
Woman with the tiger eyes in the Beast warrior's World

Sienna travelled to another world when she found a beautiful crystal in the sea. This wild land is ruled by warriors, who can change into ferocious beasts. Females are scarce in this world, they have more males to ensure their protection, but not every tribe treat them well. Sienna first meets an Ape prince who likes her to be his but scares her halfway to his village. The huge snake retrieves her for himself as for his food. She decided to play a game of wits with him, to give her 3 chances to escape. She will encounter a tiger lord, who is so smitten with her, that he will gladly die for her, the wicked and exotic scorpion king, the cold and dangerous eagles and the black dragon who can destroy all others. Sienna will need to use all her wits and beauty to tame these beasts. I had to change this book to a novel because I started publishing it as a fanfic, but it is not fanfic, it is my original work, so I'm keeping both to keep my readers updated. The cover is my work too. This story is not as gruesome or violent as regular Chinese stuff here, because I'm European, so it is kind of easy to read but it still has hot content, twists and an interesting storyline. The setting ranges from ancient, medieval to almost modern. This is uncontracted book , so enjoy the free reading:-) #beastman, #hotblooded, #playfull, #gamesofwits, #tiger, #snake, #eagle,#scorpion, # dragon, #adventure, #romance,#sexy

Mili6na · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
304 Chs

Gentle war

When Sienna woke up in the morning, Mathyas was just getting ready for the day. He was walking around in his trousers looking for his shirt and armour. Sienna stared at his pale slim body. He was really lean without his armour! She could see the outlines of his muscles but they were not so big and burly as Sarcos's, Sharchan's, Marco's or Tyrell's. Ramse was really massive against him and lean Xander was far more stronger and muscular as well!

"He might really find me heavy then!" she stared at his figure, "He could be a male model for boxers!" she chuckled in her mind.

Mathyas noticed Sienna is up and he fixed his red eyes on her."If you keep staring at me, I will stare at you too, when you get ready! "He said seriously.

Sienna closed her eyes."Your muscles are not so big anyway, nothing to stare at." she said a bit grumpily.

Mathyas chuckled."I can ask Ramse to show you his muscles if you are that picky."

Sienna hid under the blanket." Rather not!"

Mathyas smiled."She is quite cute." he thought entertained. He put on his clothes and sat next to Sienna. He lifted her blanket."I'm ready, stop hiding." he said chuckling.

"I need to get dressed too," Sienna sighed."Can I go to my room now?"

"Sure, I will see you soon."Mathyas nodded.

He was kind of sweet suddenly as a different person, but Sienna did not trust him at all!

Sienna slip outside. She almost run in the direction of her room when she bumped into Ramse.

"I'm just looking for you." he said firmly."Come, I will give you breakfast." he grab her arm and drag her quickly to her room.

He sat her behind the table. "Are you ok?" he looked at her.

"Yes, I survived."Sienna sighted."Thank you for yesterday night," she reached up and kissed his cheek lightly.

Ramse nodded and pushed the small covered tray with food in front of her.

"Can I get ready first? I need a bath." she looked at him."I promise I will eat everything after, ok?"

"Don't rush."Ramse nodded."Is still hot anyway."

Sienna got a quick warm bath and get ready. She put on a beautiful blue velvet dress with long sleeves. She painted her eyes and lips, just to feel a bit better. Ramse helped her to brush her hair. He brushed out a tiny leaf suddenly!

"What is this Sienna? It was stuck in your hair and it is not from the garden!" he looked at her suspiciously.

"I don't want to talk about it!"Sienna shook her head.

"Ok, go eat first."Ramse nodded. He gave her a bowl of warm oat porridge with raisins, a bit of cocoa, cinnamon and honey. Sienna smelled it and gobbled it up like a hungry dragon.

Ramse looked at her smiling."I'm glad you like it." he said gently.

"If someone can cook here, it is you, thank you so much!"Sienna nodded."You are definitely a husband material now."She said appreciatively.

Ramse nodded. He picked a golden bracelet from his pocket and put it on her wrist."You forgot this yesterday," he said seriously.

Sienna stared at it. She felt her insides turning up in fear. It had a big golden ape at it!

Just then Mathyas entered Sienna's room in a good mood. "The dragons left till the next red moon, so I have time to tame the little queen." he chuckled in his mind.

He saw Sienna sitting behind the table and staring at the golden bracelet. She took a spoon of honey and put it in her mouth mindlessly.

Mathyas came closer to her and petted her head."It is just a warning for you to behave or I will let him finish next time." he said nonchalantly.

"No need, he has done me already really good. I'm lucky I can even sit down."Sienna bit her lips raging inside.

"Shush, you seem nothing yet, "Ramse told her off firmly.

Sienna stared at the bracelet. "Pity you are so weak, master!" she whispered.

"Sienna, eat quietly!" Ramse glared at her.

"What? He called me heavy again!" Sienna hissed to him.

"Who called you heavy?" Mathyas asked roughly.

"Master called me heavy," Sienna said sweetly with a totally fake smile.

Ramse sighed.

"Maybe you eat too much."Mathyas looked at her and held her wrist as she tried to eat.

"Don't you dare master, it is from Sarcos, you have no right to touch my food," Sienna growled like a hungry tiger. That was her food from Sarcos and she was ready to fight for it! "If you don't like how I look just let me go, master," Sienna said slowly.

"But I like how you look." Mathyas nodded."You are beautiful and soft. I just want to lay on top of you a take you hard as Ramse. I wonder how would you scream..."Mathyas hissed.

