
Wizarding World: Malakai Malfoy

Malakai, Kai to his friends, was many things, ambitious, stubborn, strong-willed, but most of all, he had a deep hunger for power. Climbing through the shit and dealing with idiots, he finally clawed his way to the top only to be backstabbed by those he trusted most. Upon dying, he's greeted by a hall filled with many gods. [I suck at writing these summaries, this is my seventh try, I hope it's okay]

FalloutNerd · Movies
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11 Chs

The Circle

Weeks passed since his speech in the great hall, and since that day, he holds gatherings every couple of days to discuss the many things that are dragging down Britain and what needs to change.

Despite him breaking the boy's legs, he got a month of detention and one-hundred points taken from his house.

He was hilariously surprised when he found out Dumbledore covered up what he did to the prefect, he healed then obliviated the boy.

He quickly earned the points back by showing his talent and exceeding in every class, his favorite teacher is Filius Flitwick, despite the man's giddy personality, he's a master duelist that even Dumbledore would have trouble beating.

After his first month in Hogwarts, he started getting advanced work for all of his classes, Hogwarts wasn't like other schools, you couldn't move up a year due to being smarter than your peers.

Instead, you stayed in the same year but were given advanced work, he spent his month of detention with Flitwick.

For the majority of his classes, he was now doing second-year work but for Charms and Potions, he is now doing the same work as third-years.

The inside of his trunk is a rather big house, eleven rooms, which include a Laboratory, Library, Dueling room, Garden filled with special herbs, Transfiguration room, and much more.

Currently sitting in his trunk's dining room, he sits at the long black table with Damian and Tonks.

Each of them reading over several sheets of paper, Tonks looks up, "We've successfully set up the Gatherers, we have eyes and ears in most of the classrooms, halls, and outdoor areas"

"The leader you assigned to the Gatherers, Penny Haywood, is doing a good job of keeping us up to date on daily information that is deemed useful", she says while handing over the papers in her hands.

Damian is next as he reads out the paper in front of him, "The Guardians are constantly training when they aren't busy with classes, and like you said, quality over quantity, they only train students that have a strong connection with magic, smarter than their peers, and not afraid of combat"

"The leader of the Guardians, Diego Caplan is doing a terrific job keeping them in line and leading by example, i still don't know how you get presumably the best duelist at Hogwarts to follow you but he seems devoted"

"He's set up three different groups, The Sentinels take care of guardian places Hufflepuff students normally inhabit such as various classrooms, halls, and the library"

"Next, he created The Knights as a form of offense, if any of the other houses even breath in the wrong direction, they will take action, they go through rigorous daily training"

"Last, he created The Paladins, they haven't been officially created yet but Caplan wants a special forces unit, the members will have actual combat experience, and will only take action in extreme circumstances", he finishes by handing over the paper.

Malakai smiles at both of them, "Good, i guess it's my turn, i haven't told either of you your roles yet, should you choose to follow me"

"I've expressed my ideals and goals to each of you, time and time again, if you decline my offer to join then please know that as long as you keep the information you know a secret, no harm shall come to you"

He sees both of them let out a breath of relief and give him an appreciative nod.

Kai turns to Tonks, "I want you to be in charge of my military force, i know you will be graduating in about a year but even when you join the Aurors, i still want you to take the reins as my General"

"Under that carefree exterior is a warrior unlike any other, your strong, resilient, and most of all, you hate corruption, having a leader that leads by example and will not allow corrupt soldiers working for you is precisely why i choose you above all the others"

Tonks was baffled, this preteen in front of her gave her more encouragement than even her own parents, he expected great things from her, and saw her potential, she gives him a quick thank you as he turns towards Damian.

"Damian, you might be disappointed by this but i don't want you as a leader of anything, I've studied, observed, and gathered information on you over these past weeks"

"I want you as my right hand, my advisor, personal bodyguard, and if you prove yourself, my second-in-command"

"Your strong, i don't just mean physically, but mentally, you carry the same ideals, and dreams that i do, if i died, i want you to take my crown and carry on from where i left off"

Rather than be baffled or flabbergasted, Damian couldn't hide the happy smile on his face.

"I've already talked to Caplan, once he graduates, he will form a small group that will serve as my personal task force"

"I hate to be a pain in the ass... actually i love it but i need an answer from both of you right now"

As if they were waiting for him to stop talking, they immediately jump up, "I'm in"

He beams a smile at both of them, "Good, now i need one more thing from you, Caplan and Haywood have already done this"

"I need each of you to swear on your life and magic that you will never reveal information or betray the Circle in any way"

The both not before taking out their wands and do as he asked but he's surprised by their words.

"I, Nymphadora tonks, swear on my magic and life that i shall never betray the Circle or Malakai Malfoy in any way"

"I, Damian Sunder, swear on my magic and life to serve Malakai Malfoy until death, as long as our goals align, i also swear that i shall never betray him or the Circle in any way"

It's his turn to give them an appreciative nod, "Let's get started"

--- Five Months Later, Winter Break ---

[I've already started writing the next chapter, hopefully, it will be out later today or early tomorrow]

[Sorry for the long wait, I've been swamped at work]