
Wizard: Release my wife

Denis finds himself in Giriama world searching for his kidnapped wife. Despite being afraid of the dangers hidden in the mysterious world ahead, he ventures into the unknown where he was welcomed by his newly found family. For years, the Ereng Clan had concealed themselves behind magical portals in hopes of protecting both worlds. Denis finds himself in the center of it all........

Emmy_logz2 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Mother and son conflict

The wall moved from its place revealing a dark passage leading to who knows where. With a snap of his finger, the passage way lit.

He did not even carry the lamp with him but the wall was lit with no evidence of lamp, torch or anything that could be a source of light

If you looked closely, you could see the wall filled with crystals that produced light

He walked slowly down the passage humming a weird song. The passage reached a end and the wall before him opened again at the snap of his finger

Before the olde man was a dark room smelling of moss and rust.

" How are you my dear. I believe you have stopped whining." He said stepping inside the dark room. The person being spoken too did not speak but rather clicked her tongue

" Come on. Don't be angry. You and I make a pretty good team" he said stepping further inside. The old man could see the room pretty well in the dark without the light on. His blue vision showed a woman lying on a rough bed filled with hay and a thin blanket

"It has been few months but you have refused to my deal." He said sitting down a chair at the dark corner. He pointed his finger at the wall and the four lamps at the different corners of the room lit.

The woman at the corner seemed emaciated. She seemed to have been starved for a long time. But her eyes spoke something different. There was hope and will to live. She seemed not in a hurry. She closed her eyes when the light in the room assaulted her.

She then slowly removed her hand to look at the dirty old man with disgust

"What's with the look? I am not a petty person so, I will not take it to heart" he said with an amused look

"Your husband has come to get you." The statement was simple words but to her it was a bomb. Her gaze changed the moment she heard her husband. It has been few weeks since they last saw each other. She missed him like crazy

"What have you done to him?" she looked straight into his eyes asking. She was afraid of the man the first time he took her but not anymore. She noticed he would not harm her no matter what.

At first she thought she had value to him but later she learnt she was only a bargaining chip

That could only mean Denis was in danger. Knitting the brows, the woman looked aside and feigned going to sleep

The old man walked out of the room having achieved his goal. He flipped his hand the light in the room turned dark. The wall behind his closed revealing nothing. There was only a small opening at the side wall of the room that acted as a window.

Susan sat down on the hard bed and looked at the closed up wall worried. She had been there for weeks and she didn't even know much about where they were. She only knows they are in the middle of a dangerous forest.

At first the crawling, flying and hopping creatures had scared her out of her wit. But she came to realize they were afraid of the old man

"Ooh dear. I hope you are okay" She sobbed in the dark praying over her husband. She wanted him to be safe for their family.

On the other side of the wall. The old man stood listening to the sobs in the room smiling from ear to ear.

"I now got you where I wanted. Let's see for how long you are going to refuse to work for me" He said going back to the main cabin through the passage

The wall behind him closed again showing the old yellowing wall with no proof of a passage or a secret door.

He walked to the working table and took out a bowel and placed it on top of the table. There were milky content on the bowel. He did not waste a moment and poured another dark brown content to it before dropping a clear liquid to it.

He closed his eyes and chanted

" Arbu Karan Manipa ishus" immediately the content mixed together and formed a good looking and attractive drink. He smiled and poured the content to a small container and stored it on a drawer

"Wait for the right time"

At the Ereng residence, the few members that were not there during the last days come back. The living room was filled with others that Denis wanted to know. From where he was seated, he did not flinch when they showed their superiority and power.

"So it's the outsider." A middle aged beautiful woman walked down stairs in a long black lacy gown

"Who is an outsider? Ingrid. Stop with your nonsense and respect other family members" Aaron said opening the door from outside carrying a heavy bag on his back

"How could you talk to me like? I am your mother" Ingrid turned to look at her son saying.

"When was the last time you were a mother. Do you even remember you have children?" Aaron said looking at Aaron

"You!" Ingrid said in anger proceeding to sit down