
Woman with the tiger eyes in the Beast warrior's World

Sienna travelled to another world when she found a beautiful crystal in the sea. This wild land is ruled by warriors, who can change into ferocious beasts. Females are scarce in this world, they have more males to ensure their protection, but not every tribe treat them well. Sienna first meets an Ape prince who likes her to be his but scares her halfway to his village. The huge snake retrieves her for himself as for his food. She decided to play a game of wits with him, to give her 3 chances to escape. She will encounter a tiger lord, who is so smitten with her, that he will gladly die for her, the wicked and exotic scorpion king, the cold and dangerous eagles and the black dragon who can destroy all others. Sienna will need to use all her wits and beauty to tame these beasts. I had to change this book to a novel because I started publishing it as a fanfic, but it is not fanfic, it is my original work, so I'm keeping both to keep my readers updated. The cover is my work too. This story is not as gruesome or violent as regular Chinese stuff here, because I'm European, so it is kind of easy to read but it still has hot content, twists and an interesting storyline. The setting ranges from ancient, medieval to almost modern. This is uncontracted book , so enjoy the free reading:-) #beastman, #hotblooded, #playfull, #gamesofwits, #tiger, #snake, #eagle,#scorpion, # dragon, #adventure, #romance,#sexy

Mili6na · Fantasy
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321 Chs

The queen's gift

"The best fitting gift for a king is a lovely queen!" Lynx King smiled at Sienna. "What about my gift exchange? I feel tricked by you, my sweet queen, but I'm willing to accept a gift from you in compensation."

Everyone in the room stopped. Is he accusing the queen of trickery? And demanding a gift from her. Everyone knew what he meant. He wanted a queen to be his gift. They expected Tyrell to rip him into pieces, but Magnus was next to him, trying to calm him down.

Sienna looked at Tyrell's darkened face, he was losing his patience with this man. They surely did not owe him anything as he was the one belittling the queen by offering to buy her. So actually he should give her compensation or at least an apology.

Sienna looked at him with a soft smile. "As it is my words which mislead you, I'm gifting you one dance with me my king," Sienna said with a soft smile.

"A dance?"Lynx King asked mockingly with furrowed brows." I prefer to fight than to dance! "he said dangerously. He meant it as a threat to Tyrell. Also, he was expecting the queen will say she did not fight and will offer him her hand instead. That is how his father got his mother. But Sienna was not a timid queen.

"A dance is my gift as I do not fight, but you do have my permission to exchange my gift with someone else if is it not to your liking! " Sienna said loudly and confidently. She smiled and her eyes locked up with Lord Ziran who was still staring at her. Having Ziran beat this stupid king will be great, she thought. She knew Tyrell will like to do it as well, but it may stir a war and he knew it, that is why he was held back by Magnus, who begged him, to let the queen sort out the matter.

Ziran felt elated. This is his chance to show the queen his power. "I like to exchange a fight for the queen's dance."Ziran stepped forward with gleaming eyes." It is a precious gift like no other." he exclaimed loudly in his deep voice, bowing gallantly and eating Sienna with his eyes.

"Can you fight with kings warrior?" King of Lynx frowned.

"I'm Lord Protector of Northern Tiger City..."Ziran smirked wickedly, do you wish to exchange the queen's gift with me?" he said in a dangerously deep voice.

The Lynx King felt coldness in his bones when hearing Ziran talk, but he could not back up, as he will ridicule himself. He frowned at Sienna's gift only because he wanted to threaten her with war, to get her to accept him as a mate in the name of peace. Now he will have to fight with this dangerous warrior, who is obsessed with the queen. He noticed straight away the way Ziran looked at the queen. The Lynx King wished he took the dance instead, it would be far more pleasant than fighting this mad tiger.

"What weapons you like my king?" asked Magnus the Lynx King.

"Swords!" he replied without thinking. He heard that tigers fought in their animal form mostly, so he hoped Ziran will be not so good at it. He did not know Ziran was a master of sword fighting like no other. Ziran had fun slicing his opponents piece by piece.

Magnus's face stayed pale. He knew what Ziran can do with the sword. This king had clearly a death wish, but it was his choice.

Tyrell looked at it with interest. He felt quite happy that the Lynx King will be beaten by Ziran, he was feeling mad at Magnus that he can't do it by himself. But also Sienna was his queen, so he should not take a gift from her.

