
wizard in the world of marvel

Cross again! Carrying the magic and knowledge learned from the world of Harry Potter, he came to this Marvel world that is countless times more dangerous than the world of Harry Potter. Once you only needed to deal with Voldemort, now you have to face a large group of enemies that are much scarier than Voldemort. Abel means Alexander. Fortunately, he can still use magic from the Harry Potter world, but before that, he has to make himself a qualified wand! (translated from chinese)

Voldemortt · Movies
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161 Chs

Chapter 21: Excellent PY opportunity

For more than a month, except for going to school and changing to the occasional New York Most Holy Society, Abel spent the rest of his time on the restoration of potions, especially the restoration of Veritaserum. time.

But it's a pity that all the medicaments obtained from the pioneers of science and technology were lost in the experiment, but they still did not successfully recover Veritaserum, but it was not completely unprofitable. At least Abel is already certain that using this It is feasible to replace part of the core materials of Veritaserum with medicine.

   It just needs further, longer, and more experiments to determine the potion prescription after recovery!

Of course, in addition to this, Abel has another gain, that is, from the large amount of materials previously purchased in the mysterious place, he really found and experimented with a composite material that can replace the main potion of life and death water. Materials, and successfully produced this world version of the life and death potion, the effect has not diminished much, almost the same as the previous life, it is the best comfort other than the failure of Veritaserum restoration.

In addition, I have to say that Abel is really thankful that Treya is not a parent who likes to intervene and spy on her children's privacy. Her enlightenment allows Abel to conduct potion experiments in her own room, even if she is not a parent. When people see it, they will think that Abel is doing chemistry experiments at home.

I took out a notebook with a black cover and no logo, and Abel wrote on it using a special ink and quill pen. The process of exploration and experimentation and discovery of the restored life and death water and Veritaserum was nothing left. It's all written on it.

   This black notebook is regarded as the first potion book written by Abel himself. It is a record and an arrangement.

   Just writing the first word, the phone on the desk rang suddenly.

   Abel picked up the phone and looked at the name of the contact person on it as Sean. He immediately connected and said, "Sien, what's wrong?"

   "Did you forget it again?"

   "Forget... uh, I really can't remember, just tell me."

   "I know... Just remind you, today is Friday, and it's 6:30 in the evening."

At this point, Abel finally remembered that he had promised Sean to go out to watch a movie together tonight. Of course, it was not just Abel and Sean, but also many girls whom Sean had arranged under Abel's name. And the boys.

As for why Abel agreed to Sean, I also need to talk about the party a month ago. Abel left because he wanted to track Tessa. Later, after returning from the pioneer of science and technology, he did not go back. Instead, he returned directly with something. When we got home, Sean would ride even the bikes when she went to school next week.

   Therefore, in order to make up for his mistake of not slipping away without saying goodbye, Abel promised Sean to go to the movies with him when the new movie was released today to give him a chance to meet other girls.

   Of course, Abel almost forgot again.

   "Well, I remember now. I will take a taxi. I will arrive before 7:30, but what about the new movie you want to see?"

   "What do you think of the third "High School Musical 3" of the famous youth song and dance love movie?"

   "...Well, it is more suitable for your situation, suitable for you to watch with a certain girl."

No way, I have agreed to all the promises, and I still can't repent. Although Abel personally feels a little bit painful about this movie, it doesn't matter if I watch it, I just look at this movie in this world and what he has seen before. Is different.

   After confirming the time and movie theater, Abel put down the phone and continued to write. It was not until seven o'clock that he finished writing and went out with a change of clothes.

   When Abel arrived at the cinema, Sean and the others happened to arrive. The two groups joined together and bought movie tickets to go to the movies.

   Abel was sitting in the corner of the edge, while Sean successfully sat with the girl he liked, and he couldn't watch the movie if he wanted to come.

   As for Abel, he naturally didn't watch a movie. All his thoughts were on how to develop his own laboratory and find Tony? Stark figured out a way to deal with his PY issue.

I just thought about the end of the movie, and didn't think about how I should come into contact with Tony Stark more naturally. With Tony Stark's character, if I rushed to find it, I'm afraid Abel's plan success rate would not be too high. .

A few people were sitting in a burger restaurant near the cinema. They simply ate something, talked and laughed, and then prepared to go back to the house. The crowd dispersed. Although Abel was on the same road as Sean, Sean still needed to fight. The girl continued the next round of in-depth communication, and Abel stopped being a light bulb and took the bus home by himself.

   The bus drove along the traffic, Abel did not continue to think about those things, but looked at the night outside in a quiet daze.

But at this moment, the bus stopped suddenly and quickly, and some people on the bus stood up and looked forward. It was also at this time that the sound of explosion and impact came from the front I woke up. Abel in a daze.

Opening the window and looking forward, Abel immediately saw two human-shaped metal armors colliding together. Among them, the larger iron-gray armor hit the gold-red armor that was almost the size of an ordinary person, which seemed to have no teeth. , The latter relies solely on sensitive movements and speed to deal with each other.

   In a blink of an eye, Abel finally realized what was going on.

   After calculating the time, it should indeed be this time.

   It seems that I was lucky enough to be caught by me.

   Isn't this the perfect time for a PY Tony Stark?

Thinking of this, Abel didn't hesitate to push the window open completely, pulled up his hood, jumped out of the window, and quickly disappeared in the traffic, adding a Levitation Charm to himself in a place where no one was there, and he took just a few steps. Soaring into the air and jumping near Tony and Stan.

Seeing Stan who was lifting a car full of women and children about to throw it at Tony, he immediately drew out his magic wand and pointed it at the car. The car floated immediately, breaking free from Stan's grasp. Under the control, it slowly landed on the side of the road.

  At this time, the mother who drove kicked the accelerator and the car left...

   Well, it can be considered as saving the trouble of continuing to protect them from Stan.

"who are you?"

"who are you!"

Tony and Stan almost asked together, but Abel did not answer. He just waved his wand and pointed at Stan. Stan, who was driving the Iron King, immediately floated up, struggling and roaring in mid-air, accompanied by Abel again. Waving his magic wand, Stan immediately flew towards the deserted area.

   At this time, Abel looked at Tony and said to him: "Take him out in no man's land, there are too many ordinary people here!"