
Woman with the tiger eyes in the Beast warrior's World

Sienna travelled to another world when she found a beautiful crystal in the sea. This wild land is ruled by warriors, who can change into ferocious beasts. Females are scarce in this world, they have more males to ensure their protection, but not every tribe treat them well. Sienna first meets an Ape prince who likes her to be his but scares her halfway to his village. The huge snake retrieves her for himself as for his food. She decided to play a game of wits with him, to give her 3 chances to escape. She will encounter a tiger lord, who is so smitten with her, that he will gladly die for her, the wicked and exotic scorpion king, the cold and dangerous eagles and the black dragon who can destroy all others. Sienna will need to use all her wits and beauty to tame these beasts. I had to change this book to a novel because I started publishing it as a fanfic, but it is not fanfic, it is my original work, so I'm keeping both to keep my readers updated. The cover is my work too. This story is not as gruesome or violent as regular Chinese stuff here, because I'm European, so it is kind of easy to read but it still has hot content, twists and an interesting storyline. The setting ranges from ancient, medieval to almost modern. This is uncontracted book , so enjoy the free reading:-) #beastman, #hotblooded, #playfull, #gamesofwits, #tiger, #snake, #eagle,#scorpion, # dragon, #adventure, #romance,#sexy

Mili6na · Fantasy
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319 Chs

Sarcos helping Samuel

Sienna was resting in the Sand City. Her days just came and she wanted to have peace and lie in bed, she really needed to think over everything that happened and relax. She did not want to be in the Crystal City, because of Sharchan's drama and she felt like she did not want to face Tyrell's sad eyes after his heartbroken gift. It still haunted her in her mind.

Sienna stretched into her turquoise bed and watch the fire in colourful lanterns. She felt tranquil and safe in Sarcos's castle. She felt so happy when she found a big wooden chest with the stash of cotton fluffy balls, Sarcos had ready for her. Sienna looked at the neatly packed packets. He was so thoughtful. She felt falling for Sarcos more and more. He was invincible, strong and so caring.

Sienna smiled. He managed to prepare the replicas of her bra and knickers into the chest as well. He left her bathroom full of cosmetics and soft towels. Sienna felt like in an all-inclusive paradise after her struggles in Silver City. And not to say the bathrooms in the Sand City were the most similar to the modern ones.

Sienna fell into the bed with a happy shriek "I love you so much Sarcos!"Leander who was back from Silver City was standing outside of the door. He and Ziran were responsible for the queen. Tyrell insisted for Ziran to go to Sand City to guard her as well as he distrusted the scorpion guards. Besides Ziran already levelled up and was stronger than Leander anyway. Leander hated to be the second strongest after Ziran. He always looked for little ways how to tease him. Leander smiled viciously when he heard the queen shriek, he will taunt Ziran with it later on.

Tyrell and Sharchan were not happy. They got Sienna's letter and their gifts back. They felt quite weird when they unpack them. "She must be really hurt by these," Tyrell noted.

"Well, she got what she asked for, "Sharchan said nonchalantly.

"I think only Sarcos got it right. She was asking really for help. Do you think she is upset with us?"Tyrell asked worriedly.

Sharchan shook his head." She needs to rest now anyway. She will sleep her days a lot," said Sharchan, "When she was with me, she was exhausted."He tried to calm worried Tyrell.

Tyrell looked at Shatchan. "I want to see her now, maybe she needs our help."

"Let's give her four days to recover and then we come to visit her," Sharchan suggested.

"How can you wait so long?"Tyrell asked.

"Is safer. Her mood will be grumpy first few days. It is better to let her rest."Sharchan shooked his shoulders.

Tyrell looked at him." I do not care, I need to see her. Or are you afraid of Sienna's moods, mighty warrior?" he asked Sharchan.

Sharchan shook his head."Let's go."

Meanwhile in Silver City. Sarcos was standing in the big Spider Castle library. He went thru most of the books and picked all which talked about magic.

"I will store these in the Sand City," he said to Samuel. Samuel nodded. He got no need for them."Anything for you king Sarcos, "Samuel said. " I also have one peculiar question. What I'm to do with the concubines of the late king? I have my mate and family, I don't want anyone else. I took my sister out already, I beg your permission, but what to do with the rest?"

Sarcos nodded. "I will take care of it," he said. "I will question them first and then we let them go free to find mates in the city," he said.

Samuel sighed with relief."Thank you king Sarcos."

Sarcos shook his head with a subtle smile and went to the harem. Sarcos walked thru the harem curiously. He saw the beautifully decorated rooms. The concubines just received their meal and were sitting down in the garden slurping from their silver trays. Sarcos looked at them. He knew Sienna must felt sick seeing this. "I will have no spider females in Sand City." He decided. His soldiers will have to pass on spider tribe females or stay with them in Silver City.

The concubines finished their meals and noticed the handsome Scorpion King. He was more manly and dark than Thurssa. His skin was not pale but had a tanned golden glow, his muscles were bulging as he walked confidently. He projected power and strength. They stared at him with curiosity. This is the mate of that strange, beautiful queen, who killed their king for her sake!

The concubines kneeled down as Sarcos approached them. He looked at them blankly. "Sienna must find them weird," he thought."You are to be set free to get new mates in the city and live a normal life, under one condition. You tell me everything you know about immortal females and the king and you never mentioned it again."

