

TheGodLn · Action
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4 Chs

The Totally Awesome

The young boy threw a web rope against the top of one of the buildings and pulled himself up with extreme force.

Wearing black and white bodysuit, he web-swinged his way into a burning building. His graphene lenses locked on the glass building, full of broken windows.

He landed gracefully at the edge of the building, and crawled down like a chameleon and got in through the window.

A terrorist group had attacked building — Dexter Building — to rob something. They caused some hubris and the building was set on fire, with people still inside.

"What a bunch of dum-dums, if you ask me. But still, thankfully the neighborhood's superhero is always ready to save the day~" the masked young man spoke to himself as he crossed the fire, crawling across the ceiling.

Even with his uniform of spandex and polyester, the heat transmitted to the walls and ceiling was almost unbearable.

"I hope everybody's okay... gotta take everyone out ASAP—!"

Time seemed to hold still for the arachnid boy, during a single instant.

A beam of tachyon nearly splattered his internal organs across the stone ceiling — which now had a hole the size of a football melted onto it.

"Shit!!" The masked goon shouted, trying to reload his sci-fi shotgun.

From the ceiling, the kid kicked his feet and did a summersault in the air.

He spun a vertical 360 and landed with a foot on top of the man's head. Funnily enough, the hard part was not splitting that guy's head open with so much momentum.

"Spider Man: 1 - Random Thug With Terrifying Gun: 0!!" The kid muttered to himself in a upbeat tone, trying to conceal the fact that he was scared shitless.

The Spider webbed the tachyon shotgun onto the ceiling, where nobody could reach for now.

He looked at the KOed man.

"I better take that guy out too, huh..."

With a sweep of his foot, the man was sent out of a open, large glass window.

The onlookers outside started screaming outside, watching the falling man.

*Shwoop! Shwoop! Shwoop, shwoop!!*

A network of webs between posts ensured a soft fall for the sleeping criminal.

"Alright, break's over. Time to work~"

He slinged through the insides and corners of the flaming building. Thankfully his web fluid was powerful enough to withstand the infernal heat.

Spider Man crawled the wall, he looked down — Reactor Room.

He could sense there were people down there.

"If I had a spider sense, it probably would be tingling right now..."

The Spider slinged into the reactor room, and crawled the window, keeping himself in the dark.

He could listen to some thugs talking, about four or five. Each one carrying a tachyon gun.

Three men who seemed like they worked at the reactor were kneeling on the floor, apparently tied together by a rope.

"—fuck. Why is she taking so long?" The criminals were talking between each other, trying to keep the animosity to a minimum.

Another one joined them.

"That brunette hasn't come back yet?! Shit's getting hot! If we take longer we won't be able to escape. The civilians down there just called the police and fire department!"

"Ah, fuck that. We can tear a new one into the hulk with these things. Scaping is the easy part. But this heat is killing me."

"True... I wanna bail out of here before I turn into a french fry."

"Well, misters, I could help with that!"

Spider Man jumped in between them, crouched on the floor.

"Who's this freak—" *shwoop!* "Hmmrrhg?!?!?!!"

His mouth was shut with web. The others raised their weapons, but were quickly knocked out before they could fire.

The spider went to the hostages, quickly trying to untie them.

"Spider Man~♪ Spider Man♪ Does whatever a nonfictional spider can~♪" he hummed his non-patented theme song.

"Thank you, err... Spider-Man." One of the workers said, as they were untied. The other two ran off without a second thought.

"It's Spider Man, Mr. The Totally Awesome Spider Man. The guy from the comics is The Amazing one. I am the Totally Awesome. It's clearly different, right?"

The man nodded without replying and left.

"Hmm~♪? What do I do with these guys now?"

Suddenly, a hole was bursted through the concrete and the spider boy fell to the lower floor.

Thanks to his inhuman reflex and speed, Spider Man managed to stick his wrist out and shoot a rope of web that kept him from falling into a pool of hot yellow and orange.

"Ohh... So that's why it was so hot in here." He looked unimpressed at the pool of scorching lava. "The fuck is that?!"

Right underneath, standing in the lava was a woman about 3 inches taller than him.

She had a brunette appearance, with a slender body and long brown hair. She was wearing some sort of prison vest.

The craziest fact about that woman wasn't her clothes or the fact that she was standing on the lava.

It was her fiendish, oversized, golden mechanic claws.

What looked like some sort of compartment to insert her arms reached all the way to her elbows, and the big, terrifyingly sharp claws had about 3 feet in diameter.

Those things could probably chop a elefant in half, let alone a skinny boy who's 5 feet and 7 inches——!!

(Wait, she's not standing on the lava... It's just that those "hands" are so big that she can simply stay standing on the lava. This woman is going to be a pain in the face.)

She threw a molten rock at him, but he narrowly dodged.

(Correction: if she catches me, I won't feel any pain at all...!! Let's get outta here first!)

He pulled himself up with a web and slinged away from the Reactor Room while carrying the unconscious men. Spider Man made sure to safely throw them out of the building first.

That woman with the oversized golden claws appeared again. A distance of 40 meters between the two.

(I just hope there's nobody else in here!)

"Hey, wait a second! We don't have to fight! Let's just get out of here!!" He tried to shout to her.

She took a glance sideways before dashing at him with the speed of bullet train.

"Wh— bbbghhf!!"

Without being able to dodge, Spider Man was knocked dozens of feet back.

He collided against the concrete wall and fell unconscious.

It was the first time he has been hit so hard in his whole life!!

Meanwhile, the woman with golden mechanic claws escaped the building in no time as the firefighters got on the local.

They managed to take the boy out and he woke up before they could get a peek under the mask.

"Sorry, you guys! My mom will get mad if I'm not home before 10 PM!!"

And with that, he web slinged his way out.