"You both need to calm down a bit. It will not end up well if you keep being too hard Mathyas." Ramse noted. "Some people are not meant to be slaves. Their soul is too free and they rather die..." he sighed."Sienna has a soul like that. Don't blame her."

"She was with Darren yesterday!"Mathyas exploded suddenly.

"He saved me, I have nothing with him."Sienna shrugged her shoulder.

"Sienna, you will keep away from him. He is very dangerous for you."Ramse said firmly.

"It is so hard to keep you alive, you are too wild!"Mathyas sighed.

"For a weak king, definitely, "Sienna whispered under her nose.

"You don't know when to stop, Sienna," Ramse noted seriously.

"How I am to keep you alive? You just keep enraging me over and over again!"Mathyas held his head..."You are driving me crazy!"

"Are you scared of me finally?"Sienna asked seductively. She was bewildered again...

"Sarcos told you not to war with me!"Mathyas warned her.

"I will show you three you a war.." her eyes glittered like that of the wild tigress. She stood up and went to the bed slowly.

Mathyas furrowed his brows."Be careful what you do!"

"Ha, you never saw a war like this!"Sienna picked a silky cushion and chucked in on his face."This is for you for being an annoying master!"The cushion smashed into Mathyas! He caught it and stared at her. He was not sure what to do.

"It is just a game," Ramse whispered to him."Watch and don't rage." he picked a cushion and threw it on Sienna's head."Little trouble."

Sienna giggled and picked another one."This is for your grumpy ape!" she smashed one on Ramse. "It is a gift in return for your bracelet!"

Xander just opened the door to come in and Sienna chucked cushion on his head straight away."To the sneaky panther!"

Xander smiled and chucked the cushion back to her gently."For the little wild dove."The cushion hit Sienna's head and she laughed wildly.

Ramse threw another cushion on her too."For not listening well, you little tigress!"

Sienna dodged and threw it straight back at him."Grumpy man!"

Xander chuckled and threw a cushion on her again, messing her hair."Fly high little dove."

Mathyas smiled and threw his cushion on Sienna too."You wild girl!"Mathyas did not play for a really long time. The energy was kind of catchy and he decided to join for a bit.

"Eat this!"Sienna threw at Mathyas another cushion. They started to fight wildly. Sienna was covered in cushions soon and chuckled. She just felt crazy. It was too much pressure in the air and she needed to steam it out.

Suddenly Mathyas lifted his finger and all the cushions floated in the air! Sienna tried to jump on the bed and pick one."Not my favourite cushion!" she tried to get back her turquoise cushion with the golden scorpion on it.

"This is cheating."She called.

"No, this is."Mathyas let the cushions fall on her head, so Sienna crouch down on the bed.

"Help me, "Sienna called buried under the cushions.

Mathyas noted Xander and Ramse to go.

He lay on top of Sienna covered in cushions. The bed is really so much softer now." he noted.

"You are so heavy!"Sienna panted, "Let me out."

"Am I not too skinny anymore?"Mathyas taunted her.

"Yes, you are! The cushions are heavy."Sienna blurted.

Mathyas nodded. He freed Sienna's face and watched how she scrambled to get out. She realized she is stuck and let her head fall back into the cushions, her long golden hair spread on the bed messily.

Mathyas stared into her beautiful blue eyes."You are really so beautiful," he smiled."I can watch you like this the whole day."

"Please don't, you are getting really heavy, I can't breathe well, "Sienna begged.

"Maybe, if you ask me really nicely, I will consider letting you go."He said seriously.

Sienna swallowed hard."No," her eyes lit up wildly.

"Ok, then I stay here. I'm kind of sleepy anyway." He lowered his head closer to hers. He felt a wave of energy between them and was curious. Sienna was bewildered and the fire-like energy was just seeping from her.

"Please, let me out, master."Sienna decided to give up.

"It is not good enough!" Mathyas put his face closer almost kissing her lips.

Sienna closed her eyes, he was too close to watch his face. It was making her dizzy.

"Please, please...let ..."Sienna tried to beg again.

Mathyas pressed his lips to hers. He felt the wild energy current pass. "I want to mate with you." he rasped. He floated the cushions in the air and he was suddenly laying on top of her!

Sienna breathed deeply and circled his neck with her hands."Only if you can stand to be Sarcos's family as he still can come back."Sienna kissed him gently.

Mathyas lifted his head abruptly."Little trickster, you did find out! But the chance is slight as your golden hair." he nodded and sat next to her.

"Silly."Sienna smiled in her head!" He just admitted it is true!" she thought happily.

Mathyas stared at her seriously."Do you actually think you can have both of us?"

Sienna looked at him curiously."Is normal here, no?" she sit up as well.

"Not us, we swore never to be brothers!"Mathyas looked at her firmly.

"But you are family already. I'm your aunt from Sharchan and you always call Sarcos little brother!"Sienna shook her head confused.

"That is different. We can be family like that, just not share the same mate," he said a bit upset."I gave you seven days to mourn, to see if he can make it. If he comes after that, you stay here. You are mine for life. He has to go." Mathyas nodded.

"Go where?"Sienna asked really worried.

"His problem."Mathyas looked at her seriously.

"Can't you wait a little bit longer?"Sienna asked gently.

"No, my father wants you too, I told you."Mathyas was getting more upset."You still don't love me so much as Sarcos, do you?" he looked at her firmly.

"I can't call you "my love "anyway."Sienna bit her lips."You want to be my master!"

"You are right. I'm your master and king. Don't joke with me anymore. If you ever throw something at me I will kill you." he said sternly.

"What?"Sienna stared in disbelief.

"You heard me! " he said and left.

"I can't give you a chance then, "Sienna thought in panic.

Ok, any thoughts? xxx

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