
Woman with the tiger eyes in the Beast warrior's World

Sienna travelled to another world when she found a beautiful crystal in the sea. This wild land is ruled by warriors, who can change into ferocious beasts. Females are scarce in this world, they have more males to ensure their protection, but not every tribe treat them well. Sienna first meets an Ape prince who likes her to be his but scares her halfway to his village. The huge snake retrieves her for himself as for his food. She decided to play a game of wits with him, to give her 3 chances to escape. She will encounter a tiger lord, who is so smitten with her, that he will gladly die for her, the wicked and exotic scorpion king, the cold and dangerous eagles and the black dragon who can destroy all others. Sienna will need to use all her wits and beauty to tame these beasts. I had to change this book to a novel because I started publishing it as a fanfic, but it is not fanfic, it is my original work, so I'm keeping both to keep my readers updated. The cover is my work too. This story is not as gruesome or violent as regular Chinese stuff here, because I'm European, so it is kind of easy to read but it still has hot content, twists and an interesting storyline. The setting ranges from ancient, medieval to almost modern. This is uncontracted book , so enjoy the free reading:-) #beastman, #hotblooded, #playfull, #gamesofwits, #tiger, #snake, #eagle,#scorpion, # dragon, #adventure, #romance,#sexy

Mili6na · Fantasy
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304 Chs

How can I look into your eyes?

At right noon Marco came with Sienna to Tiger Castle. He was holding her in his arms and asked the guards to announce King Tyrell his presence.

Tyrell bit his lips worriedly and went down to face the music. Ziran walked behind him. It felt a bit weird for him to see his king this broken.

Bran was already up at noon and straight as he noticed Marco holding Sienna passing thru the garden, he joined behind his king.

Tyrell walked the corridors of his castle with a small heart. He did not know what to do! And he rather did not ask Magnus. Ziran advised him to sort it out with Marco first.

"If the eagle beats you up, Sienna will feel more sorry for you and will be more eager to forgive you.Hopefully."Ziran smirked at his king brutishly.

"Do you think I should just let him beat me up?'Tyrell asked hopelessly. He would do anything for Sienna to forgive him!

"No, you are a king, you should fight properly." Ziran chuckled. "I will be keen to watch it. "He smiled in dark satisfaction.

Tyrell with Ziran walked into the garden and saw Marco carrying Sienna. She got a bandage on her neck and she was looking like she is not able to move properly.

Sienna glanced at Tyrell. She felt her heart clench painfully. She could see he is so different from his tiger. Tyrell bit his lips and looked down. He was not ready to face her!

Marco turned to Bran and gave him Sienna to hold. Sienna hugged Bran's neck tightly."Bran, help me to stand up, please, I think I can feel my legs again." she asked him quietly. Bran nodded and tried to stand her up carefully. Sienna felt her feet on the ground and rejoiced."I can move! I'm never drinking that tiger syrup again!" Her legs were still a bit stiff, but it was getting better!

Marco came forward to Tyrell. "Tyrell." he looked at him coldly.

Tyrell could not face Marco well eighter." Yes?" he looked up a bit hopelessly.

"Let's train brother," Marco said coldly.

"Sure."Tyrell nodded. He expected it. He went with Marco holding his head down thinking and biting his lips. He knew he had to pay. He just hoped Sienna will forgive him.

Ziran came to Sienna as the kings walked to the arena slowly. She still stood next to Bran and looked after Marco and Tyrell thinking.

"Don't frown that much."Ziran fixed her golden hair away from her face.

"You are ok," Sienna hugged him and kissed his cheek carefully. She did not want to fall.

"Thanks to you, "Ziran noted as he held her waist automatically, he felt she is a bit wobbly.

"Well, and I'm ok thanks to you, Bran, and Marco." she nodded.

"For now."Ziran thought but also nodded.

They all went to the arena following Marco and Tyrell. The arena was empty and the kings could fight in private. Sienna went to the seating area with Bran and Ziran. She did not feel very well but wanted to see them train. Hmm, almost. She wanted to see how will that rude tiger feel in her place! She knew Marco is a lot stronger than Tyrell, so she wanted to teach him a lesson. And she also wanted to make sure Marco will not kill Tyrell by accident. The Sea Eagle King was really cold and she knew his style of the fight was more butchery than marital art!

Sienna watched her mates stand opposite each other and bit her lips. She started to be a bit worried for Tyrell. "Well, too late."She sighed quietly."I hope the tiger will get my message into his hard head! This will show him for his... relax.... it will hurt! He better never laugh at me again!" she raged in her mind.

Tyrell stood opposite Marco ready to fight. They both held short sharp swords and round shields.

"Let's start brother!" said Marco who looked cold as always.

"Sure."Tyrell bit his lips and looked into Marco's freezing blue eyes. He would do the same in his place. Tyrell felt his heart hurt. He could not concentrate his power that well when he felt Sienna is upset with him!

