

TheGodLn · Action
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4 Chs

That Mysterious Woman

It was almost noon, the day after Spider Man's fight against the mysterious woman with huge claws.

About 11:40 AM, the poor boy was at school, despite sustaining four broken ribs.

It was an art class, but in this Tuesday the class was nearly empty.

In the middle of the art class, he couldn't help but think about last night.

He flicked the pencil on his hand again and again.

(I can't let it be... I don't know what she stole yesterday, but it can't be something good like the cure of cancer. But, dang... my ribs hurt so much... thank goodness for super durability and accelerated healing, otherwise I'd be taking a trip to heaven right now!)

He sighed again, but even that hurt.

"Hey, Pal, you okay?" The redhead girl with unnecessarily large breasts by his side asked.

With an exasperated sigh, he lowered his head before turning to her and speaking with slight irritation.

"Jennifer, once again, it's not Paul! It's Paulo— oh, you said Pal... Sup?"

"What's wrong, babe? Usually you're done with the drawings in like, minutes. Couldn't get any sleep because you kept grinding on those MMORPGs again?" She asked with a mocking interest.

(Rather than that, I couldn't get any sleep because my shattered ribs are killing me. Besides...)

"I'm already done."

Jennifer LaRusso took a glance at his panel and she whistled in surprise. It was a very realistic drawing of a slender, beautiful brunette with a great figure.

"Is that your new waifu or something?" The redhead asked, rubbing her chin with interest. "Hey... I think I saw her on news a few times."

"Didn't figure you for someone who would watch the news... So, what do you know about this woman?"

Paulo listens intently, and it makes LaRusso recoil a little bit at his weird determination.

She looks up, folding her thin arms beneath her comically large breasts.

"Well...you know, she's a part of a military experiment; Armageddon Program, right? Apparently they're using mutants with combat related abilities for their missions and training them specifically for military work. I feel kind of sad for them, the Armageddon woman included. Those guys did voluntary for it, so I doubt they're up to no good," she added her input.

(Well, I hate to break it to you, but they probably are. I took those guys yesterday for simple thugs who may or may not have been lucky enough to get their hands on tachyon guns, but if they are connected to military bases.)

"This is getting out of hand..." Paulo muttered under his breath.

"What is, Mr. Guerra?" The teacher called out to him.


Jennifer LaRusso bailed out as if she had nothing to do with while Paulo was scolded by their teacher.

A few hours later...

Paulo Guerra went straight home. His parents would still be out for the whole month, so he had free time to patrol the streets for his hearts content during night.

The boy He climbed the stairs with his super agility and jumped to his desk.

He went straight to the PC.

"Armageddon Program..." He typed on the keyboard.

Dozens of results emerged. For example, a video introducing the Armageddon Program project, and there was actually even research on the woman from the previous night.

Her name is Leticia Shawn, a mutant with regeneration powers and incredibly keen senses.

According to the video of introduction, she was the twenty-seventh to apply for the Armageddon Program as a volunteer. There wasn't much on her personal life or the program.

All it was known is that the Armageddon Program was a military project, created with the aim of strengthening the armed forces.

There hadn't been many mutants joining the army before then — at least not using their powers.

"Leticia Shawn..." Paulo said the name to himself as he leaned back on his chair.

What the hell a military personnel would be doing invading buildings and nearly killing people there? Something wasn't right.

"Ugyaagh! I won't calm down unless I do some patrol?! Gotta change, gotta change!"

He switched into his black and white spandex uniform and wore the mask with graphene lenses.

The spider slinged away from his home. Nobody catched him leaving the house — he would've known thanks to his super space awareness.

It was an interesting feature that came with the spider reflexes and reaction speeds. Everything seemed to move at slow motion, during certain conditions.

But Leticia Shawn could overcome it so easily.

She knocked him out with a single blow.

(Why didn't she kill me when she had the chance? Maybe it just wasn't in the plans...)

He swung across the city, passing by an alleyway at blinding speeds.

Spider Man spun in the air, swiftly forcing his body to make crazy acrobatic movements that would make a Olympic gymnast go insane.

"... Should I go after that Leticia Shawn? But I don't know where she will attack again..."

Just as he said that——

A loud explosion came from a distance.

It was in the New Tiki City's Eastside Bank.

"I shouldn't be surprised..." He worded it out loud before swinging into the trouble.

Less than five minutes later and he was already there.

Spider Man landed on the side of the bank.

Some of the robbers were trading bullets with the cops.

The hero decided that it would be best to capture the most troublesome one first and leave the rest to the police.

He springs through the window and crawls the ceiling.

There she was.

Wearing that black vest and boots.

With her beautiful figure and fiendish oversized golden claws.

Truly a terrifyingly *hot* woman.

(I should leave these thoughts for later...) he thought.

"Hey, Leticia Shawn! Surrender in the name of the law!!" The hero jumped straight into action, quite literally—

He drop kicked her on the back of the head.

The woman flew straight to the floor, landing with a great thud.

But as expected from someone with regeneration powers, she got up right away, just shaking her head slightly — as if she had woken up with a mild headache.

She IS tough.

(I'm sure that sneak attack would've teared a man's head clean off their shoulders... Mutants are scary.)

"Fuck, it's that freak from last night!" One of the man's shouted to the others.

A couple of guys started pointing their guns at him. Apparently none were similar to the tachyon guns in design.

Spider Man wondered if they had been taken by the police or something.

(Not that I'm complaining—)

He jumped up to dodge a rain of bullets.

(Those tachyon guns are top 3 scariest things I've ever witnessed. I'd rather be drowned in a pool of scorching lava— nah, that takes first place. Easily.)

He swiftly dodged bullets and counterattacked with ropes of web and blazing fast strikes. Always careful to not kill them with his inhuman strength.

In under a minute, there was only one armed man left.

"Hey, what's that thing on your face?" He asked the dazzled guy standing a couple of feet away.

"What's on my—?"

"Mah fist!!"

The man was sent flying against a pile of debris. If he was lucky enough, he'd wake up without major brain damage.

Spider Man turned to Leticia Shawn.

"Now... it's you and me, pretty lady—"

She had already left.

"Fuck my life..."