He snickered.

The blonde quietly stood up from the sofa. He looked back at Liam, thankful he didn't wake him up by getting off the sofa. He walked to his room and grabbed a blanket, which covered him up. He stared at the man for a moment with a smile on his lips, happy that he had slept next to him, seemingly comfortable.

He just hoped he wouldn't have any neck cramps from sleeping in an upright position. Neck cramps were always the worst, but if he did, he would offer to work out the cramps with his fingers.

Kai went to the bathroom and sat on the toilet. He wasn't the manliest of men, as he tended to sit to pee. He hated to stand while peeing.

He noticed a message from his sister, Mika, on his phone.

"Hey, I'm taking Michael to the zoo today! Do you want to come?"

Kai thought about it for a moment and sent a message back to her.

"Yeah, of course. Would it be okay if I asked a friend if he wanted to come along?"

He brushed his teeth. A few minutes went by before she sent a message back.

"Yeah, that's fine. You have a friend? That's new. I'm glad, though. I will pick you up around 10."

"Sounds good."

Kai returned to the living room and saw Liam was still asleep. It was early, so he didn't find it necessary to wake him up. 

He walked to his bedroom and then snuffed his clothes. He noticed the cigarette smoke scent from Kai had rubbed off on his clothing. He also swore he smelled like ranch, even though he barely touched the ranch. It was not a pleasant combination.

Kain dug through his drawers and found a yellow and white striped shirt. For some reason, he decided to sniff the shirt. It was pleasant. The scent was spring meadows, or something equally corny, per the name of his laundry detergent pods.

He stripped off his orange shirt and tossed it in the basket. 

As he was putting on the clean shirt, he was startled when he heard a low whistle.

"Already stripping for me?" Liam smirked as he walked up behind Kai.

He felt Liam's large hand trail up the center of his back, which sent a chill down his spine. The touch was way nicer than it should have been. 

Kai pulled on the shirt shyly and then turned around to look at him.

He was taken aback by how handsome he was. Kai didn't realize the effects a few hours of sleep would have on his already handsome face. He looked refreshed. The stubble Liam had added a lot of sexiness to his look. It was the first time Kai had seen him not clean-shaven.

Kai was certain he had a stupid look on his face. He probably had drool falling from his mouth. He was really into him, and it made him feel a bit nervous that he could find another human that was as appealing as Liam was.

Liam chuckled and then leaned in, placing a soft kiss on the tip of Kai's nose. He thought the way the blonde looked at him was cute. It made his heart flutter.

Kai couldn't stop the blush that crept across his cheeks. He was sure his cheeks were beet red.

"So, what are we doing today?" Liam asked him.

"My sister is taking my nephew," Kai answered. "She asked me to come along with them."

"And I'm invited, too?" Liam asked with a grin.

Kai nodded. He had made sure Kai would be invited. For some reason, he wanted to spend as much time with him as possible. He was used to enjoying his own company, so it was strange that he wanted to spend his time off work in someone else's company.

He did, however, worry that his sister would end up embarrassing him. 

"I'm up for anything," Liam stated. "I'll go."

Kai walked past him and left the room, he then headed for the kitchen. Liam followed closely behind him.

Kai brewed a small amount of coffee. He sniffed the air, taking in the delicious aroma of his most-believed beverage. 

"Do you want some coffee?" Kai asked as he poured a cup.

"No," Liam stated. "My blood doesn't require caffiene like yours does."

Kai rolled his eyes.

"What does your blood need?" Kai asked him.

"Vitamins and minerals," Liam stated.

"Such as?"

"Iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium, and B12," Liam stated sarcastically. "Maybe a pinch of iodine."

"I have B12 supplements," Kai said, pointing to the pantry.

"Great, I'll take some," Liam stated.

Kai frowned. He thought that would be the end of the conversation. 

Liam turned to the cabinet and pulled out the vitamin B12. He popped a couple into his mouth and swallowed them dry.

Kai shuddered. He didn't have that skill. He could never swallow a pill without water.

"I can't do that," Kai told him.

"You can't?" Liam questioned. "Yeah, it's a skill you have to develop. You gotta have a lot of saliva to get it down."

"You're such a weirdo," Kai chuckled.

"You're the weirdo," Liam stated.

"You're the weirdo," Kai countered.

"You're the weirdo," Liam repeated.

Kai shook his head and drank his coffee. He knew that would continue forever if he didn't stop it.

"My sister will be here in a little bit to get us," Kai informed him.

"Cool!" Liam grinned. "I haven't been to a zoo since I was a child."

"Really?" Kai asked him.

Liam nodded.

"My parents never took me," Kai shrugged. "I think I went once with a friend."

"I've been to the zoo more times than I can count," Liam stated. "I loved animals when I was younger."

Kai heard a knock on the door, indicating his sister was there. He took a deep breath, then set down his cup of coffee.

He wasn't sure if he was ready for Liam to meet his sister.