
Chapter 6

Julias Pov

I woke up on a soft couch. There was a fireplace close by. My left shoulder was sore. I felt a bandage there. I looked around.

"You're awake," Aspen began, jumping up from his seat on the chair.

"Of course she is, it wasn't too bad of a wound." a familiar girl chuckled, and I remembered the maid, Morgan.

"Well we must go soon, do you think she's good to travel?"

"yes her injury still has much healing but it has healed pretty good." Morgan spoke, her voice was raspy. "You will wait, I have to do omega stuff, you can leave when I leave."


"no, you leave when I leave," She insisted after coughing a couple times. "no questions"

"Yes ma'am '' Aspen sat back in his chair and brought a cup to his lips. Morgan grabbed another cup and filled it with a liquid.

"Would you like some tea, ma'am?" Morgan asked still being an omega even in her own home.

"sure... you know you don't have to call me ma'am," I wriggled with discomfort.

"It's a habit, I'm sorry Julia." Morgan apologized with a slight bow before she turned away and continued pouring the tea.


"safe travels you two" Morgan cautioned as she was dressed in her uniform now.

"Goodbye Morgan" Aspen replied

"Bye, and thanks for all the help" I added.

As soon as Morgan left, Aspen changed into a wolf. I didn't know if I wanted to change because of the lack of control I had. Aspen Seemed to think the same because he bent down so I could get on his back.

I got up and sat comfortably right behind his shoulders. He looked at me as if waiting for something. I realized what he was waiting for.

"Ready" I assured, and wolf Aspen took off. we raced through the trees, and it was nice to feel the cool wind on my face

The forest opened up to a field. I had no clue where we were even going but Aspen seemed to know. He ran for a long time. not as well as a Windwolf could have.. I thought.

That's when a red deer came out. It was beautiful. Aspen Looked at me and crouched down. He must've forgotten I was on his back. I leaped off into the grass carefully as a windwolf. The deer did not hear he was too busy eating his grass. He didn't even know the dark wolf was there. I watched while Aspen crouched and slowly walked toward it. he maneuvered so that the deer would not pick up his scent. I waited and watched, wishing that I too could hunt like this. not like my monster, which featured my huge bites and my messy eating.

Aspen Grabbed the deers leg with his jaw. Biting his fangs into the flesh. The Deer ran into a couple bushes, and Aspen chased it.. I waited for such a long time keeping my own wolf instincts at bay. He would be back because unlike me he could control his wolf. I looked at the ground. with sadness.

Soon enough the dark wolf came back. He had a deer in his jaws. As soon as he was next to me, he changed.


"hello" I replied

"thought you would have started a fire by now" Aspen chuckled out with the deer in his hands.

"oh" I apologized quickly. Of course I should have done that, why was I so stupid. "I'm sorry," I grabbed some twigs and logs. Then he started to laugh. "what?" i asked

"no i was joking" he simply grabbed the twigs from my hand "lets both do it" he grabbed some more twigs.