
Imprinted by The Young Alpha

"Fine. Suit yourself," Gabriel stated coldly. "By doing this, I declare that I cannot save you since you were beyond the protective borders of Wolfdale. We have rules and curfews. When the full moon arrives, everyone must be indoors, securely locked away, and not roam around. If they don't comply, they bear the consequences."

Liz felt a mix of frustration and desperation welling up inside her. She couldn't believe that her quest to find the Blood of the Moon had led her to such a dangerous predicament.

But she couldn't give up. Not now, when the lives of her loved ones were at stake.

Liz's desperation grew as Gabriel's indifference pierced through her plea. Tears welled up in her eyes, her voice quivering with a mix of frustration and hopelessness.

"You don't understand! I didn't mean to break the rules! My car broke down, and I ended up in Wolfdale late at night because of it. I'm a newcomer, yes, but I have noble intentions. I need to find a cure for so many people!" Liz's voice trembled with emotion as she poured her heart out.

She continued, her voice filled with anguish and determination, "I promise I'll do anything to repay my debt to you in the future. I have to stay alive! I have to find the cure! The Blood of the Moon, the prophecy! I need to find it, or the man I love will die! I beg you, Gabriel! Save me, Young Alpha! I beg you!"

Gabriel's initial flicker of interest in the Blood of the Moon prophecy quickly dissipated, replaced by his usual indifference.

"Such noble aspirations," he remarked with a hint of mockery. "But do I look like someone who cares about your grand mission?"

His sarcastic remark pierced through Liz's desperate plea, leaving her feeling even more hopeless.

Liz's voice trembled with a mix of frustration and confusion. "But you just claimed to be the Young Alpha of the Silver Wolf Pack, the Guardian of the Human Realm."

Gabriel's smirk widened, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Yes, I am. However, my duty extends only to those who abide by the rules and stay within the operational boundaries of Wolfdale, which is still about two kilometers away. Saving you is not my responsibility, and I don't particularly enjoy engaging in charity work."

Liz's mind reeled, struggling to comprehend Gabriel's dismissive attitude. She couldn't fathom how someone with such power and authority could be so callous.

Her voice escaped her lips in a whisper, tinged with disbelief, "What... the... fuck..."

"Oh, how rude! And here I was, slightly interested in you, coming all the way here just to have a chat, because you looked like a pretty little delicate thing, quite tasty as a snack," Gabriel said with a laugh.

"Your scent is quite pleasant as well." He took a deep breath and exhaled, savoring the aroma. "It's a shame you'll end up in the clutches of those lowly werewolves, torn apart while still alive. It's a truly horrifying way to die, and they seem to enjoy it. They prolong their prey's suffering by tearing off their limbs first. You see, when a human is still alive, their flesh and blood taste fresher and more delicious. They also relish in the sight of a human's agony as they witness their own body being devoured, bit by bit." Gabriel added with a feigned look of sadness in his eyes.

Liz's throat tightened as she struggled to swallow, her heart pounding in her chest at Gabriel's callous words.

"So, farewell," Gabriel said, casually turning away and striding off.

"Please," Liz pleaded, her voice quivering with desperation. "I beg you, Gabriel. There must be something you can do. I'll do anything. I'll be forever indebted to you, no matter the cost. I must stay alive. I need to find a cure for the one I love."

But Gabriel remained indifferent, continuing his stride without a second glance.

A shiver ran down Liz's spine as she imagined her fate sealed in this place. Fear gripped her, and in that moment, her sense of self-worth crumbled.

"No! No! Help me, Gabriel! Please, I beg you! Gabriel! Don't leave me! GABRIELLLL!!!!" Her cries echoed through the desolate night, carried away by the haunting breeze.

Gabriel halted his steps and turned, a sly smile adorning his handsome face. "I can only save you if I imprint you, making you mine. At least temporarily, if you're not willing to become my mate."

Liz hesitated, her mind racing with conflicting thoughts. "How long does the imprint last?" she asked, her voice filled with uncertainty.

"It lasts only a month, at most," Gabriel replied, shrugging nonchalantly.

Without second thoughts, Liz responded with determination, "I'm willing!"

Gabriel raised an eyebrow, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "Are you sure? An imprint can mean many things," he warned, his tone both teasing and chilling.

"I don't care! Let's do it!" Liz exclaimed, resolute in her decision.


Gabriel's eyes gleamed with a mix of amusement and something darker as he stepped closer to Liz. Without hesitation, he delivered a swift kick to the frozen werewolves, causing them to shatter like fragile statues, releasing their grip on Liz as easily as kicking pebbles aside.

The air crackled with a newfound energy as Gabriel's presence grew more dominant. His movements were swift and calculated, his body radiating power and confidence.

With each step, he closed the distance between them, his eyes locked onto Liz's, conveying a potent mix of desire and possession.

As he reached her, Gabriel's hand shot out, fingers grazing her skin in a feather-light touch. A surge of warmth spread through Liz's body, tingling in her veins and stirring something primal within her.

Gabriel chuckled, his voice a sultry melody that seemed to resonate deep within Liz's core. "My, my, you're quite a sight now, aren't you?" he remarked, a playful glint in his mesmerizing blue eyes.

Liz felt a mix of embarrassment and vulnerability, her torn and bloodied clothes leaving her exposed in front of this enigmatic and alluring figure.

She quickly crossed her arms over her chest, trying to regain some semblance of modesty, despite the situation's gravity.

As she struggled to her feet, Liz noticed the wounds that covered her body, and the pain surged through her, making her wince.

Yet, she pushed through, determined to remain strong even in the face of this unexpected turn of events.

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