Ziran and King of Lynx got their swords. "Let's make a space, a fight in the human form with the swords. No killings please. "Magnus announced.

Ziran looked at Sienna and blew her a kiss. "I will hold you in my arms hole dance my queen, I hope the song is long."

"As long as you wish lord Ziran, it is a gift after all," she smiled at him.

She was happy he will rid her of Lynx King in style without causing a war. She was ready to dance with him all night if needed. Tyrell looked at Sienna, but he could not fault her for anything, he was just happy she is his. He can sacrifice a dance, is not like she will do anything else with Ziran. Still better than that other king trying to make a claim on her. He will have to kill him and stir the war. Killing Lynx King was a sweet idea for Tyrell, but he did not like to kill others just for his fun or small matters. He preferred to stay in clean conscience in front of Sienna and he wanted to show trust in her ability as a queen.

Ziran was ecstatic. Sienna smiled at him directly. He saw her blue eyes in front of his face. He was mesmerized forever and ready to fight. He understood now, how Tyrell felt in the arena before and stopped holding a grudge against him.

The people gathered around the walls making a big circle, the room was huge almost like a regular sporting hall, so the fighters had a big space.

"Let's begin!"Magnus stated loudly. How many times he will have to carry on organizing fights because of this queen." he was thinking.

Lynx King attacked Ziran head-on, he did not want to embarrass himself. Also if he won, he can still claim the queen as the fight was not satisfactory for him. Ziran fought carefully because he did not want to mess up his silken clothes, so they will be clean when holding the queen. Ziran was too easily defending his vicious attacks, he was making it a show for Sienna and everyone. The Lynx King was thinking Ziran is weak and got bolder. Ziran started attacking extremely fast and cause small bleeding wounds on the king's body, without lynx noticing. He was slicing him alive slowly as he tortured his enemies, so it was fun for him. He had entertained a smile when inflicting cuts on Lynx King. Lynx King started to lose his strength and did not understand why. He did not even notice he was bleeding from every corner of his body. He was concentrating on Ziran laughing with gleaming eyes. Sienna looked at them. The Lynx King started to look like a bloody doll and Ziran was sparkling clean. Magnus started to worry about the king bleeding out. He witness before how Ziran slaughtered his enemies like this, they just dropped dead without realizing what is going on. The king was getting weak from his wound but was too proud to stop...Sienna wished Ziran would stop, take his win and go dancing. The Lynx King suddenly dropped to his knees under Ziran's sword. Ziran hold his sword at his neck." Did you enjoy your fight your majesty?" asked Ziran in a mocking tone. "Yes, you got the queen's gift now." said Lynx King and fell backwards."He just fainted," Ziran said with no emotions.

The lynx warriors come in to collect their king, they took him into his bedroom to rest. The other few warriors quickly cleaned the blood on the floor.

Ziran give his bloodied sword to Magnus, who looked at him in horror when he noticed that even Ziran's hands are spotlessly clean.

Ziran looked at Tyrell. He saw Tiger King was having an amusing smile on his lips. Tyrell was an honest man and appreciated his show. He knew Tyrell will not have much patience and will slaughter the king with one blow.

Ziran looked at Sienna. She was in awe of his skills, still a bit shocked but happy the Lynx King is out.

She smiled at Ziran and clapped her hands."Well done Lord Ziran. You are indeed a very skilful swordsman. It was my pleasure to watch you fight!"

All the lords and people start clapping too. They never saw something like this before.

Magnus give a signal for music, let's dance now.

Magnus took Ziran to the queen. "Queen Sienna, Lord Ziran is here for your gift, "he said. Magnus felt quite good about how Sienna handled the situation. Ziran was so happy. Sienna smiled at him and gave him her hand. Ziran hold Sienna's soft hand in his. He felt he is burning on fire. Tyrell nodded at him approvingly and felt a bit sorry for him. He also knew how painful it is to burn fire you could not act on. He knew that to dance with Sienna will be sweet and painful for Ziran at the same time.

Ziran held Sienna's hand tightly. She moved gracefully and stand in front of him ready to dance. Ziran's strong hand held her waist, she felt the fire in him and shivered.

Ziran felt it too and gulped."This will be not as easy as it looked." Ziran try to control himself and hold Sienna's waist tightly. Sienna felt like in the iron ring. It was not like she was dancing, mostly it was like he was carrying her around like a doll.

