
Wives and Concubines

Alluring beauties, captivating goddesses, numerous married women, who could compare to me?

VixenQueen · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Yuanyuan Goes Missing, Miko Severely Injured ( Part 1 )

One afternoon, Mu Linfeng and Long Qingyun were at the Qinglong Pond. Long Qingyun introduced Mu Linfeng to many important members of the Qinglong Society, including hall masters, fragrance masters, and even a few elders, all of whom respected Long Qingyun greatly. However, when it came to Long Qingfeng, their expressions revealed not just respect, but also fear.

Mu Linfeng spent the whole afternoon making up stories about his experiences in Nanyang, exaggerating his encounters in the 21st century and using modern-day terms. The elders and hall masters were astonished, while the older ones were full of questions, but Mu Linfeng managed to evade them every time, and the younger ones were envious.

In the evening, Long Qingyun said to everyone, "My older brother is holding a banquet at Yipin Tower tonight. You must all attend!"

Everyone fell silent and thoughtful, and Long Qingyun continued, "This is not a matter for the gang. My older brother is just celebrating the fact that Long Er has made a good brother...". He looked at Mu Linfeng, who smiled in response, and Long Qingyun added, "It's just a gathering, there's no need to decline!"

Everyone nodded and promised, "Yes, yes, we will attend the banquet held by Lord Long and Second Lord. How could we not go?"

Mu Linfeng said to Long Qingyun, "Everyone can go first. I have some trivial matters to attend to at home. I'll go to the banquet on time tonight!"

Long Qingyun smiled and said, "If you have something to do, go ahead. Long Er will send someone to pick you up at home tonight!"

Mu Linfeng said repeatedly, "There's no need, I'll go to Yipin Tower as soon as I finish my business!"

Mu Linfeng then said goodbye to everyone, and they agreed to meet later that night, promising not to return until they were drunk.

Mu Linfeng went to Qinglong Pool and immediately called a rickshaw. While sitting in the carriage, he thought to himself, "I was supposed to meet Zhu Yousong at Chunxiang Tower tonight. I wonder if that little guy has woken up yet. It's not good to have a double date at night. Should I go check on him first?"

As Mu Linfeng was pondering, a person ran towards him on the road. It was a servant from the Mu Mansion, who gasped for breath and said, "Young master... madam... madam is missing..."

Mu Linfeng was shocked and asked, "What did you say? Missing? What happened?"

The servant replied, "After the young master left this morning, the madam said she was going to the Temple of her husband. Two clever brothers from the second branch were sent to follow her. But just now, only one of the brothers came back. He fainted at the door, covered in injuries, and hasn't woken up yet. There is no trace of the madam. The second branch has sent all the brothers to search for her, but there has been no news so far. The second branch sent me to find the young master..."

Mu Linfeng's heart skipped a beat and he thought, "Could it be that some wicked person was attracted to Yuan Yuan's beauty and had evil intentions?" He shuddered at the thought and quickly said, "Keep searching, search every corner!" He immediately instructed the carriage driver to turn around and said, "Go back to Qinglong Pool now!"

Mu Linfeng thought to himself, "If Yuan Yuan has really been taken away by some wicked person, I can only turn to my second brother. After all, he is part of the underworld here and should have more connections than me. But we just became sworn brothers today, and I don't want to trouble him so soon!" But then he thought, "This matter is so strange. Could it have something to do with the Qinglong Society? Didn't Long Qingyun try to make a move on me earlier at Qinglong Pool? Could it be that it was just a test and Yuan Yuan's disappearance was caused by the Qinglong Society, using her to threaten me?"

Mu Linfeng was anxious in his heart, thinking, "Could it be the work of the Qinglong Club? If I go and inquire about Long Qingyun, I might be able to find out!" When he arrived at the Qinglong Pool, Mu Linfeng told Long Qingyun about Chen Yuanyuan's disappearance and said, "I'm new to Jinling, and if I do something out of line, it's just my nature and not intentional. If my elder brother knows who did it, please ask him to apologize to this friend on my behalf. If there is anything inappropriate about my behavior, I will apologize in person. But please spare my wife and children!"

Long Qingyun's face changed and he said, "Although Second Brother Long is a rough person, he also understands what you mean. You think Long Er abducted your sister?" He then snorted and said, "You really underestimate Long Er. Although he has done many evil things in the past, he has never done anything as despicable as kidnapping women. Even if it was done by his subordinates, he would be ashamed to be associated with them and would punish them immediately."

In fact, Mu Linfeng had been observing Long Qingyun's expression while talking about Chen Yuanyuan's disappearance. Long Qingyun was a rough person and not as deep as his brother Long Qingfeng. Whatever he was thinking should be revealed on his face, even if he had some hidden intentions, there would be some clues. Mu Linfeng believed that his ability to read people was decent, so he quickly changed the subject and said, "Elder Brother, you misunderstood me!"

Long Qingyun said, "Long Er is not stupid. He can understand what you mean from your words. Even if you are my sworn brother's enemy, Long Er would never do such a despicable thing."

Mu Linfeng quickly said, "Elder Brother, you really misunderstood me. What I meant was whether I unintentionally offended a brother of the Qinglong Club, so..."

Long Qingyun immediately slammed the table and shouted at his brothers behind him, "Whoever did this within the club, stand up now! Confess now and Long Er will forgive you. If Long Er finds out later, don't blame him for not showing mercy!"

A big man behind him said, "Second Young Master, I believe that the brothers in the association wouldn't do such a thing. The association rules are so strict that I don't think anyone would dare to do it. Besides, Young Master Mu is your sworn brother, and everyone in the association already knows that. Young Master Mu is already our third young master in the Qinglong Association. Who would have the audacity to do such a thing? Moreover, Young Master Mu has just arrived in Jinling, how could he have any misunderstanding with us in the Qinglong Association? It must be the work of outsiders."

Long Qingyun snorted coldly and said, "No news is good news. If Long Er finds out, even if I wanted to give him six whole bodies, it would be difficult!" Then he turned to Mu Linfeng and said, "Second Brother, don't worry. Jinling City is not that big. I don't believe that anyone can fly away!"

Mu Linfeng suddenly said seriously, "Second Brother, it was wrong for me to suspect the Qinglong Association. Please forgive me. I was just too anxious..."

Long Qingyun waved his hand and said, "What are you talking about, Second Brother? Although we just became sworn brothers today, it is a fact that cannot be changed. Everyone in Jinling City probably knows that you, Mu Linfeng, are my younger brother. We are brothers, and we can say whatever we want. Long Er will definitely investigate this matter thoroughly!"

Just then, a member of the Qinglong Association came in and whispered a few words to Long Qingyun. His face changed slightly.