
wizard in the world of marvel

Cross again! Carrying the magic and knowledge learned from the world of Harry Potter, he came to this Marvel world that is countless times more dangerous than the world of Harry Potter. Once you only needed to deal with Voldemort, now you have to face a large group of enemies that are much scarier than Voldemort. Abel means Alexander. Fortunately, he can still use magic from the Harry Potter world, but before that, he has to make himself a qualified wand! (translated from chinese)

Voldemortt · Movies
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161 Chs

Chapter 18: Technology pioneer

Tessa's home is very close to Sean's, and both belong to a real estate company.

Opening the door and looking at the empty house, Tessa shook her head disappointedly, turned her head to let Kane go home with herself, this is also the only thing Tessa can comfort her, there is always someone with her, even if it is used Unconventional means.

   But at this time, Kane's phone rang, but Kane still stayed by Tessa's side and had no idea of ​​answering the phone.

Tessa knew that it was from Kane's parents. Kane has been by her side for a while and didn't go home at all. Kane's parents were naturally very worried about Kane's state. Don't want Kane to leave him.

   "Kane, hang up and turn off the phone."

   got Tessa's order, Kane immediately took out the phone and hung up the phone and turned it off.

   "I think it's better for you to let him go home, otherwise the police will wait until his parents call the police."

Hearing this sudden sound, Tessa's face changed drastically, and she immediately turned to look behind her, and saw a man standing there with black smoke covering her appearance and figure. Such a strange state immediately made Tessa. He took a breath, and subconsciously wanted to turn around and escape.

   But after thinking about it, now I am different from before, turning around and standing behind Kane, looking at the man in front of him who is surrounded by black smoke, like wearing a hooded robe made of black smoke.

   This person who appeared suddenly is naturally Abel. At this time, he is quite sure that the Tessa in front of him indeed has the same ability as Kilgrave!

   "You, who are you?"

   Abel didn't have the idea of ​​talking nonsense with Tessa. He ignored Tessa's words and asked directly: "Where does your ability come from?"

   Now Abel, the magic power has not been restored to the point where he can use the mind of the gods, otherwise he doesn't need to bother to ask himself.

   Tessa turned pale when he heard what Abel said, and immediately denied it: "I don't know what you are talking about. If you don't leave my house soon, I will call the police!"

   Without talking nonsense with Tessa, Abel raised his hand and waved his wand to cast a petrification spell on Kane. The white light shot out and fixed Kane in place, like a stone statue.

   Seeing the sudden change in Kane, Tessa exclaimed. She looked at Abel and said loudly, "Leave me! Get out of my side! I order you to leave my house!"

Feeling the gradually chaotic mind, Abel immediately performed Occlumency, which can perfectly defend against Kilgrave's abilities. Naturally, he is not afraid of Tessa who doesn't know where to get Kilgrave's abilities. Half-hearted, letting Tessa's continuous use of abilities stand still.

   Finally, Tessa found that her ability was incapable of Abel, and at this time, her face gradually showed a look of despair.

   stepping back step by step, Tessa begged for mercy with fear: "Please, please, don't hurt me."

   "Tell me, where does your ability come from? As long as you tell the truth, not only will you be safe, but this boy named Kane can also live!"


   Tessa is obviously still hesitant.

   Seeing this, Abel waved his magic wand and blew up a vase next to Tessa. The broken pieces fell on Tessa, and Tessa screamed again.

   "I will tell you one last time and tell me how you got the ability. As long as you tell the truth, I can promise not to hurt you. This is an ultimatum."

   "I, I secretly took it out from my father's company. When I went there before, I stumbled upon the file in my father's computer. The password was my mother's birthday. I always knew...

I didn't want to do this, I just wanted them to pay more attention to me, so I secretly took a potion my father had put in the laboratory, but I was curious before, plus Angela and I rob Kane , I just, I couldn't resist using that potion. "

   Tessa's words were not very conditioning, but Abel still understood her meaning.

   To put it simply, in order to attract her father's attention, she stole the potion in her father's laboratory, and this potion gave Tessa and Kilgrave the ability to control other people!

   "Where is your father's company."

   With a look of horror on her face, Tessa retreated subconsciously, but she had already retreated to the corner and could no longer retreat.

   She looked at Abel and said in a panic: "No, no, you can't hurt my father, please!"

"If I want to hurt your father, then you will not be spared, and if I can let you go, it means that I have no interest in hurting your family. All I am interested in is the medicine. Tell me about your father's company. I can let you and your family go, otherwise I can wait here and wait for your father to come back. I can kill him at that time!"

   Abel feels that his patience is about to be burned out. Now he is very nostalgic for the days when he could use the mind-trapping mind in his previous life. At that time, he didn't need to go to great lengths to intimidate and lure him.

   "My father, my father is the chief researcher of pioneers in technology..."

   Looking at Tessa, who was crying in a low voice, Abel couldn't help feeling a little helpless. There was no sense of accomplishment in threatening a little girl.

   Technology pioneer? I remember it seems to be a medium-sized technology company, how could they possibly develop a potion that empowers Kilgrave... Or is it S.H.I.E.L.D., or...Hydra?

"I hope you are telling the truth to me, otherwise I will come to you again. Of course, if you are telling the truth, then we will never meet in the future... Besides, I don't want you to tell what happened today. Anyone, I think you should understand what I mean, right?"

   After completing the words, Abel floated away from the opened door of the house and quickly disappeared into Tessa's house.

   It is inevitable that Tessa ignored her warning and notified her father in advance. Abel looked up the detailed address of the Technology Pioneer Company and immediately looked for it.

   The taxi stopped on the side of the road one block away from the pioneer of science and technology, and Abel paid to get off the car and leave.

Standing on the side of the road, Abel looked up at the building of the pioneers of science and technology. It didn't matter to Abel what potions they studied and what abilities they could give people, but he had to figure out whether Kilgrave was dead. If he is alive, it is enough to die. If he is really alive, then Abel must let him die again and completely disappear into this world!