
Wolfdale: Blood of The Moon

#volume1:completed “Call me Gabriel Moonfire, a young alpha of the Silver Wolf Pack, sworn protectors of the human realm," he introduced himself with a voice that held a mixture of authority and weariness. "You have trespassed into Wolfdale during the full moon, disregarding the sacred laws that govern our kind. By doing so, you have placed yourself in grave danger." "I... I didn't know," she stammered, her voice filled with a mix of confusion and remorse. Liz stared in astonishment at the young man before her, standing tall and unashamed, completely devoid of clothing. At first glance, he was undeniably handsome, exuding an aura of reliability. The only thing that sent shivers down Liz's spine was the fact that he stood before her completely naked. "Um... excuse me?" Liz managed to stammer, her voice filled with a mix of uncertainty and disbelief. "Aren't you... aren't you aware that you're... uh, naked?" The young man's lips curled into a smug smile, his eyes sparkling mischievously. "Oh, dear," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. "You're on the brink of death, and yet you're concerned about my nudity?" !!!The book cover is my personal property!!! ~~~ #war #slowburn #conspiracy #legends #prophecy In the mystical forests of Silverwood, a prophecy foretold the coming of a child who would become the Alpha of all werewolf packs in the world. This child, known as the Moonchild, was said to be the descendant of the sacred Moonlit werewolf clan. While the Moonlit werewolves lived peacefully secluded in the forest, many other packs resided in the city, operating as powerful mafia organizations that controlled the underground world and influenced political decisions through alliances with corrupt leaders. One fateful day, the ShadowNight pack launched a brutal attack on the Moonlit clan. They slaughtered all the males and captured the young females to be used for their twisted desires. The cover is commission!!! #war #conspiracy #legends #smut —— disclaimer: - 18+ above, please be wise - Previous story: Undressed by the Half-beast Prince - slow burn love story - explicit content will be cautioned at the begginingbof chapter - the cover is commissioned

Tizzz · Fantasy
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229 Chs

Imprinted by The Young Alpha 2

Gabriel tilted his head, studying her with curiosity. "Quite the brave little snack, I must say," he remarked, a hint of admiration in his tone.

"Most humans would have cowered and begged for mercy by now."

Liz's gaze met his, her own eyes now ablaze with a mixture of defiance and uncertainty. "I'm not most humans," she retorted.

Gabriel, standing confidently before her in his unabashed nudity, his manhood dangling right in front of Liz's face, showed no signs of modesty.

Perhaps he was aware of his impressive and aesthetically pleasing endowment, allowing him to forego the need to cover himself.

Extending his hand, Gabriel gently touched Liz's chin and lifted it upwards. "State your full name, my little snack," he commanded.

"Fiona Elizabeth Lambert," Liz whispered softly. "Liz. You can call me Liz."

"Very well, Liz!" Gabriel commanded. "Such a beautiful name. It suits you perfectly."

Liz's height only reached Gabriel's chest when he stood tall. She staggered, blood dripping and her head spinning, throbbing with intense pain.

"By the power of the moon and the spirits that guide us,

I declare this sacred bond between Fiona Elizabeth Lambert and Gabriel Moonfire,

From this moment until the next full moon's rise.

Let the imprint be sealed, an unbreakable tie.

Fiona Elizabeth Lambert, you are marked as his own,

Bound to the Young Alpha, Gabriel Moonfire, you have flown.

His essence shall intertwine with your very soul,

A connection unyielding, making you whole."

The ethereal sound of Gabriel's voice echoed as he uttered the spell, seemingly originating from a realm beyond. Liz's heart raced as she listened, feeling a mix of awe and uncertainty.

With a sense of anticipation, Liz met Gabriel's gaze, searching for answers in his eyes. There was an undeniable connection forming between them, an invisible thread binding their destinies together.

But as Liz started to gather her strength and make an attempt to break free, Gabriel swiftly lowered his head, tilting it slightly to the side. His muscular arms wrapped tightly around her, preventing any escape.

A surge of fear gripped Liz as she realized the vulnerability of her exposed neck. Her pulse quickened, and her breath hitched as she felt a sharp, pulsating sensation piercing the side of her throat with startling speed.

"Argh! Shit! Gabriel! It hurts! What have you done?! Argh, you bit me?!"

A low, haunting laughter escaped Gabriel's lips, filling the air with an eerie aura.

Liz's heart pounded fiercely within her chest, each beat echoing in her ears. Her breath hitched, and time seemed to stand still as her eyes widened in shock.

A surge of pain coursed through her body, making her gasp for air. Her blood rushed through her veins, a rapid flow that seemed to suffocate her.

With his large, sharp fangs, Gabriel sank them into her vulnerable neck, their lethal embrace overpowering her resistance.

Liz trembled, unable to fight back, as a mixture of sensations engulfed her—pain, tingling warmth, and a strange, intoxicating pleasure that sent shivers down her spine.

The momentary pain was followed by a strange mixture of pleasure and discomfort. Liz could feel her life force intertwining with Gabriel's, a merging of their essences.

It was as if a part of her was being consumed by him, while another part was becoming one with him.

Liz's mind was filled with a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Doubt and regret mingled with the sensations of both fear and unexpected comfort that coursed through her veins.

Was this a grave mistake?

Had she chosen the wrong ally?

As her consciousness teetered on the edge of surrender, Liz felt as if her very life force was being wrenched away.

Yet, within Gabriel's embrace, a peculiar solace washed over her. His touch, his warm breath caressing her neck, seemed to soothe the turmoil within her. Her heartbeat synchronized with his, their rhythms merging into a hypnotic cadence.

If this was indeed the brink of death, Liz never anticipated it to be so serene, so oddly comforting. With a sense of resignation, she closed her eyes and relinquished control, surrendering herself to the unknown fate that awaited her.

The world around her blurred as the primal connection between them intensified. Liz felt a profound exchange of energy, her very essence merging with Gabriel's as their destinies entwined. It was a dance of dominance and surrender, their fates irrevocably bound.

Through the haze of torment and ecstasy, Gabriel finally released his grip, his lips stained with her life essence. Liz stood there, dazed and disoriented, her body trembling with a mixture of fear and a strange allure.

The bite had marked her as his, the symbol of their unbreakable bond. The taste of her blood lingered on Gabriel's tongue, fueling a primal satisfaction within him.

Yet, behind his predatory gaze, there was a flicker of tenderness mixed with a sense of possession.

As the reality of what had transpired sank in, Liz struggled to comprehend the depth of their connection.

She was forever changed, her existence forever intertwined with the enigmatic Young Alpha before her.

And in the depths of her being, a part of her couldn't deny the primal, inexplicable attraction that drew her closer to him, despite the fear and uncertainty that now enveloped her.


In the depths of darkness, Liz's consciousness slipped away, enveloped in an ethereal haze. Time seemed to lose its meaning, and she drifted in a state of weightlessness, free from the constraints of the physical world. It was as if she had become untethered from her mortal body, floating in an abyss of endless possibilities.

In this state of unconsciousness, Liz experienced a series of vivid and surreal visions. She saw fleeting images of a majestic wolf, its fur as silver as the moonlight, running through ancient forests. The wolf's eyes bore an intense gaze that seemed to pierce through her very soul.

As Liz regained consciousness, she found herself lying in a sterile, white room, dressed in a hospital gown.

The soft hum of medical equipment filled the air, and the faint scent of antiseptic lingered. She blinked, trying to clear her foggy mind and make sense of her surroundings.