" My lord Ziran, I congratulate you on your victory," she smiled." Your's swordsmanship skills and strength are really great. Please, hold me more gently, I'm not running away from you tonight. "she smiled at him sweetly with a cheeky tone.

Ziran felt hot from her gaze, he started to blush. Sienna smiled. She liked making this brute man blush!

Ziran wanted to reply to her with something brutish and witty like always, but his feelings took hold of him. He stared at her lost for words. He saw her tiger-like blue eyes locked in his and her full pink lips near his face He felt her soft body in his arms and could not concentrate on anything else. He managed to ease the grip a little.

"That's better, thank you my Lord Ziran."Sienna took a breath, which moved her full breast up and Ziran found himself staring at it. Then he noticed her gentle voice."Lord Ziran, are you ok?"Sienna interrupted his daze."You have beautiful feet in that snake sandals."Ziran manage to apologize for his staring down." Sienna laughed, she was not able to see her sandals because of her bust, as he was holding her tight, so clearly, Lord Ziran, could not see them eighter."Thank you," she said politely.

"But your eyes are the most beautiful, he looked up and stare at her eyes again." he started to come back to himself.

Sienna smiled gently at him."Thank you. You are so sweet when you are not brutish." Ziran felt happy she called him sweet, but he did not want to lose his face completely.

"I can be brutish too, if you like my queen, he said in a raspy voice.

"Sienna looked at him cheekily."Be brutish to everyone else but sweet to me only, hm?"

"It's a deal!" he said satisfied. He felt so good dancing with Sienna, he could hold her like this forever. He must become the King one day and take her for himself.

" Ziran, thank you for fighting for me." she said sweetly.

"I know that king tried to push you to be his mate. I wish I was allowed to kill him here. But I can finish him off tomorrow outside the city walls if you wish so."Ziran said with his brutish smirk.

"We don't want to stir petty wars, we want to make this land safer and more prosperous. To get more females, merchants and trade blooming," said Sienna to him.

"What about warriors? Do they have a place in your world?" Ziran asked a bit bitterly.

"The most important one, there is no peace without strength. We need to build a huge and well train army as well. Can you help us?"Sienna asked.

Ziran looked at her in surprise ."Stunning and clever, what a deadly combination in a queen, I'm getting more jealous of Tyrell now."

"Please, don't! Ziran never hurt any of my mates, it will break my heart to pieces. We don't know what the future brings, so protect my heart dearly," she said to him seriously.

Ziran looked at her in shock. His heart was on fire. The queen just told him she liked him and not to make her hate him. Does it mean he had a chance with her in the future if he managed to become a king? The only thing he has to keep is not to attack her other mates, which means Snake King and Tyrell.He can go and snatch the kingdom from anyone else and become her mate just like that. He needs to start making plans, about which kingdom to snatch now. He felt his adrenaline rise. His eyes were gleaming into Siena's like in fewer. He held her tight and lead her around the dance floor slowly, following the soft music. Tyrell decided on slow songs because he knew Ziran will keep the queen dancing all night. He did not want to tire her much.

Sienna looked at Ziran with a soft smile. She felt he is in love with her and he will never stop trying. She wanted to protect her mates from this powerful warrior. He will become just stronger in time and he will definitely be a king one day. She was not against having him as a mate, she felt safe next to him. She just wanted him to get her slowly and not by force or by killing off her mates. If he will do that, he would ruin the feelings she started to have for him.

Sienna was not in love with him yet but felt a kind of friendly feeling with a bit of infatuation, she liked to know him better and enjoyed his company.

Tyrell looked at Sienna dancing with Ziran, he could see Ziran is falling for her deeply. The bit bitter smile faded through his lips. There is no way Ziran will be going away to his city, probably only when they will send for him. But until he is king is not much Ziran can do. He should keep him close in any way. Maybe he should make him Lord Protector of Crystal city, that will suit him. Tyrell knew Ziran will not let go of Sienna till the music stopped in the morning, he would do the same in his place. He told Magnus to bring him some work to do, while at the banquet, he did not like to waste his time and he did not wish to dance with anybody else. Besides any time spared he can use with Sienna. Magnus who was a workaholic agreed happily and bring a ton of work papers for Tyrell to keep him entertained. Sienna glanced at him and saw his decision, so she kept paying attention to Ziran, it was her gift after all.

