
Woman with the tiger eyes in the Beast warrior's World

Sienna travelled to another world when she found a beautiful crystal in the sea. This wild land is ruled by warriors, who can change into ferocious beasts. Females are scarce in this world, they have more males to ensure their protection, but not every tribe treat them well. Sienna first meets an Ape prince who likes her to be his but scares her halfway to his village. The huge snake retrieves her for himself as for his food. She decided to play a game of wits with him, to give her 3 chances to escape. She will encounter a tiger lord, who is so smitten with her, that he will gladly die for her, the wicked and exotic scorpion king, the cold and dangerous eagles and the black dragon who can destroy all others. Sienna will need to use all her wits and beauty to tame these beasts. I had to change this book to a novel because I started publishing it as a fanfic, but it is not fanfic, it is my original work, so I'm keeping both to keep my readers updated. The cover is my work too. This story is not as gruesome or violent as regular Chinese stuff here, because I'm European, so it is kind of easy to read but it still has hot content, twists and an interesting storyline. The setting ranges from ancient, medieval to almost modern. This is uncontracted book , so enjoy the free reading:-) #beastman, #hotblooded, #playfull, #gamesofwits, #tiger, #snake, #eagle,#scorpion, # dragon, #adventure, #romance,#sexy

Mili6na · Fantasy
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304 Chs

Back in the Snake Castle

As the darkness was creeping over the Snake Country, Sharchan brought Sienna back into his castle. Sienna saw two burly figures waiting for them eagerly in the atrium. She took a deep breath and suddenly Sharchan stood her on the floor in front of them! He was way too fast!

Sienna stood in front of an older warrior and S. She looked into S's handsome face and bit her lips.S looked at her relaxed. He was happy she is ok but was not sure if she tricked him or not!

"This is my father," Sharchan introduced the older warrior first.

"Nice to meet you, father-in-law," Sienna smiled gently and kissed his cheek.

"Call me Sharmut, "he said. He held her shoulders familiarly and put some pressure on them. He was kind of feeling how sturdy she was...

Sienna smiled a little bittersweetly with a bit of silent understanding. "Another lovely father-in-law! The only thing important to them is if my hips are wide and my body is strong enough to bear their grandchildren!" she sighed in her mind as she got a flashback suddenly. He reminded her of the late Sea Eagle King! It was his powerful and somehow cruel presence, so she was wary of him deep inside her bones!

Sharmut was definitely a predator, he looked tough and really firm. His face was quite similar to Sharchan's, but his hair was onyx black and the iris of his eyes white with a pearlescent rainbow-like shine. He was strong, muscular and tanned. Sienna never saw so pearly white eyes before and stared at them, waiting till he let her go quite patiently...

The white snake noticed that she just liked his eyes and smiled."I still look good to females, "he thought satisfied and let go of her.

"And this is my younger brother, "Sharchan introduced S."His name is Sharchet."

"You can continue to call me S, I like it," Sharchet noted.

"Sure, I like it too, S... "Sienna blushed ad kissed his cheek. Her kiss felt sweet somehow to both of them. She did like him!

Sharchan bit his lips and Sharmut chuckled."This will be really interesting..." he thought.

Sharchan pulled Sienna back to himself and held her waist tightly. "She is mine!!" the snake in his mind was raging!

"Let your queen rest, Sharchan."Sharmut saw that Sienna is tired...

"Thank you father-in-law." she smiled, glanced at S and walked inside with Sharchan.

Sharmut watched them going in."She likes you," he turned to Sharchet.

"And?" the sneaky brother asked nonchalantly.

"You can still get her..."Sharmut smirked at S.

"Don't play games for me, father..."S noted."I can play better than you..."

Sharchan led Sienna up the corridors.

"I will take you to meet my mother when you are better," he noted.

"Is she with her other kings now?"Sienna asked curiously.

"No, my mother has father only...My mother is living in the forest, "Sharchan said.

"Why?"Sienna asked surprised.

"Father was too overbearing."Sharchan smiled gently and Siena just nodded. They were definitely an interesting family...!!!

Sharchan took Sienna to her room. He embraced her and run his hands on her body."Would you like a warm bath?"

Sienna nodded. She needed to wash again anyway...

Sharchan went with her to the bathroom.

Sienna looked at him thinking. He was kind of cuddly to her...like a sticker.

