
Wives and Concubines

Alluring beauties, captivating goddesses, numerous married women, who could compare to me?

VixenQueen · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Yuanyuan Goes Missing, Miko Severely Injured ( Part 2 )

With anxiety in his heart, Mu Linfeng looked on with clarity and thought to himself, "Could it really be the work of a brother from the Green Dragon Society?"

Suddenly, Long Qingyun spoke up, "This is strange! Could it really be just a coincidence?" He then turned to Mu Linfeng and said, "I won't hide it from you, my brothers in the Green Dragon Society just received news that not only our little sister but also the two nieces of Feng Ren'ao, that old guy, have gone missing!"

Mu Linfeng's heart skipped a beat as he said to Long Qingyun, "That's right. Earlier this morning, when I went to the Feng residence, I happened to meet the two Misses Zheng and Tian who were also on their way to the Confucian Temple. Could it be that Yuan Yuan's disappearance is closely related to theirs? Could it be that someone is targeting Zheng and Tian because of something Feng Ren'ao did, and Yuan Yuan just happened to get caught up in it? But as far as I know, Tian is a ninja from Dongying with excellent martial arts skills. This opponent is definitely not easy to deal with!"

Long Qingyun fell silent for a while, his hands behind his back, and said, "If it's really just a matter of dealing with Feng Ren'ao, then it's not too difficult. My little sister was just caught up in it by chance, and I believe the other party wouldn't do anything to her. Remember that." He then sighed and said, "I'm afraid that this Jinling City will soon be plunged into chaos. It's been a long time since such characters have appeared in Jinling City!"

Mu Linfeng wondered to himself, "Who could be behind this?" It was only natural that he couldn't figure it out. Apart from knowing some famous people and events of this period, he knew nothing about others, such as Feng Ren'ao, the richest man in Jiangnan, or the people in the Green Dragon Society, as these were not recorded in history. If the person who abducted Chen Yuanyuan was someone recorded in history, it would be easier to deal with, since there would be some records of their character, preferences, and weaknesses in historical records. However, if it was someone like Long Qingyun, who had no record, Mu Linfeng would be unable to figure them out.

Mu Linfeng suddenly felt a tremor in his heart and said, "Long Qingfeng, right, Long Qingfeng? Why didn't I think of him? From Long Qingyun's tone before, I could also feel that the Green Dragon Society was at odds with the Feng family. Could it be that Long Qingfeng wants to deal with Feng Renao? In Jinling City, besides Zhu Yousong, the most powerful person is probably this hidden Qiansuiye. This person does things without leaving a trace, could it really be him?"

Mu Linfeng then thought again, "But according to Long Qingyun's words, the Green Dragon Society should be the most despising of those who harm the weak and vulnerable. As the leader of the Green Dragon Society, it's even less likely that Long Qingfeng would do such a thing. Moreover, even if Long Qingfeng really wants to deal with Feng Renao, there is no need to target the people around him. Just go after Feng Renao directly. Even if the Feng family has protectors like Kong, they can't guard against hidden arrows, can they?"

The more Mu Linfeng thought about it, the more confused he became. Perhaps, as Long Qingyun said, it may not necessarily be the work of outsiders. However, everything so far was just speculation. Until the facts were clear, anything was possible.

Long Qingyun patted Mu Linfeng's shoulder and said, "Second brother, no need to filter your thoughts. The situation has developed to this point, worrying is unnecessary. The most important thing now is to quickly find the whereabouts of our siblings! No matter who has taken them, Long Er will rescue them!"

Mu Linfeng thought the same. Guessing like this was not a solution. Long Qingyun turned to the crowd and said, "Immediately contact the hall masters, incense masters, and responsible persons of each route. Seal off the entire Jinling city and search every household. We also need to offer a high reward for anyone who can provide relevant information!" Then he turned to Mu Linfeng and said, "Second brother, I'll find a painter. Describe our siblings' appearance and immediately make a portrait to search for them!" He immediately had the best painter in Jinling City hired with a high salary.

Mu Linfeng sat in the Green Dragon Pool anxiously waiting. In half a cup of tea's time, the painter was brought in by the disciples of the Green Dragon Society. Mu Linfeng immediately described Chen Yuanyuan's appearance and figure to the painter. The painter listened in amazement, and Mu Linfeng scolded him, "What are you staring at? Quickly paint!" In his heart, he cursed, "This era is really backward. Isn't this just wasting time? If only Yuanyuan had a photo, we wouldn't have wasted so much time!"

Although the artist was said to have been heavily paid by the Qinglong Club, he was actually abducted. When he heard that he was being invited by someone from the Qinglong Club, he was already frightened and confused. And when he was intimidated by the disciples of the Qinglong Club, he became even more flustered. At this moment, seeing Mu Linfeng's fierce and malevolent appearance, he was even more terrified and dared not to delay. He immediately painted Chen Yuanyuan's portrait according to Mu Linfeng's description.

Mu Linfeng saw that although the painter was timid, his painting skills were indeed well-deserved. In less than half an hour, he finished painting Chen Yuanyuan's portrait. Although it did not match Chen Yuanyuan's beauty in person, it was vividly lifelike and had about seven to eight points of Chen Yuanyuan's taste. Moreover, it was not just a sketch. Having seven to eight points of similarity was enough to use for finding someone.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh when they saw the portrait, secretly thinking that Mu Linfeng was lucky to have such a beautiful wife. Even Long Qingyun couldn't help but stare at the portrait.

However, Mu Linfeng did not pay attention to these. He immediately had the artist copy several more portraits. After Long Qingyun carefully examined the scroll for a long time, he handed it over to his subordinates and said, "Immediately give this scroll to the leaders of various routes and inquire about Madam Mu's whereabouts, especially the person in charge of the area near the Confucius Temple. Tell him to inquire and ask more. If three living people were kidnapped, there must be some clues left."

After the subordinates went out to notify the leaders of the Qinglong Club in various routes, Mu Linfeng breathed a sigh of relief. Long Qingyun comforted Mu Linfeng and said, "Second brother, don't worry. I don't know about other members of the Qinglong Club, but as far as our intelligence network and manpower are concerned, we will not be lacking."

Mu Linfeng nodded his head and thought to himself, "If even the underworld is connected, should I ask for help from Zhu Yousong? I believe that if both the black and white forces work together to search, it should be twice the result with half the effort!" But then he thought, "But Zhu Yousong is known to be a lecherous man. If he sees Yuanyuan's portrait, even if Yuanyuan is rescued, won't she just go from the tiger's den to the wolf's lair?"

At this time, Long Qingyun said, "Second brother, I think you should go back and wait for news. Let's cancel tonight's banquet. I will explain to the elder brothers and everyone in the Qinglong Club. I believe everyone will understand!" Then he said, "I heard that the second brother has some acquaintance with Little Fu Wang. I think it's best for the second brother to ask for help from Little Fu Wang. After all, Jinling City is under his jurisdiction. With his help, I think the kidnappers will have a hard time escaping from Jinling City, even if they have wings!"

Mu Linfeng said, "To be honest with the second brother, I have thought about asking Little Fu Wang for help, but I have only met him once at the Chunxiang Tower. We had dinner at the Yipin Tower today and had a few words, but we can't really call it a close relationship."