
Wolves and ghosts

Alice looks like a calm but rather boring person. She doesn’t have many friends, she doesn’t speak much, or at least that’s what others see in her, but she has a talent, a really annoying talent: She can see ghosts. She meets Nicholas, the Alpha of the Blue Lake pack, a charismatic and narcissist man at an unfortunate party. He wants her, she wants nothing more than to be away from him. What will happen when her life becomes more of a mess after realizing ghosts are not the only annoying thing she has to deal with? -------------- “Mate’s body… I want to bite it, taste it. I want it!” Apollo, my wolf, shouted and that makes my smirk wider. Finally, something we can agree on. “Please stop lusting over my body. I dislike that very much”. “Does it make you uncomfortable?” I say while walking towards her and biting my bottom lip. Once I reached her, I take off the hood of the onesie. I lean until my face was next to her ear “don’t be afraid, I’m sure you’ll like it” I say while biting her earlobe. “ah” she exclaimed as if she just realized something. She takes a step back and I let go of her ear, I don’t want to hurt her. She looks and points at me with one finger “Exhibitionist?” she says with sparkling curiosity. “I’m not a fucking exhibitionist!” I can’t believe she actually thinks something so stupid! “But when I saw you in the forest you were naked, then you slept shirtless and now you’re making sexual innuendos in a crowd. I supposed that’s what an exhibitionist does”.

Cris_The_Weirdo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
54 Chs

Do you believe in ghosts?

"Alright, your face tells me you have no idea what I'm talking about" she giggles "well, you could've asked something like 'why do you want to leave the pack? Why didn't you help me? Why are you trying to help me now?' among lots of other things of the sort" Jos says listing question after question.

"Is that so?" I reply pensative.

Why would I ask those things? If she wants to leave, that's on her and I already know why she didn't help me, she told me before that the pack always listens to Nick's orders, I don't understand why I should ask again for information I already know.

We finally reach her room, unlike last time, this time we went through the front door. I noticed that these doors lead to actual apartments and not rooms like I originally thought.

We arrived at the apartment her family is living in.

"JOSEPHINE!" a middle-aged woman shouts the moment Jos opens the door; she looks just like Jos but older "What's all this about you wanting to leave the pack!? What were you thinking!?"

"MOM! Didn't you see what happened earlier!? She jumped! JUMPED! OUT A FUCKING WINDOW! How can you not see what's wrong with Nick after that!?" Jos starts shouting and I just wince annoyed.

"You don't treat your mate like that!" She seems beyond insulted by Nick's actions.

"Hi" I say calmly, and the couple, Jos' parents, look at me surprised. "Nice to meet you, I want to sleep, let's talk tomorrow".

"I love it when you do that!" Jos laughs, do what? Introduce myself? "but yeah... I think we're all tired, let's talk tomorrow" she says and ignores her parents, taking me to her room.

Once in her room, I hop on her bed, ready to close my eyes "Na uh young lady, take a shower first!"

"...I don't want to..." I say sleepy, my eyes already close.

I feel my body being raised from the bed and she carries me to the bathroom.

We take a shower together, at this point I'm so tired I don't even care we're naked in the same place at the same time. I just let her bathe me and dress me once we're dry. I lay in bed and close my eyes.

The morning arrives and I open my eyes at the melodic sound of a sobbing Jos.

"What's wrong?" I ask lazily and she gasps once she notices I'm awake.

"oh... it's nothing... I just... I-I..." she keeps mumbling trying to find words to say. "I don't even know why I'm crying" she hugs me and sobs on my shoulder.

"That's alright, I'll stay here until you stop" I say calmly while patting her back.

We stay in that position for some time until I feel her breathing even and her body stops shaking.

"Feeling better?" I ask and she nods.

"Are you still planning on leaving the pack?" I ask curiously and she shakes her head.

"I was going to leave with you, but it doesn't seem you want to go" she laughs weakly "And if you're not leaving then me leaving would be pointless, I'll stay where I can protect you".

"I see..." I'm surprised she's choosing me over everything she ever knew, over her soulmate. I get up from the bed and walk towards the center of the room "Jos, I'm staying here, as I told you at the beginning of the week. Nick is the one that's going to let me go".

Because I will leave him no other choice.

"Alpha..." I hear Jos whisper and I open my eyes wide.

"What?" I ask slightly confused... why is she calling me alpha?

"You... you feel like an alpha" she gasps in surprise.

Can that be felt?... ah shit, they're all dead, does that still count? Is an alpha someone that feels different?

"It's more like the aura you exude is different! We can't know for sure! It's just a feeling, like... we just feel you're someone that can lead us" Anisha explains, and I sigh.

"It would be great if you were the alpha instead of Nick" Jos laughs weakly taking me out of my thoughts. "Allie... from now on, whatever you say, it's what goes for me" she's looking directly at my eyes "I trust you and I will do everything in my power to prove you can trust me. I will never fail you again"

"We will never let you fight alone again" her wolf adds.

"We will fight by your side" the both of them say at the same time.

"Jos, Freya" I talk to Jos and her wolf "Are you sure you want to hop on this ship with me? You're still on time, you can still let go of me and live a normal life".

I wonder why... since I met Jos, I just couldn't bring myself to stay away. I trusted her immediately, I felt a strong connection, yesterday I even let her bathe me, and that says a lot...

"What are you talking about? Why would I let go of you? Since I met you, I felt more alive than ever!" she giggles.

I'm surprised she's not asking how I knew about her wolf.

"Are you sure?" the moment I end my question the window opens abruptly, and a strong current of wind fills the room, papers, clothes, the bed sheet, and many small things start to move around as if trapped by a tornado.

She looks around confused, but once she notices I'm not surprised at what's happening she stops looking around and makes eye contact with me.

When we make eye contact the air gets stronger, and our hair moves wildly in response to the air. The windows shake faster, and we start hearing banging around us, on the ceiling, floor, and walls. Handprints are marked on the walls and the furniture shakes violently.

Jos takes a deep breath, completely ignoring the chaos around us, and says in a solemn voice.

"I'm sure".


Just like that, as if nothing ever happened the gust of wind stopped making everything fall to the ground, the windows stop shaking, the banging stopped, the handprints disappear, and the furniture stops shaking. I have to put a hand on the wall to steady myself... I'm not tired, I feel energized, stronger than ever and it feels as if I need to grab something to go back to reality.

"I feel... I feel as if I just joined a new pack..." Jos says breathless, and I turn to see her.

"This is great! We have a new member! Now we have two living members!" Anisha says excitedly.

Two?... ah shit, Wesley counts as part of my pack? This is getting far too annoying.

...nope, let's not think about it, if I ignore it, it will be as if it didn't exist.

"Can you still mind-link with Nick's pack?" I ask curiously.

I don't want Jos to be treated as a stranger in her own home. After I ask her, she tried to mind link them.

"I- I can... b-but I shouldn't be able to? I still feel the connection to this pack, but it feels, not weaker but not as... ummm... important? What the hell is happening?" she says now realizing the weirdness of the situation.

"Took you long enough to ask" I reply calmly "Jos... do you believe in ghosts?"