"He must miss me so much...," she smiled in her head.

Sharchan made for her a warm bath with sweet-smelling salt and turned to her."Come, I will help you out of your dress."

Sienna had no heart to refuse him. His voice was so smooth and reassuring, she felt her body craving his touch badly.

"You are so soft." he smiled as he ran his hands on her back and waist. Sienna enjoy it till he started touching her bum...

"Wait, I need to wash."She blushed.

"Ok", he looked at her gently."I will give you some privacy, but if you need help, call me."

Sienna smiled and watch him leave. "How considerate he is suddenly!"She thought and slipped into the hot bath. It was so relaxing. Sienna felt like, job well done! Everybody is alive and she got her Sharchan back!

She thought about Sharchan and she kind of missed him. She wanted to see him again, just to make sure he is really there!

"Sharchan!" she called and sat in the bathtub.

"Yes? "the manly voice sounded from the other room.

"Come wash my back, please."Sienna smacked her lips a bit in expectation.

Sharchan came in with a big smile. He was half-naked and wore only kind of silky boxers on him. Sienna gulped. He looked so good and muscular. She stared at his abs and secretly wanted to mate!

Sharchan saw her look and smiled confidently ..." So, did you miss me?"

"Enormously !"Sienna looked at him cutely."Wash my back now." she giggled.

Sharchan washed her back gently, but his hands were sneaking into the other places as well...

Sienna breathed deeply. He was making her hot, even though she felt sore in her belly...

"Come out now!"He stood her up and put fresh water on her because her bath was already red. He help her to dry quickly and gave her new underwear and nightgown. Sienna put her wet hair into the towel. Sharchan made another bath and went into the water." Will you stay here with me?" he rasped," I like looking at you."

"Sure." Sienna nodded and sat opposite him on the wide bathtub edge. She undid the towel on her head and brushed her wet hair with her fingers slowly...

"How do you feel? "She asked him lovingly.

"What?" he furrowed his brows at her feminine question.

"Well, you were frozen..."Sienna smiled gently.

"Yes, I'm all good now, when I have you here..." he noted.

"I'm so happy you are ok and all your family is fine..." she sighed.

"So tell me what happened from the time you sent me away..." he bit his lips guiltily. Sienna start talking. The story was too long, so Sharchan finished his bath, and they moved into the bed. Sienna sat in his embrace and told him how Sarcos came two minutes late...

Sharchan listen and get upset."I should go with Ramse and Xander, I should not assume Sarcos will do everything the best for you." he scrunched his face uncomfortably.

"It is already done."Sienna touched his cheek."They helped me a lot."

"And my sister almost ate you. I should rather let her be killed when she got sick."He bit his lips.

"I'm glad you did not, she is herself again and all is well, she loves you a bit too much, but still, she is your sister..."Sienna said gently.

"And Mathyas, you should just accept him."Sharchan shook his head.

"He was crazy as well, I will not give you up, or Sarcos or Tyrell or Marco."Sienna shook her head.

"I should be there to protect you..."Sharchan said remorsefully.

"You be not able to fight him eighter, he got magic. Besides he is being trained now."Sienna chuckled." I bet Ramse with Xander will count it for him." she giggled.

"So, if not for Marath you will be dead already..."Sharchan looked at her with crazy eyes.

"Yes, I owe him my life literally."Sienna nodded.

"So, if you see him, you will do anything for him?"Sharcham asked furrowing his brows.

"Pretty much."Sienna nodded.

"So, you like him?"He lifted his eyebrows...

"Yes, he is a hero..."Sienna nodded.

"But he is not a king."Sharchan shook his head.

"No.But not a mere man eighter...Don't you fight him! Ever!"She looked at him seriously.

Sharchan nodded."He is my brother-in-law anyway," he sighed."I'm glad he saved you...And you came here to save me..." he shook his head in unbelief...

"You should thank Marco and Ziran, "Sienna looked into his eyes."They got you out. I will be not able to find you and free you by myself..."

"So how did you realise Sharchet is not me?"Sharchan asked.

"He smells differently. I found out straight away."She smiled.

"In the better or worse way?" he asked worriedly.

"I like your smell. His one is nice too but different. Also, he is so much more kinder and considerate than you. He is a lovely man."Sienna nodded.