The first concubine bowed. " We don't know much. Just it is the biggest honour to become one and to feed the king is the highest pleasure we could obtain. Your queen told us the other concubines are living dead and the king is feeding off them. "

"Yes, that and lots of strange words we don't understand. "The next one lifted her head.

"She told us about the king being a genius. He made her hair curly and dressed her by himself. "Another whispered.

"Queen kept close with the king, she did not want to be near us. "another one hissed.

Sarcos looked at their wild faces, he understood why Sienna was scared of them, but he will have to ask her more about dressing up. "Tell me everything that you heard happened between my queen and your king." Sarcos looked at them innocently and sat on the rim of the fountain nonchalantly. The concubines sit around him on the floor and started to bring all the gossip.

"Samuel stopped the later madame because she almost killed the queen with a too-tight dress." one of the concubines noted.

"Yes, and he stopped her hand when she wanted to slap the queen. He never stopped her when she slapped us." another one complained.

Sarcos's face went dark. Madame was lucky to be dead.

"She was taken by a vulture and begged the king to safe his life."

"She ran corridors at night and was found with Royal Advisor, sitting on his bed."

"She lured the king with his poems."

"She stomped her feet at us and cried all the time."

"She felt sick because she saw us eat. She ate fruit and bread buns only."

"She did not want to sleep next to us. She slept in the garden with the guard watching her."

"She took her guard to baths. She wanted Samuel next to her all the time. Or the king. The king visited her at night. He was holding her in his arms. She had to be guarded or she run."

"She tried to climb the rocks down from the garden and the king have to bring her back and save her life."

"She went lost in a rose maze and the king had to look for her and instead of punishing her, he designed a dress with her."

Sarcos looked at them. He was getting a picture of what Sienna had to go thru. He felt his heart flinch when he imagined Sienna climbing down the steep rocks, she must be so desperate.

"She danced all night with the king, she was his favourite. She even saw his immortal concubines. "

"She betrayed him and you too, my king. She should be killed." The concubines nodded their heads in unison.

Sarcos looked at them with pure hate, the flaming scorpion was raging in his eyes."If any of you say these words again, I will have you executed right now. You will be bound to Silver City all your lives and each of you is getting five mates tonight to keep you busy. I will choose them myself." he glared at them and went to see Samuel. These revengeful concubines made him upset. He understood why Sienna kept close to guard or even the king at all times.

Sarcos went to see Samuel." The concubines are wicked! I do not want them to leave Silver City ever."

"Have no worries, my king," Samuel said, "All spider warriors will keep in a radius around the city. Only your tribe can come and trade with us. I know, we are despised by other tribes because we are different."

"You spiders are simply wicked," said Sarcos.

Samuel nodded."I realised it when I saw how different and merciful was your queen. She stopped the sword with her bare hand to save my life. It made me think. We will be forever in your debt and I keep my people contained and well." he nodded.

Sarcos looked at him, "Well then. Recommend me the most jealous and rough single men from the city, I will give them that concubines. Five males for one. I want them to be busy. "

Samuel nodded. "That is a bit cruel my king. Spiders will not wait for their weeks as other tribes do. They just take females any time."

Sarcos shook his shoulders. "I know. Still, they should be lucky to live after what they said. If you hear anyone talking about killing my queen have them executed on the spot. "

Samuel nodded. "Of course, I will do it by myself."

Sarcos was satisfied. The harem was emptied that night and concubines and female attendants from baths were given away to spiders in the city.

The concubines were waiting with their bags packed and bowed heads. Sarcos let them take any dresses they wanted and anything which fit into one big bag. The males went five and five together and took a concubine which they liked the best. All of them went fast as they were the most pretty spider females.

"Keep them busy and free of gossip," Samuel said to the males." They have to listen to your orders, not the other way around." The warrior's eyes lit up.

Sarcos went with Samuel through the cellars to make sure they are no more immortals' reserves hiding anywhere. Sarcos even brought his hunting dogs to check everything thoughtfully. After that, Samuel was allowed to bring in his family and use the castle as a fort for soldiers and their families, which helped the city to empty more space to grow.

Sarcos returned to his camp. He started to prepare his army to leave slowly.

"King Sarcos, "Sid came to him," Some of our men wanted to mate with Spider females. Are they allowed?"

Sarcos shook his head."Assemble my men."

Sarcos went to address his army."No men are allowed to bring a Spider female to Sand City or any spider outside of Spider City radius. If you are deeply in love, you need to stay in the Silver City forever and I will have you marked with a spider mark. You become one of the Silver City under king Samuel and not my men anymore. You will be not able to leave the city radius the same as other spiders.If anyone is willing to do that come forward!

Few older scorpion soldiers came forward. They have their eyes on some females from the city and they will be accepted if the king let them go. Sarcos nodded, it was twenty older soldiers. He lifted his hand."I wish you the best life you can have here. Go to king Samuel with your mates. He will have you marked with a spider mark and will grant you a house to live with your female straight away. You will be working as his soldiers, till you decide to do a trade."

The men bowed."Long life to you, gracious king Sarcos, our life is yours no more. We will serve king Samuel well. We swear to never cross you or any of our brothers in combat."

"Go now," said Sarcos. He looked after the group of leaving men with a strange satisfaction. "It was better to let them go than to risk traitors. Females could make men half crazy." He smiled.

The rest of his men went back to their duties. They were sure the king will secure them prettier females than the spider ones.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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