Ziran used Sienna's gift to the fullest, he danced with her all night till the morning. Sienna felt exhausted and could not feel her feet. She did not even have a chance to dance with Tyrell. She will have to make it up to him somehow...The music finally stopped and most quests went home or to their rooms to sleep. Sienna was still in Ziran's embrace." Your stamina is excellent my Lord Ziran, "she smiled at him. "Would you be so nice and take me to my king please, I can't feel my feet anymore."

"Ziran smiled and picked Sienna up."This musician can't play long at all."Sienna smiled, "Is morning my Lord." Ziran glanced to the windows with faked surprise," Yes, you are right my queen, Would you like some water first?" he tried to keep Sienna longer. He really doesn't feel like giving her up and holding her in his arms just felt so natural.

"Yes please." Sienna nodded. Ziran did not give her a chance to drink at all. Ziran took Sienna to take some water from the tables. He sat her in a comfortable chair and pour the water for her. He felt bit guilty he did not let her stop, but one dance is one dance, doesn't matter how long.Sienna did not blamed him, she felt good anyway, just a bit thirsty and sore. A small price to pay to get out of arrangements she would not like. Most people went away already. Only Sienna, Ziran, Tyrell and Magnus were in the huge hall. Sienna started to feel sleepy. She begin to slouch a bit on the table and Ziran tried to support her falling head.

Sienna looked for Tyrell, he was still in his papers with Magnus. Tyrell watched her tired glance and smiled. She was so cute when tired. He was feeling proud of her, she avoided the war and new mate. Dancing with Ziran was a small price to pay, besides Tyrell knew she will make an allay from him. Tyrell left Magnus and went to Ziran and Sienna. Ziran looked at him to search for jealousy or wrath, but Tyrell's face was honest and calm. Tyrell felt good, having so much paperwork done.He wanted to show Ziran who is the king, so he said to him."Lord Ziran carry my queen to my chambers and then come back here."Ziran looked at Tyrell's calm face. It was a strong face of the leader. He doesn't hold grudges. Does Tyrell trust him that much? He is just showing him he is the king, but yes, he is showing him trust too. Ziran nodded and picked up Sienna carefully. He carried her in his arms holding her like a treasure he doesn't want to part with. He could feel how she cuddled up on his wide chest and fell asleep. Her breathing and heartbeat made Ziran crazy. Her sweet scent was so addictive to him. He breathed deeply trying to calm down and carried her to her bedroom. He knew where it was in the castle. He knew it was covered in turquoise, Sienna's favourite colour. Ziran dropped Sienna on her big bed gently, he took of her sandals and touched her sore white feet. The skin was so soft and they were just to fit his big hand. He had a strong urge to kiss them, but instead, he stand up and covered Sienna with blankets. He looked at her sleeping and felt satisfied. This was the greatest gift ever. He closed the door gently and he called two tiger guards from his personal men to stand in front of Sienna's door as well.

"Protect the queen with your life or I will personally kill you. Only the Tiger King can pass there. Do you understand?" The guards nodded, they were serving him for years and were loyal to him only. "You will be dismissed when Tiger King comes back. If the queen comes out first you go with her till she is with the Tiger King. Then you come report to me." he added and left to see Tyrell and Magnus.

Tyrell lifted his head when Ziran approached.

"Come here my Lord Ziran," Tyrell said in a serious voice. "Did you enjoy the banquet?"

" The queen's gift made it worthwhile." Ziran replied with a wicked smirk.

"Indeed," said Tyrell.

"When are you going back to Northern Tiger City?"asked Magnus

"Not sure. The Beluas beasts will be coming next spring, so I have loads of time on my hands. I plan to stay here for a bit,"he said nonchalantly. "And court your queen." he was thinking.

"Good, "Tyrell nodded,

"Would you accept to be Lord Protector Of Crystal City as well? "Tyrell asked him seriously.

Ziran was shocked." Does Tyrell not mind him being near Sienna? Or does he just want her protected much as he can, besides, she just got two mates?" he was thinking.

"Yes, it will be my honour," said Ziran.

"Great," said Tyrell, "Magnus will arrange the accommodations in the castle for you and your men."

Ziran looked into Tyrell's eyes. There was no malice or ill content towards him. How can he be so calm? Does he not see, that he is in love with the queen? Or did he choose him because he is in love with the queen? As long he is not a king he can't claim anything. Ziran's head and heart were on fire.

"I swear you my allegiance my king," he said.

"Very well," said Tyrell." We will build this kingdom great again." he smiled at Magnus and Ziran.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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