"Do you want to keep him instead of me then?"Sharchan looked at her suspiciously.

"Sure I want to keep him...as a brother-in-law."Sienna smiled.

Sharchan nodded satisfied with her answer. Suddenly a knock on the door disturbed them. Sharchet came in and gave Sienna a silver tray full of fresh buns, apples and grapes...

"So how are you doing Sienna?"S asked gently.

"Better my love."Sienna smiled at him.

Sharchan's eyes turned into slits."Why do you call him my love?" he asked a bit enraged.

"Because I decided to treat him as you!"Sienna giggled innocently..."Thank you S." she started to eat happily.

"These are still warm!"She held the bread buns in her hand excitedly.

"I went to baker's house quickly and I picked apples for you in our orchards. The sweetest one you like."S smiled gently.

When Sienna went inside with Sharchan, S got an idea to sway her over to his side a little bit more, so he was rushing into the village like crazy and forced the baker out of his bed a lot earlier...The baker worked from midnight, so he slept during the evening when the big snake barged into his house...

" I will pick up a tray of fresh buns in an hour...hurry up!" S placed some golden coins on the table and left.S rushed to pick apples and grapes till the baker was baking, and within an hour he came to pick up his order. He covered the buns to keep them warm and slither to Sienna to get more points...

"Wow, you are so amazing...and thoughtful. "Sienna said appreciatingly.

"I just want you to get better my beautiful queen."S kissed her forehead as if nothing happen and Sharchan stared with little thunders in his eyes...

"Come, let's hunt brother..." S smiled at him."Let our queen rest a bit. "

"My queen, no?" Snake King asked a bit roughly...

"She is the queen of all snakes...You silly."S chuckled .."So mine as well. Come, you need to eat after such a long sleep." he said innocently.

Sharchan calmed down and kissed Sienna's lips."Sleep well, my queen."

Sienna nodded."Have fun." she smiled and lay down. Sharchan tucked her into the blankets."Be good and sleep."

"Sure, my love. Good night." she closed her eyes obediently, she was exhausted anyway...

Sharchan looked at her satisfied and went out with S.

"Who is at home? "The Snake King asked.

"Father hunted already, he will keep an eye around."S smiled gently as they left the Snake Castle Gates.

"Tomorrow we will call all the servants back, they got holidays more than enough!" said Sharchan."Where is my old servant Akita, I don't see him around today..?"Sharchan furrowed his eyebrows.

"Probably still in the snow. I let him guard you..."S smiled.

"What?"Sharchan looked at him. That did not make sense.

"He was getting on my nerves for a long time..." S shook his shoulder.

"We will take him out tomorrow," Sharchan said.

"Sure brother," S noted. He was curious if the annoying servant will make it alive...

The two snake brothers slithered for quite a while in the dense forest when S turned to his brother.

"So who is keeping the queen...?"S asked nonchalantly to Sharchan.

"What do you mean?"Sharchan halted.

"Well, I almost mated her. I feel responsible..."S noted.

"How far did you go?"Sharchan furrowed his brows.

S showed him two fingers close together.

Sharchan bit his lips."She liked it?"

"Hot as a melted iron!"S nodded.

"Why did you have to do all this?"Sharchan bit his lips upset.

"You are not a very good mate to her. You endangered her life for Tyrell! She could be dead already because of you!"S hissed."You embarrassed our family with your recklessness!"

Sharchan bit his lips."You are right, I did not treat her well at all. But I'm too selfish to give her up! But if she fell for you already, I will be not standing in your way brother..."

"Are you serious?"S asked surprised that he agreed so easily...

"We can share both, the crown and Sienna."Sharchan said a bit upset."The picture of Sienna bleeding to death was in front of his eyes. He felt like a failure of a mate and a king!

"I will not agree on the golden cage."S looked at him."I broke it."

"The truth is that I can't contain her..." Sharchan sighed."Her soul is too wild."

"Yes, she is, that makes her so alluring as well, no? But how is it, you agree so easily brother? I was thinking I will have to fight you for it."S chuckled.

"Maybe if she has you too she will be more happy and content..." Sharchan nodded his head.

"Content for what?"S asked curiously...

"For children..."Sharchan grinned a bit uncomfortably. "You saw the father...We surely need an heir."

Thank you for your support, my dear readers...xxx your comments and power stones make me so incredibly happy.xxx

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