
wolfstar and harry potter one shots

one shots of wolfstar with some other drarry mentions cover credit to upthehillart

mxxnypadfxxt · Movies
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10 Chs

chapter 9

Sirius loved staring at Remus Lupin "so beautiful" he thought. When he couldn't get to sleep he would just watch him through the gap in the curtain he loved the way his hair was all over his face, how his shirt would rise up showing a little piece of his stomach. He was In love with Lupin.

"Siri I know your staring at me" Remus mumbled sitting up so his propped up on his elbow.

"Can't help it"

"Come here"

Sirius got out of his own bed and climbed into bed with Remus putting his arms around him

"Why are you up it's got to be at least 2 am" Remus Questioned

"I just can't sleep it's the Christmas holidays soon and I'll have to go back home"

"oh Siri don't go back home stay with me or James even Peter, I don't want you going back home they treat you like crap"

"I love you Rem"

"I love you too Siri"

"Hey lovebirds Shut up some of us are trying to sleep here" James whisper yelled from the net bed over.

Remus took a pillow from behind his head opened the curtain and chucked the pillow right at his head.

"oi !" James threw it back hitting Sirius making him join in which lead to a 2 am pillow fight while Peter is sound asleep not noticing anything.