
WolfWalker In High School

High School is never easy, the homework, the exams and just being there is the worst but try being a WolfWalker, a Wolf when you sleep and a person when you're awake. A teen WolfWalker called Misty Moone begin her first days at School but she is the only Supernatural there so she has two things at once : Deal with horrible School Life and keep her Wolf self a secret from everyone even her Human parents but luckily she has some Stray Dog friends for company. Can she make to the end without drama or someone finding out her Wolfest secret. * This Novel will have songs from YouTube because I love to add music to things I make. I hope you in joy. *

sadie_corden · Teen
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4 Chs

My First Day

Today is the day, I start my first day at a human High School, I was kinda home schooled my whole life so I am kinda excited and nervous at the same time.

I got out of bed and got changed in a clean hoodie and clean trousers, I don't care what people say, I want to be comfortable in what I wear.

I opened my door and went downstairs and found my parents making breakfast.

" Hey Misty, you ready for your first day at School? " My dad asked me with a proud and happy smile, I'd gave him my answer with a confident nod.

My mom hugged me from my side and squeeze me tightly. " Have a good day, I wish you the best of luck and this is a good chance to make some friends. "

' I have friends. ' I thought to myself and hugged my mom back. " Not worry, I'll be fine and please can I walk myself to School and back? If you trust me enough to go to a public School, can I please do this by myself. "

My dad and mom looked at each other and my mom let me go and both of them gave a truthful nod.

I was so happy and I'd hugged both of them and I had my breakfast and got ready to go.

But the thing is, my parents don't know I am a WolfWalker, I wish I could tell them but I am scared to how they would react so I keep it to myself, explaining to how I get scratches on my arms and face is always me making a fake story but I am going to tell them some day.

I put on my shoes and got my key, said my byes and made my way to School. My parents showed me the way a week so I should be fine getting there.

I got there on time and wow, this place is huge but I should be able to learn where everything is by it's scent.

The School was filled with flowers, trees and bushes, it even had it's own hangout, cafeteria, a library and homerooms for students.

" Psst... " A noise came from the bush next to me and the School gates, the bush was moving around like someone was in it.

First I looked around to make sure no one was looking my direction and crouched down in front of the bush and Chase showed himself in front of me.

" Why are you here? " I whispered to Chase, I'd had to keep my voice down because I don't want people think I can talk to Animals.

" Rico wanted to make sure you got to School OK, and I got a present for you. " Chase said to me and he moved back into the bush and showed himself again but he had something in his mouth, it looked like a tube.

" Huld out yur hang. " Chase said but his words were muffled by the object in his mouth but I think he said " Hold out your hand " so I did and he placed a tube of pills on my hand but it had no label or descriptions on it.

" What is this? " I observed the tube, opened it and smelled the pills inside but the scent was a bit small for me to know.

" They're pills that help you stay awake for long periods of time and so they are for emergencys only, I've heard that School can make everyone sleepy after the School day or just classes in general. " Chase explained to me, I carefully closed the tube and I scratched his ear to show my appreciation.

" Thank you so much Chase, but one question, where did you get these? " I wanted to make he didn't get these from a trash cans or something.

" Me and Skipper took them from a shop down the road and no one was getting them so, we just took it when they wasn't looking. " Chase explained to me, I was relieved to know that they care that much that they were steal something for me, but it's what a Pack does for each other.

I slipped the tube into my pocket and I scratched Chase's ear again, I'm surprised he is letting me, I feel a tiny bit of happiness into of him as I scratched his ear.

" Do you know that Dog? " Someone said behind me, I feel them looking over my shoulder, Chase took off as soon he saw the person behind me.

I stood up and saw a girl around my age, but she looking at me closely with her bright blue eyes.

I don't know why, but this is awkward, did she hear me talking to him?

" You could say, we are acquainted with each other and you are? " I said, to the girl, her energy is good so I will show her that I am nice too.

" Oh sorry, my name is Mia and as you can see, I go to School here, wait are you going to School too? I have never seen you here before. " Mia's actions were a bit strange but I can't say anything, I still have a lot to learn and I'm not just talking about School.

" I'm going to School here now, it's my first day and my name is Misty. " I told my name because she told me her's, when I forgot to ask.

" Misty? A strange name but it doesn't matter, I've seen and heard stranger things here. Do you need help getting to the Head Teacher's office? " Mia asked me, I'm surprised she is helping me all the sudden but I'm sure that's what good people do.

" You don't mind? " I wanted to make sure that I won't take her against her own will.

" Sure, I mean this is your first day and you didn't get a tour like other future students get and we meant become friends soon. " Mia is so nice and she kinda reminds me of Skipper a bit, he is kind and naive but I'm sure that we might become friends one day.

I nodded at her and lead the way into the School and I just realised something, if we do become friends, it might become harder to keep the secret that I am a WolfWalker.

* Please, leave a comment and I hope you in joyed this chapter. *