The two powerful warriors clash together so strongly it shook the arena. The swords start ringing at a fast speed. The dull hits on the shields were shaking the ground. It was nerve-wracking to watch! Marco was not a very playful man! He just started to butcher Tyrell. Tyrel was a good swordsman, so he was able to defend quite well, but end up getting a few cuts till they broke off the swords. Then they just fight with their bare hands. It looked a bit like a hard kickboxing match. Tyrell got a few punches and hard kicks into his face and flew the wall at a times but always got up. Marco was careful not to kill him!

"Are you still restraining yourself, brother? "Tyrell looked at Marco a bit shocked at his strength.

"Yes." Marco noted."I would not like to kill you in front of her. Do you want to add some more power?"

"Sure, or we will be here the whole day."Tyrell grinned painfully and glanced at Sienna. She was holding her neck and looked in pain. The medicine started to wear off. Marco also looked at her and felt his anger rise.

"As you wish." the Eagle King nodded.

Suddenly the more-less even match started to look like getting a shark out of the tank! Marco has beaten Tyrell cruelly till he changed to a tiger by himself because his human form could not fight anymore! The white tiger faced the huge eagle. It was like a bloody dance in the air. Marco picked Tyrell into the air and started to rip into his flesh. The tiger was fighting but he could not get free of the eagle's grip. The raptor was too strong.

Marco felt Tyrell is trying from his last, so he pressed him down on the ground in his eagle form and tore meat from the back of the tiger's neck slowly with his sharp beak.

"Does it feel good? Don't move Tyrell or it will hurt more...try to relax..."Marco was mocking him cruelly. Sienna told him a lot and the strong eagle got it stuck in his head. The dragon was raging in him and wanted to devour Tyrell!

Sienna watched it with a bit of satisfaction at first but when she saw Marco ripping out Tyrell's flesh, she felt sick to her stomach! The pieces of flesh just stuck out from the tiger's bleeding neck! Sienna stood up all pale in her face." Marco, please stop, that is enough." she called to the deranged eagle in a worried voice.

The eagle turned to her and shook his head. His sharp talons were still pressing the half-conscious tiger into the soft sand. His face was bloodied and his eyes red!

Sienna gulped." Please, Marco, don't kill him. Let's just go back now." she begged.

"Let them be," Ziran looked at her brutishly..."It feels good, no?" he held his scared neck. "I will help him to get better, have no worries about him, it looks worse than it is." he grinned in cruel satisfaction.

Sienna touched her neck worriedly. The big purple bruise was covering half of her back neck and she could hardly move her head. It started to swell more and more. She wished for it to finish so she could take some painkillers!

The tiger suddenly passed out and Sienna just wanted to go away from the bloody scene. It did not feel really that good, because Marco overdid it, but she had to let him do it, to teach the tiger how she felt!

Marco lifted Tyrell with Ziran carefully and they took him back to Tiger Castle. Sienna walked with Bran after them thru the empty city. The few tigers they met glanced at their injured king disturbed. They felt Tyrell had to pay for Tiger's Eye Star night and found it unfair!

Marco and Ziran took Tyrell quickly to his room and Sienna with Bran walked slowly to her room to rest when Magnus stopped her in the corridor.

"My dear queen, " the old tiger bowed politely." I heard you scream yesterday night, so I got you this to ease your pain." he smiled gently and offered her a small pretty crystal jar.

Sienna stared at him in unbelief. "Is he making fun of me or he thinks I'm completely stupid?" she thought.

"It is tiger balm. It should help to heal your neck," he moved her hair gently and checked the bruises quickly. He wanted to make sure it will not be scarred... for future purposes...not because he was fond of the queen!

"It will make sure you got no scars." he nodded."So how was it? You are still in one piece." he looked at her with his sneaky brown eyes.

"Marco saved me," Sienna heard herself answer him. She was getting upset with the old tiger too!

"Ahh, what a pity."Magnus nodded."We could have an heir." he nodded his head.

"Did you know about the star?"Sienna took the balm from Magnus's opened palm innocently playing dumb.

"Sure, is normal here." he chuckled.

"But I'm not normal and you did not warn me!" her eyes glittered with tiger strength suddenly.

"Tyrell is your mate, there is nothing you should be wary about."Magnus shook his shoulders."It is natural."

"Then why you kept it from Tyrell's human form too?" she called enraged.

"His tiger asked me. It is for good of the kingdom." Magnus smiled."Now we have to wait another four years if you do not wise up." he shook his head rather pitifully.

"Magnus, don't you try to go between me and Tyrell anymore."Sienna looked at him firmly.

"Why? I'm just trying to help." Magnus said with sneakily fake care in his voice. He liked to play games!

"Because I'm trying to do something nice for you and if you do not stop meddling, I will not give it to you."Sienna smiled a bit wickedly.

"Well, then you keep it."Magnus shook his shoulders nonchalantly.

"I will not keep it, it is not important to me, but for you, it means more than your life." she whispered to him dangerously." Anyway, thank you for the balm." she smiled sweetly and start walking to her room with Bran.

Magnus furrowed his brows."What is she talking about? What is more precious to me than my life?" he was puzzled as he was watching his queen leave.

The air is heating up dear readers. xxx

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